ToraDora!: 08 – More Swimming, More Do-kin’

Relationship take turns in a swimming event: with Ryuuji being the prize for the sake of their summer vacation!


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ToraDora!: 07 – Ami is more fake than Taiga’s paddings…


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ToraDora!: 06 – Fake bitch isn’t fake anymore… But still a bitch.



Expect the summary to be short for today. Busy and sad high school student is busy and sad.

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ToraDora!: 05 – Bitchslap for the Bitch!

Is it just me or ToraDora had been keeping it up high and awesome? This episode finally introduces the last piece of the  main characters of the story, Ami.


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ToraDora!: 04 – Picture Perfect

Sorry for the super-late post! Anyway, this episode is AWESOME! Taiga is looking cute as ever!


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ToraDora! ED: Vanilla Salt


One of my favorite ED themes of the season, sung by Horie Yui.


ToraDora! OP: Pre-Parade


ToraDora! OP: Pre-Parade by Kugimiya Rie, Horie Yui, Kitamura Eri

I’m back from our camping!!! Haha lols… I’m very tired now so I’ll just leave you with this one. I’ll be also putting up Horie Yui’s Vanilla Salt (ToraDora! ED) tomorrow because I’ll be taking a rest now after four straight, tiring days. I’ll also try to create a post about our school trip and our camping because I have a lot to share ^_^.


Toradora! 03: – The Sparkly Minorin

A Minorin-centric episode! …Umm I don’t know if I would be happy about that…


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ToraDora!: 02 – What are you going to do with a ball, some cookies and a pole?

Sorry for the super delayed post X/… But whoa! Things are really getting fast this episode. The first two episodes had like, covered 11 chapters of the manga… but I don’t have any major complaints at all.


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ToraDora! – 01

We meet Ryuuji, who lives next door to a huge apartment house. He lives with his mother. His mother often recall Ryuuji looks like his father, which Ryuuji doesn’t like to hear. Ryuuji is a guy who’s very much NOT gifted when it comes to looks. His eyes are stingy as a delinquent’s stare, which makes people go away from him, well maybe except for his longtime classmate Kitamura Yuusaku.


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