Happy Birthday, Kyokai!


Happy Birthday boss lady!!

winter15-fosh Woooooooo! It’s time to celebrate boss lady Kyokai’s birthday!! I know you have been quite busy with real life stuffs, but I hope you have a wonderful day with your friends and family on your special day! So eat some cake and have some fun.


winter15-karaHappy birthday to the best boss lady ever!! Kyo, thank you so much for everything you do for us and the site. I hope your birthday is all sorts of awesome (like, Shiki level awesome) and that you get some time to relax!


winter15-skylionHappy Birthday Kyo! I hope you are enjoying everything life has to throw your way, including that one and only special day to call your own. I hope you are surrounded by friends and loved ones, and that some good times can make it all very enjoyable indeed. Eat, drink,and be merry. Lots of hugs coming from me to you! I’m missing you around here, as I can’t keep a Lesser Grail and a Greater Grail straight any more. Lots of crazy Illya stuff is happening, and I hope you can stop by and set my knowledge on the right path! Best wishes to you and yours….



winter15-suma Happy birthday to our boss-lady! I hope you are adjusting well to life at your new home. We’ll be holding down the fort as usual while you get up to speed on real life. Oh, and don’t forget to party on this always special occasion!


winter15-highwHappy Birthday, Kyokai! It’s been a big year for you, settling in Down Under and everything associated with that. Hope that the next year is great for you, and that you have (had) a fun birthday, since you’re in the future!


winter15-anaaga Happy birthday Tenchou! I’m sorry I haven’t been in active in Meta, but I haven’t forgotten Meta and you! Someday we will meet again. But for now, just celebrate your birthday with your loved ones. Happy birthday!




Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear boss lady!! Happy Birthday to You! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday Kyokai! Spend the day with the ones you love and be sure to eat lots of cake and other goodies. I am so grateful to you for starting all this and creating the foundations of this wonderful blogging family. So, take time out and have a great time on this wonderful day. Relax and have fun you deserve it!


spring15-sams Happy Birthday Kyokai!  I offer tribute in the form of well wishes for your continued rule and dominance of this small corner of the Internet.    I hope you are having a great time, so remember to make the most out of (fulfilling activity/bucket list item/trial by fire) and have some cake too!



We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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11 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Kyokai!”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Nyan! A Cat Is Fine Too!

  2. belatkuro says:

    Happy Birthday Kyokai. Hope you’re doing well in life.
    May your love for TM and Metanorn never fade and continue to grow, just as both are still flourishing all these years.

    Fun fact: In Fate/Grand Order, your Servants can greet you in your birthday when you set the date. It’s fun to hear them greet me today. I like Lancelot just saying “Birth…day” in his voice. I don’t have Saber but I did have Saber Lily, Lancer Cu and Medusa greet me as well so I’m satisfied.

    • Kyokai says:

      Doing good, belatkuro, and Happy birthday to you too! 🙂

      That is a very nifty trick of Order indeed. I’d be satisfied with Archer alone. 😉

  3. Joojoobees says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I hope you have a greater day than ever before. May you luxuriate in the Love and Admiration of family, friends, and acquaintances.

  4. Overcooled says:

    Sorry for the late wishes, Kyokai-sama! I was at a funeral and didn’t get a chance to be part of the post. But I still hope you have the most wonderful birthday!

  5. BlackBriar says:

    I’m a little late but… Happy birthday, Kyokai!!! And many more in the future. Here’s to hoping you’ll always maintain Metanorn as it is.

    • Kyokai says:

      Thanks, BB! 🙂

      I hope so too! It was a shocker seeing the 6th digit against the link. Been so many years already.

  6. Kyokai says:

    Awwww, thank you, Meta Team, for the amazing wishes! <333333

    My Mikiya kept me busy the whole day with a planned outing so it was quite nice and eventful. There was chocolate cake, flowers and many surprise gifts.

    I know I have been quite busy with RL and of course settling in the new city but hopefully, I'll be back to some meta business in the new season. Thanks for all the work up till now and let's gear up for many years to come! ^^

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