Meganebu! – 02
It’s hard to tell since they’re being subtle about it, but this is a show about glasses.
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist – 12 [END]
Blatantly recycled animation can do terrible things to people.
Before becoming a vampire, Kojou starred in Kuroko no Basuke.
It’s hard to tell since they’re being subtle about it, but this is a show about glasses.
“Why aren’t you psychically able to know my preferences?!”
No blood drinking yet, but plenty of nose bleeds
These characters have way too much spare time on their hands.
Ooooof course they have a limo.
Blatantly recycled animation can do terrible things to people.
Monokuma brought you a gift. It’s your immanent death~.
Saying “farewell”…
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