Shounen OP Singles: Ao no Exorcist & SKET Dance
Seems like it’s a musical weekend and adding to the list, OP Singles of Ao no Exorcist, “CORE PRIDE” by UVERworld and SKET Dance’s “Kakko Warui, I love you!” by French Kiss.
Telepathy use at its best~
Our favorite twins are back in action!~
What happens when your teacher leaves you alone in a room for three hours?
Ever notice how small their eyebrows really are?
You will now be afraid to go near or into gardens…
Seems like it’s a musical weekend and adding to the list, OP Singles of Ao no Exorcist, “CORE PRIDE” by UVERworld and SKET Dance’s “Kakko Warui, I love you!” by French Kiss.
Brotherly love, or so we thought…?
And so enters the demon among demons in his ominous blue flames…
It’s here, it’s blue, and it is AWESOME~
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