MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 17 [NSFW]


Time for some fresh MetaFAP action this week.

Time for more MetaFAP on Metanorn! I hope you have a fun time with the usual shows.



Momo, Miia, Papi, Paladin, and the President this week…



To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd – 06

tolovreD (8)

Momo had some great expressions this week~

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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou – 06

MonMusu - Miia Dream 2

Miia’s got a vivid imagination

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Bikini Warriors – 06

Bikini Warriors - Paladin again

Fighting one-handed

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Okusama ga Seitokaichou! – 07

Okusama - There you go with chicks

Maybe she can be bought

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9 Responses to “MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 17 [NSFW]”

  1. BlackBriar says:

    To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd – 06: Never underestimate Momo. Just when you think she’s excluded from something, it turns out it’s another part of her plan and Mikan played right into her hands. Though she’ll have to be more careful with Nemesis steadily fouling up anything else she has in mind. To me at the moment, Nemesis is like a more aggressive, spiteful and selfish version of Momo.

  2. skylion says:

    TLRD2: I keep wondering if the writers are somehow giving us clues about the big Darkness plot in the seemingly unrelated Momo plot. I think there is a comparison between both Yami and Rito as both seem ignorant of the power they have over others, and are only concerned with a small part of it.

    Both are different people, though, some it comes out in Rito being blinds to other girls’ feelings for him, and with Yami, perhaps she is ignorant over how much power she does have in relation to the Darkness that Nemesis keeps bringing up. She does rather have an interest in keeping both Yami and Rito “off their game”.

    MonMuse: I’m just glad they gave Suu something useful to do. Convenient power is convenient.

    Bikini: Yeah, not much to say…

    Seitokaichou: Ah sweet, Morality Officer just doesn’t know what to do…but she keeps trying anyway…

    • Foshizzel says:

      I think the “darkness” is coming soon it’s just taking a loooong time to get to it…

      Yeah I suppose so, but sadly it will always be Lala or Haruna as #1 and #2 while the other girls fall to the side.

  3. JPNIgor says:

    It’s not like I watch it, but I really felt like asking: Are To Love Ru’s episodes something like a season-long bathroom scene? How come they are always in the bath taking bath together? Wtf…

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