MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 20 [NSFW]
Time to say bye to Monster Musume, Bikini Warriors and Okusama!
Yep we have reached the end of the summer MetaFAP shows, but To Love-Ru Darkness will stick around for three more weeks since it has 14 episodes! As for the others I will miss Monster Musume because it was so strange and filled with some great characters like Suu, Papi and Rachnera.
I am such a total slacker. Fosh would be all “Hey, we doing MF this week?” and I’m all “Sure, let me write stuff” and then it’s Monday again and it’s not written. But now that the shows are ending, I finally caught up! Sorry Fosh!
To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd – 10 – 11
Current mood: Ecchi
Before we get to the fun of episode eleven we have to talk about episode ten aka the big school reveal with Mea showing off her super cool powers! Yes thanks to the typical To Love-Ru plot of insert one of Lala’s inventions going crazy at school we have a vacuum cleaner which was powered by a mini black hole? Wow Lala is either smart or insane! Anyway it malfunctions and goes from sucking up trash to sucking up panties?! Yep that is the entire plot of episode ten, but at the same time it was a special episode because Yami got the chance to call Mea her little sister in front of the entire school or was it more of a friendship episode for Oshizu and Mea? Either way it works. Now onto episode eleven which starts the official “darkness” arc and IMO is the whole reason this To Love-Ru is even called Darkness, but of course we could say it’s called that because of Nemesis? I don’t really have much to say about the episode other than prepare yourself to see a very different side of Yami! Then again Misato Fukuen who plays Yami did a great job as the over the perverted Rika from Haganai.
Panty sucking robots ftw.
Harem king Rito.
Yami loves her showers.
Odd that she smiles here in the anime but not in the manga.
Momo is the best alarm clock…
Not that any of us would be sleeping.
Yami and Rito have all kinds of fun together.
Tearju is a great preview of Yami as an adult.
Yami showing off her true power.
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou 10-12 [END]
Miia cooked. Everyone died. The End.
A kaiju battle between Suu and a dryad, more of Cerea’s taking it too far, and the influence of a devil give us more of the usual stuff in episode 11, but Cerea does learn an important lesson for herself, and that’s that it’s ok to not be able to do everything yourself, and ask for help from others when you need to. In return, you should try to help others when they ask and you can be helpful. That’s a good motto to live by, I think. And on top of that, Rachnera gets herself a little plaything when she catches the devil that was trying to bewitch Cerea.
Darling is the most resilient guy ever
The dates continue in episode 11, but this time it’s with the MON squad, who apparently got bored and wanted to join in the fun. Darling-kun, being an all around great guy, shows each of them a good time, including showing off his sewing skills helping Tio with her skirt, and helping Zombina with her hand… and left boob. He even is genuinely nice to Mana, who has trouble with her self-confidence and with people being scared of her. But it turns out that the original threatening letter was a ploy by Smith and Doppel to try to goose Darling into picking one of the monster girls to marry. But what it really showed is that he is caring about everyone, and doesn’t really care if they’re Interspecies Exchange Girls. But it turns out that there actually is a threat to him, from the Dullahan, who is probably my least favorite character in the show (slotting in below Papi, if you can believe that). There is just no consistency to her character. Is she serious? Is she goofy? She tries to ride some line that’s both, and it just doesn’t work.
Gettin’ pretty handsy there…
I have to say that the series finale was probably the best episode of the show by quite a long ways. It managed to work all the girls in but not making fun of them too much. It was also the most sincere seeming one, as everyone freaks out about Dullahan threatening to kill Darling, but they just put him in more danger until he finally puts a stop to it. He has to be feeling pretty indestructible, especially raising a whole forest of death flags. But he figures out that she’s really just chuunibyou, and not really someone to be scared of. The rest of the episode is quest for food, as Darling hadn’t realized that he could bill the Interspecies Agency for the food for the girls. But the shopping district helps out with the leftover fish parts, the misshapen vegetables, b-grade eggs, and all sorts of other food that they can give away because the girls are very charming when they’re in their wheelhouse. Another factor in the last episode’s favor is that I think half of the animation budget for the entire series went into it, with a lot of high framerate animation. All in all a satisfying end to this series, which might be getting a second series sooner than you think.
Miia’s not letting you die without her
Manako finally makes eye contact
If he died giving her the children, how did she get the wedding picture?
A new use for Suu: muffler
A single frame guest appearance in the last episode. Can you guess who?
Bikini Warriors 10-12 [END]
The whole lineup
Loot and Sacrifice are the main themes in these three episodes. First, I think we all know that after a tiring dungeon crawl, everyone just wants to get some loot and head home. But stupid booby-trapped chests take the fun out of the loot. And so does not getting what you want. Unfortunately, our heroes argue themselves out of any loot by complaining about what they are offered. You should always take whatever you can get!
I figured I’d stick with the bedroom pictures
Episode 11 presents us the selflessness of the Paladin, who repeatedly sacrifices herself for her comrades. After helping everyone out, she actually decides to ‘sacrifice’ herself to the sketchy mayor of the town. There are certainly a few mixed messages coming out of her as she prepares to be defiled, but at the last moment she’s saved by her friends. … Yeah, thanks guys…
I said that I was sticking with these, didn’t I?
Episode 12 gave us something that I thought was interesting: A clip show but of all new clips. Fighter killing her father, Paladin blowing up to sacrifice herself for everyone, Dark Elf betraying everyone, Mage… not really doing anything, but being cute while she does it. We even get the return of Valkyrie and Hunter, who aren’t really any more effective than the rest of them, but do provide more of a cast. Basically, they go through a bunch of adventures without needing any plot, and a bunch of apparent bedroom combinations. I wouldn’t be surprised to see another series of Bikini Warriors, and to be honest, it wasn’t a terrible show. I mean, if you want a MetaFap show, it’s about the pinnacle, except for…
Nope, not done yet
Can’t leave Mage out, can we?
Oh no! Betrayed at the end!
Okusama ga Seitokaichou! 11-12 [END]
It’s a little more see-through than she thought.
Happy Birthday, Ui! Ui’s 16 now, so she could actually get married to Hayato, but that’s not what’s on his mind. He wanted to get her a present, but she mistook a gift from Sawatari as a present for her, and I think everyone liked it. At least until Ui realized how see-through it was. But her mom was at least partly right, in that if a guy gives a girl clothes, it’s at least part of his goal to take them off her. So she takes this opportunity to “pounce” on him, even if she messes up and falls asleep at first.
“Seems like you like it.”
I have to say that even though it’s male-gazey, I like the characterization here of Ui about 98%. I have problems with Hayato’s constant “hold-back, hold-back, hold-back… lose control” excusing of what he’s doing. I would much rather see him willingly participating, not doing it out of spite or ‘because he was pushed over the edge’. I find that tedious and a bit too rape-y. Be a human, take some responsibility. But Ui on the other hand is someone who has found what she wants, and she is interested and engaged.
“You’re not the only one”
The final episode was kind of a let-down, with Ui’s mom making another appearance, and this time bringing her dad, who also looks and talks like an elementary school kid. And has a big chip on his shoulder. But eventually he seems to relent a little bit, especially realizing that this is what Ui wants, a factor that also makes Hayato more accepting of Ui. A little bit anti-climactic, but overall not a bad series.
I think “Dad” is younger than Hayato.
He fell for the “I’m cold” routine
Tags: BikiniWarriors, MetaFap, Toloveru_D, おくさま, モン娘
POWUH: Meta Resident and LN Informant with 1529 comments
IIRC the manga’s still ongoing, and is in the middle of Mero’s story arc ATM.
Some more monstergirls show up, but only as guest appearances.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
To be honest, the whole show felt like guest appearances. Trying to fit something like 10 characters into every episode meant there wasn’t much time for anyone. It felt to me like it ended up being the “Darling and Suu Show” most of the time.
It certainly seems like something that could just go on for quite a while.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd: So you’re telling me Darkness’ personality is the exact opposite of the original Yami but still retains the destructive nature planted inside? That should be something to see. At the moment, it’s hard to imagine Yami acting like a pervert after being a prude for so long. Though that is one hell of a revealing new outfit she has on.
However, what Nemesis did to draw Darkness out rubbed me the wrong way. It was cruel. When things eventually get resolved, I hope she doesn’t get off the hook easily or not at all if possible.
Strange that this is an anime that takes 14 episodes to complete its season. It’s an odd number whereas other single cour shows have 12/13 episodes.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yeah Yami hates perverted things so her alternate personality loves perverted things so I guess that is her true “darkness” locked inside or we could say the loss of Mea might have been the final push.
True! I can’t even comment on Mea cause its a spoiler, but yeah it just goes to show you Nemesis is screwed up.
14 is strange I know but they had to get to this darkness arc even though they could have easily cut out two or three nonsense episodes and pushed that a bit faster…
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Muromi~~ We also want Levia-tan. And the brown Malaysian LOLi.
Damn steam. We need a wind tunnel.
Unfortunately, most of my time these days is occupied with KSP.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
After 11 episodes I think you would be used to the steam.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
TLRD2: Ep 10. Best Vacuum EVAR! You know, given what Lala’s inventions always end up doing, I think there is an ecchi mad scientist inside her screaming to get out. Speaking of ecchi mad scientist…Yes! Misan getting her Rika on for Yami’s transformation! But wait. The ultimate weapon can only be used when it’s at peace? That’s kinda awesome, and kind stupid. But it works! And if no one else will appreciate Nemesis’ swimsuit, I guess I will…if I gotta….
MonMusu: Yeah, like you told zz above, it did feel like a show full of guest stars. But it’s not that the character’s are very deep. They’re pretty much walking (and swimming and flying) tropes, with the Venn Diagrams cenetering on Unintentional Darling Abuse. But, as you also say it became the Darling and Suu show…and I like that.
Bikini: I suppose this show worked. It pretty much felt like a manga, and I wonder if it should have been one all along…
Seitokaichou: In looking back, I’m thinking that the show was trying to skew or subvert the typical Male as Initiator and Female as Recipient (ONLY!) dynamic. It could have gone further with letting these two find the comfort zone their physical relationship would work on, but that probably been just more of the same Clusmy, at least for a while. It’s one of the shorts they had this season that I would have liked to see as a full show.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
MonMusu: Yeah, unfortunately with so many characters, they pretty much picked a single trait and went with it. So characters like Cerea (seriousness) and Suu (quiet playfulness and always winning / saving the others) got good traits, Rachnera got a fanservice trait (mild S), and Miia got terrible traits (stupid clingy jealousy and bad cook). I thought that was unfortunate because I personally liked Miia a lot starting out, and they really ruined her character with that focus.
Seitokaichou: I thought that they were making good progress with both Hayato and Ui as far as their physical relationship and attitudes. I don’t know if they were *trying* to do anything in particular, but I think they ended up with a good balance, especially with Ui. Hayato did have success in the later episodes shaking off the devils when they popped up, which I thought was a good start. There was still too much of the vindictive “Oh, so you started it but I’m gonna finish it” thinking, and too much of the “I’ve been pushed into being like an animal through no fault of my own.” And that really needs to go away. But Ui I thought was pretty authentic throughout.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
MonMusu: Suu always wins, in everything!
Seitokaicho: I think I’m guilt of seeing a character arc, or the beginning of one, with Hayato that might not be there? That he will get away from that “typical” sort of gender-think, But an arc has to start with the “typical” before it goes towards “atypical”.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
TLRD2 I loved seeing ecchi Yami from the manga it was crazy! I mean for the longest time we have seen this shy anti ecchi Yami that it becomes boring so this is a welcome change.
Bikini: That was funny when it made fun of video game tropes like walking into houses like in Zelda and stealing peoples stuff because you’re the “hero” and therefor you can do whatever you want LOL outside of that it was kinda average.
Monster: Did you see the s2 announcement? xD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Whooooo! S2 for MonMusu!