Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu – 03
OK! She’s back….got it….
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So, how long before will it be before she wears out her welcome? How much has she really changed? Or, is this new relationship and personality going to work out for Yuki-chan in the long run? |
“…it’s gotten lively very quickly”
Yuki-chan still has some developments she needs to work out
Well, it’s looks like everyone might be getting what they want, but are they going to get it in the way they want it? Face it, with mo’ Haruhi, you get mo’ Haruhi whether you like it or not. She’s changed a great deal, but she’s still has the same personality. If you were counting on the arrogant, rude person she was of series past, then you’ve counted on the wrong thing. This is a pleasant change of pace, as too much Haruhi is too much Haruhi; whether or not that’s the point, is up to debate.
But even with a great deal of this episodes focus, squarely, on the newcomer, this doesn’t mean that the title character gets left behind. If anything the energy Haruhi brings could serve to sharpen Yuki-chan’s focus on who she is and what she wants in her life; one of many touchstones, so to speak. In thinking about the character interaction, this brings up exactly what sort of time and place we are dealing with in the show. I’ve read most of the manga, and I don’t want to spoil it more than I already might have; other than reiterating that there will be some bits and pieces there that pertain to the larger Nagato-centric Haruhi-universe.
A new year…perhaps a new goal…
I’ve been thinking about that sort of item since the show started; it’s franchise legacy so to speak. In the original run I always felt that Haruhi “called” Koizumi, Mikuru, and Yuki into existence with subconscious effort. That all of them were expats from another type of show not even existing until she needed them, making the entire program a meta-storytelling exercise. But now, this episode makes me question that. What if these three had that expat nature “grafted” to them or “overlayed” on top of them? In other words, what came first? The person or the power? Either way, by changing those natures, we get a sea change in some basic parts. With Yuki-chan’s shyness just being one example.
Haruhi is always going to be a handful. Even without the constant menace of her powers going out of control, or evolving to something else, or changing the future, she has heavy character credit. But this version has a softer side we rarely, if ever, saw in the original. As I pointed out last time, she expresses gratitude. Now it looks like she isn’t as quick to dismiss someone, nor is she quick to dismiss herself, “I’m going home” was a common refrain for her character in times past. She still wants to find aliens, and espers, and time-travelers. But the one thing that drives this narrative isn’t so much any of those. It’s how she wouldn’t accept credit for giving Yuki a boost to charge ahead with her Christmas party. She underlines how that boost was in Yuki-chan all this time.
Well, she doesn’t see him totally as a potato…
…Mikuru…abductee in any reality….
…more than the frog head makes a comback…wonder if she sweated by herself for it…
Hmm…what does this strange new friendship forbode?
All in all this was a good introduction of a new character that we’ve seen before, but not like this. There will be detractors from it. Not every tea is to taste, after all. But they’ve cut out a great deal of the faux-cleverness of the original, and are just letting the story tell itself; like every story deserves. I’m sure Haruhi, Koizumi, and Mikura will stick around, and continue to evolve, giving this story the depth it deserves to have…
I love how the series can be just as challenging as it’s predecessor. As I asked in the First Impression, how much can you change a character, and still have them as basically the same person. If this episode is any indication, then I think the answer speaks for itself. Even with larger questions in mind, it’s going to be the story of the growth of a singular character, as she emerges from her timid, shy state and advances to the next. The Literature Club is indeed going to be a lively place. It’s tone has changed quite a bit, but that shouldn’t stop it from being a fun place. In leaving, I do wonder if Yuki-chan herself is “calling” these characters to give her the meaning in life Haruhi wanted so badly, and still pursues…
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Personally, I think I hit my Haruhi limit about 3 minutes before the end of this episode. She’s definitely a transformative character for the show, but I think I’ll have to see if that transformation is too much of something. She’s just a character that sucks all of the oxygen out of the room whenever she’s there, and the only way any other character can steal any attention at all is to be like Kyon with the outbursts.
The transformation that might be more worthwhile would be if Yuki is able to integrate some of the things she observes from Haruhi in her hope to be more outgoing. I’d like to see that, but would like to see it happen without Haruhi dominating the show like she did this episode. Otherwise “The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan” will describe how the title character of a show lost all focus because of another (supporting?) character taking over.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Just curious, did you watch and enjoy the original series?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I watched it. It was a while ago (and not during either airing), and I remember that I found it interesting enough to finish, but it wasn’t the life-changing revelation for me that it is for some people. I found I was more interested in the meta-concept of the series, the sheer guts it took to put out a series like that, rather than any content that the show had. Non-chronological presentation, and the amazing troll that Endless Eight had to be: imagining a fan (or soon to be former fan) of the series sitting down to watch in week 3 or 4 or 5 of that and raging about it starting off the same way “You gotta be kidding! Again?!?!?!”
So I probably enjoyed thinking about it that way rather than for the content of the show as it actually was. It had some good things, but for me, Haruhi was the same problem: a character that sucks too much of the oxygen out of the room. Yes, the series is about her, but I tired of the “kowtow to the fabulist” attitudes of Koizumi and Asahina, and found Haruhi’s antics just not that interesting.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
And for comparison, I enjoyed the movie much much more, because it was both less about Haruhi, and more about Yuki. I don’t fault Kyon for his decision in the movie to reject Yuki, but wish it had gone a different way. This series is that different way and I’m enjoying it so far (but can imagine I won’t if Yuki ‘disappears’ more like she did this episode).
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Fair enough, that helps put it in context. I loved Haruhi’s character, so that skews my opinion the other direction.
Funny that you mention the movie, I didn’t really consider Nagato to have a big role in the movie, beyond being a conduit to help Kyon. Maybe because I had the “Haruhi-is-awesome” glasses on.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
This was Haruhi’s big re-introduction, so they added a bit of extra oxygen at the start. They can only pull that trick once, thou. And it looks like they only do it once if the manga is indication.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
The whole Haurhi vs Yuki debate is one that just about everyone has when they go into this series or anything Haruhi themed and I will always say Haruhi over Yuki forever because Yuki has zero personality in this series and in the original! Yeah it is “her” story but what are they really doing with her in this? She might be the title character and all that; however she is getting pushed aside and I get it she is shy which is fine but how long is she going to stay shy?
Also saying Yuki was great in the movie is kinda laughable since she literary does nothing until the last what twenty minutes? Yeah she was dull in that as well.
In the end like I said the Haurhi vs Yuki debate will go on forever and ever! I know I sound like a Yuki hater which I’m but we all have our likes! I get why people absolutely hate Haurhi because she is hyper to the EXTREME while Yuki is quiet and not outgoing and for some reason people like that? Sure why not again we all like different types of anime characters.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
She will not remain as shy…leopards and changing spots and all that…but she does become more comfortable around lots of other people, which is a huge plus, as it comes of much more natural. Haruhi, by contrast, is loud to cover her own insecurities.
Yuki was a fascinating character in the film as you see her go from terrifying to terrified. Yeah, it’s a gap moe trick, but they expanded on it.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Sounds like I didn’t get what I wanted =/ I liked Haruhi and her overwhelming personality. I’ve never been a fan of Nagato, although I didn’t mind her in the quiet book-type all-knowning humanoid interface character type. But as a shy normal girl? Ugh.
Guess I’ll just read your episodics to get an idea of what’s happening.
And just noticed Koizumi-kun’s wearing short shorts. With a jersey. That just looks wrong on a guy.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Well, the line you quote cuts both ways. As I said, mo Haruhi is mo Haruhi. You can turn the dial down on her, but it always jumps back up.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Mmm, meant more on the “but are they going to get it in the way they want it?” part. It doesn’t sound like it was presented on how I would have liked it (based on your review).
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I would watch the show…
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Hmm, maybe I’ll read a couple more of your episodic reviews first to test the waters a bit more.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Well, I don’t really do episodic review. I’m more interested in covering theme, narrative, and characterization. Going scene by scene is not what I enjoy writing.
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
*suffering from cuteness overload*
*Hides all the JC LOLis in SB69 -03 from skylion*
How much cuteness can you stuff in one show…
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Maybe it’s my misunderstanding of the words then. I thought it meant a review of what happened in the episode. It could mean a play-by-play, or someone’s thoughts on the episode. But it still pertains to what occurred in the episode in question.
Like says “pertaining to or of the nature of an episode”.
But then again, I was never an amazing English student, so I could be horribly off-base.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
No, it’s not you misunderstanding. I just tend to think of review as being a play by play. I don’t do a play by play, so I don’t “review”. Even though I do…
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
amen brother! We will raise our Haurhi flags in honor of best girl <3
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Well, I find that hard to support. You can’t cherry pick the character. It’s sure she was a character working though issues, but could she be best girl when she conspired to get Mikuru drunk during the Sigh arc? Just so she could get her silly little film done? I don’t support slapping women, but in Kyon’s shoes? I wouldn’t have wanted to trade places with him…
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
s2 never happened in my mind cause wow its terrible xD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Season Two is such an oddball. They firmly decided that the achronological order was a bad idea. But they went ahead with Endless Eight..and then gave us the awesome that was Live Alive…
…by that reckoning, complain about Yuki-chan’s character all you want, at least they shouldn’t be able to screw up a romcom (knocking wood!).
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I’m telling you, the whole point to Endless Eight…
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
You could take out all the dialogue of the first seven episodes and replace it with that fine gentleman’s singing.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Anime news: Takara Tomy’s WIXOSS Franchise Gets Film
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
…interesting. Hopefully they can give Tama and Yu the ending they deserve. But in any case, let’s hear the whistle of the despair train!