MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 19 [NSFW]


Baths, maids and epic battles.

winter15-fosh Wooooooooooooo!! Time for another thrilling MetaFAP post and things are moving smoothly for ToLoveRu Darkness as far as real story and plot goes, but Monster Girls seems to be my favorite so far because it’s new and every week they seem to be throwing lots of new girls at us lately from dragons, demons and giant trees? I know next week we will meet the dullahan character and I can’t wait to see how different she is compared to Celty of Durarara.


They sure don’t worry about mixing mythos on MonMusu, do they?


To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd – 08 – 09

toloveRuD (11)

Poor Mikan left out of all the fun this week.

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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou – 09

MonMusu - A solid snake in a box

Miia’s a pretty solid snake

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Bikini Warriors – 09

Bikini Warriors - Ok, that guys done

Some heroes, just killing old guys for fun

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Okusama ga Seitokaichou! – 10

Okusama - Shocked

Poor confusable Ui

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8 Responses to “MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 19 [NSFW]”

  1. BlackBriar says:

    To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd – 08 – 09: Even when she’s not onscreen, Nemesis is raising hell. I didn’t give much thought as to why the alien sword ended up at the mansion. All was under the impression it was a freak accident or maybe because incident magnet for everyone around him.

    LOL at Yami’s statement as she caught Rito: “This man’s sexual harassment has reached the level of a superpower” Then what can be said of every other male lead in an ecchi/harem anime?

    I guess this is the consequence for Lala not getting a lot of screen time. Makes it difficult to determine her personality. As she was talking about plans to help Rito along with Haruna when she had an interest in him, I felt she was being absent-minded about her own account and lacking knowledge in certain things. Only after Momo intervened I realized how immature she is. For someone I believe is the eldest sister, Lala is the most childish of the three.

    • HannoX says:

      Lala is the oldest of the sisters, but her carefree attitude makes her seem more immature. I think if she ever starts taking things seriously, she’ll be someone to reckon with. For that matter, IIRC, way back in Season One it was mentioned that when she was younger she was serious minded. But I don’t see the manga or the anime changing her personality, except perhaps temporarily in a crisis–every harem series seems to need the air-headed girl and Lala is elected for that role here.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah Lala is the oldest but just like HannoX says she has a carefree attitude about things and doesn’t feel the need to be super serious about things, but thankfully she does show us sometimes she is aware of certain things and yeah unfortunately she is cursed to be the airhead of the series because harem law requires there to be at least one of those character types! Personally id rather have Haruna as the airhead because I just don’t care for her at all.

  2. skylion says:


    Rito looks disappointed

    …nope. That’s his “greater things come in smaller packages” realization face.

    I don’t know if I want the show to answer who Rito loves or doesn’t love for whatever reason. It would feel like a tug at the thread that holds the whole sweater together. While unraveling the sweater for TLR reasons, is kinda the meta this show sails on, it would be like asking why this dink still has the same reaction each time he face-plants against anything feminine; when he should be so inured to this by now. The show works cause we have already bought that there will be no answers…just more of the same.

    Seitokaichou: Sawatari is an interesting style of character. She has all the pretense to be the facilitator, but will end up being the foil. If they can somehow play those roles with each other, that would probably be funny. But. Isn’t she offering to deliver to his home, what he already has in his own house, free for the asking?

    MonMusu What are the things that begin with “D”. That’s pretty much what I got out of this one…As for the box joke, I think it’s just coincidence.

    • Foshizzel says:

      TLRD2: At least her flat chest balances out her flat personality! Out of the three main sisters I can’t stand Nana, but at the same time I love her voice actress…I just hate how she is always complaining about everything! You know what Rito’s like so why complain when he does something sexual to you? LOL

      Naw they won’t ever because then that would be the death of the series much like any harem series ever created! If the MC actually LOVED one of the girls then its over unless the creators really want it to end?

      MonMusu: I guess lore wise there are a lot of “D” named monsters, but I guess with episode 11 we get a Dullahan so another D! So far we had Dragon, Dryad, Demon and I saw a Dog in episode 10 jogging around the lake xD

  3. Di Gi Kazune says:

    All those lights in TL;DR2. Their lighting contractor sux. 😛

    Okusama looks LOLi incesty.

    At least I’m glad that no one is fapping to Prillya. Have discovered what is coming on BD1…

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