High School DxD Born – 09 [NSFW]

DxD BorN - The rage

Uh oh, this could be bad

winter15-highwSometimes things happen so fast. You think you win the fight, and then the victory you won is pulled out from under your feet by something else. And sometimes that will just push a person right over the edge…

The REAL Mastermind Arrives

DxD BorN - Someone's lost it

Issei’s lost all his marbles

We discussed the literary eye-rolling that “Your Princess is in another castle” can evoke, and along with that this week we get “Now you can fight the REAL boss!” DxD rolls two kinda lame devices together here to have Shalba Beelzebub show up to try to wipe out the sister of the current Lucifer, and at the same time he transports Asia off to the Dimensional Gap. But that’s not really the important part here. Yes, Shalba is stronger than Xenovia, whose attacks are dispersed with just a shield. And Rias might match up close to him, especially with support from Akeno and Kiba. But none of that matters, because Issei is broken by Asia disappearing. And his grief and rage result in the unleashing of the Juggernaut Drive (which isn’t exactly a new idea, as Vali was about to use it at the end of New before he was stopped (cause it’s a dumb thing to do). But there’s no talking sense into Issei when you’ve just taken Asia away, so all Ddraig can do is speak to the others and tell them to get the heck out of dodge.

DxD BorN - Ohshit fucked now

How to get him back from over this cliff?

The Juggernaut Drive is something that had to this point been figured as an end of life thing. Generally unstoppable when started, it continues until the life force of the host is drained or killed. Basically it’s an all-out rampage. And the voices that are heard as he transforms are the former holders of the Sekiryuutei. But it’s something that Shalba has no defense against, and so he’s quickly destroyed, along with almost everything else around. Then the big question becomes “Can Issei be saved?”

DxD BorN - Saved

Rias does help him get back, but in a different way

And here we get a pretty significant departure from the LN, and I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad one. The anime decides to just go with power to counteract Issei’s power, and maybe it represents more dilution of the idea of Juggernaut Drive. Vali uses it to divide Issei’s power to something a little more manageable and then Rias is able to convince him through the power of love. Perhaps they’ve also dealt with the seed of doubt and fear that was in him, which Ophis claims and dissipates after Issei is brought back to himself. That isn’t actually something that’s in the LN, but maybe it’s better than it just being his own insecurities that he has to overcome.

DxD BorN - Vali's goal

“When I grow up, I’m gonna be a REAL dragon!”

I mentioned the departure from the LN, and it is a big change in tone to one that’s much more heroic and less corny erotic like the rest of the show. In the source, the thing that brings Issei down from the edge is… the Oppai Dragon song (conveniently brought by Irina). And then Issei is transformed back to himself by pushing Rias nipples again. It’s certainly different, but I think both things fit in with the show, and I have to say that I don’t really mind that they didn’t put another facepalm-y boob thing in. Even in the LN, it’s a big joke, with the most remarkable thing being Rias’ lack of visible embarrassment about it.

Defeating the Old Maou Faction

DxD BorN - One shot, one kill

So little effort, so much destruction

With the defeat of Shalba Beelzebub, there’s only one more loose end with the Old Maou, and that’s Creuserey Asmodeus. And he doesn’t put up much resistance when Sirzechs shows up. They condensed that part of the fight a little as well, in that Sirzechs had offered Creuserey the chance to talk and to bring them back into negotiations. But that doesn’t do anything but make Creuserey mad, so Sirzechs wipes him out like he does here. I think it’s instructive to note that Sirzechs had to do very little to utterly destroy him, yet these guys thought that they should be in charge of the Underworld. Just a little delusional there.

DxD BorN - Ophis just pops up anywhere

She just shows up wherever she wants

The other introduction this episode was that of Ophis. The Ourobouros who is the beginning and the end. She’s credited as the ‘leader’ of the Chaos Brigade, but she sure doesn’t look confrontational from the way things happened this episode. She wouldn’t fight Azazel, and indicated that her goal is “Silence”. She actually becomes a pretty interesting character throughout the rest of the series, so I’m looking forward to having her around more. We saw the image of Great Red this episode, who is currently in the Dimensional Gap, but that’s where Ophis wants to be, and she’s really a dragon of the same class as Great Red, whether she looks like a loli with tape over her nipples or not.

Happy Reunion!

DxD BorN - Hey look what I found

Oh hey, did you guys lose this? (and isn’t Arthur so gentlemanly, giving Asia his coat?)

DxD BorN - Xenovia wins

Xenovia won’t lose to Issei in her love for Asia


A good episode to end the fighting against Diadora and the Old Maou faction here. As I said, I’m really not disappointed they didn’t go with the corny oppai ending to the Juggernaut Drive, although having Vali’s Juggernaut Drive be something he can turn on and off kind of reduced the impact of the whole thing from a “I have so much rage that I completely lose my head” to “I need more power, let’s just go with that.” Loses a bit of the punch there, but there will be more changes to Juggernaut Drive in future series if we have them. I’m not worried about Issei’s collapse at the end, it looked like it was just a return of the dragon power in his arm, which you might recall Akeno had to suck out at the beginning of New (Rias and Akeno share this duty on a continuing basis). I’m more interested in what they’re going to do for a couple episodes here at the end of the series.


Proving that you don't have to be young to love anime, I enjoy all genres and styles of shows. If it's not hurting anyone else, you should never be ashamed of what you like!
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30 Responses to “High School DxD Born – 09 [NSFW]”

  1. Pedro says:

    If you look closely, that black stuff Ophis took out of Ise looked like a silhouette of Loki for a second there, and he appears on the preview, so the curse will probably play a bigger role in the rest of the season. Pretty excited for that.

    I think they’ll (at least they should IMO) mix the Oppai Dragon Song with that last event that was cut from the fight against Loki in eps 4 and 5. Damn, it’s going to be awesome if they do that.

    • Pedro says:

      They also added a small bit of extra foreshadowing for Gasper. Neat.

      • BlackBriar says:

        Something needed to stand out is necessary. So far, he’s the most underused member of the Gremory household.

    • Highway says:

      We’ll see about the curse. I have to say that I’m not a huge fan of some flippant curse tossed out as Loki is being defeated becoming something major in the show. It’s one of those things that just feels cheap and tacked on. Especially if it was manifesting itself in the same way as his insecurities

      We’ll see what they come up with for the last couple episodes. Like I said at the time, there’s no more original material for them to use in a fight with Loki. They already used everything (except the hokey Oppai Dragon song) and even got Akeno through her issues. So anything they do will be original, and we’ll have to see how it fits in.

      • Pedro says:

        I think you’re forgetting a certain deity that helps in that fight.

        • Highway says:

          As I talked about last time, they had everything else in the previous fight: Fenrir, his two sons, Midgardsormr, Gleipnir, Mjolnir. Everything Loki brought to the big fight was captured or destroyed.

          There were some effectives on the ‘good guys’ side who weren’t there, like Tannin, Odin, and Azazel. But I just don’t see what Loki can bring to the fight that makes it a bigger fight than last time so that they could justify having those good guys. He bet the farm and got beat. Plus they’ve seemingly already dealt with Akeno’s issues with her father, so I don’t see them going with that again (cutting off the avenue for the deity you mention).

          So I have to conclude that they might try something with Loki, but there’s no original material remaining to work with.

          • Pedro says:

            The author said the deity will be there. Just with a different setting.
            Show ▼

  2. Di Gi Kazune says:

    mmm… a Trap…

  3. skylion says:

    Yeah, the thing with Vali was a huge buzzkill, as you spell out.

    But at least Asia is OK, I was kinda going nut-balls myself.

    ..and is Ophis the most powerful LOLi in existence?

    • belatkuro says:

      Ophis can actually take any form he/she/it wants. She was actually an old man before according to Azazel. Now she’s a LOLi. How does that make you feel?

      • skylion says:

        …I’m an old man…well, this revelation makes me feel somewhat…hopeful?

      • Di Gi Kazune says:

        Did someone mention LOLi? >_>

      • BlackBriar says:

        Gah! That’s too reminescent of the employed third gender in Knights of Sidonia. To those not up to speed, Izana finally made a choice.

        • Highway says:

          The third gender in Sidonia always seemed like a waste of time to me, and I was surprised that so many people got sucked into it. If the mode of relationships is still monogamy, essentially it doesn’t mean anything, especially if it’s more genderfluid. “Hey, I can fall in love with anyone.” Well, you could do that anyway. It’s up to them whether they’re in love with you.

    • Highway says:

      This is not the kind of show that kills off main characters. Even if it has to resort to “Oh, hey, we just happened to be flying through nothing and found her” (note that the same thing did not happen with Diadora).

      I do think that this particular happening is kind of the turning point in the series, where Vali and his team go from “the bad guys” to “the other guys”. And with the introduction of Ophis not as some cackling villain out to destroy the others, but as someone who is completely above everything, who only has one goal for themself. Ophis doesn’t even want to beat Great Red, just to get into the Dimensional Gap. Personally, I have come to really like Ophis as a character in the show and the books.

      • skylion says:

        …I admit that Ophis does have some great potential…

        • Highway says:

          I like a character that doesn’t fit into the ‘good guy / bad guy’ continuum (note that this is different from a character that oscillates between good and bad). Ophis is this kind of character, in that she’s truly not interested in what anyone else wants, she has her own goal and that’s what she’s going after. And even her goal isn’t necessarily a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ thing. She wants Great Red to vacate the Dimensional Gap so that she can live there.

          • BlackBriar says:

            In a way, her attitude describes someone who is a loner/hermit. I wonder if she strongarmed Chaos Brigade together with power alone. As she obviously appears not to be the social type.

  4. MR.KLAC says:

    well lesson learned if messed with asia in the WORST way yea say your prayers cause issei going i’m the juggernaut drive (bleep) on ya.

    we hardly knew ya shalba & other guy who got dusted alive by rias’ brother.

    give ophis is here wonder what next?

    • BlackBriar says:

      we hardly knew ya shalba & other guy who got dusted alive by rias’ brother.

      I think the rememberance is wasted. If they can be taken out that easily, then they’re all bark and no bite.

  5. BlackBriar says:

    Don’t these arrogant bastards ever learn that if they rip someone precious from the lead that there will be hell to pay? Damn masochists… That’s probably the best way to describe them. And yes, the slimeball Diadora got his much deserved comeuppance. Shalba gets points for only that.

    For Sirzechs to instantly dispatch Creuserey like it was child’s play, I’d really like to know the true depth of his power. Because Creuserey looked strong enough to go toe to toe with Azazel and it’s well known he’s no pushover. But there’s obviously someone more formidable roaming around. It’s conceit if a person believes they’ll always be the strongest.

    I’d tread carefully around Ophis. The supposed enemy leader helps out on a whim… That’s trouble waiting to happen. Usually, it’s the overpowered and bored types that crave chaos and destruction to relieve themselves. Such a mindset is pretty sick.

    • Highway says:

      Well, Ophis didn’t ‘help’. She didn’t do anything except show up. And told Azazel that she wasn’t going to fight him, even when he tried to pick a fight. They did leave out an exchange between the two of them that Ophis thought Diadora might give Issei a rough time because she had given him the same power that she gave Creuserey and Shalba, but Azazel laughs it off, saying (basically) you have no idea how strong Issei is, because he’s never even been able to try. And he wasn’t talking about Juggernaut Drive, just Balance Breaker.

      Sirzechs is something that prior to his generation was unheard of. He is super-crazy-powerful, to the extent that I don’t know how powerful he is. Show ▼

      But back to Ophis: She doesn’t crave anything (that she knows of) except silence. I find her motivations for things to be pretty clear and actually pretty clear of conscience.

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