Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders S2 – 14
This is why I don’t own pets
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It may or may not be too late…but I want to tell you that you probably shouldn’t watch this episode. I dunno what the chances of someone attempting to read this post before even watching the episode are, but it’s worth a shot. Why do I say this? Because honestly, this is one of the worst Jojo episodes and I’m seriously beginning to wonder what Stardust Crusaders is trying to pull. |
Iggy is a vile dog with a face as ugly as his personality, and he isn’t a character I’ve exactly been dying to see more of. He’s more of a side thing that messes things up conveniently every now and then – a walking plot device to shift the tides when needed. At least, that’s how I hoped he would remain. But no, Iggy is given not one, but TWO episodes dedicated to him fighting a bird. I have no idea why anyone would think this is a good idea, especially since it feels like they’re stretching content just to make it last longer. Why would you want to change things so Iggy would get more screentime? WHY?!
Even Iggy doesn’t know why he’s here
It’s like watching an episode of Pokemon that just has Pikachu and no Ash…except instead of the lovable and cute electric mouse, we’re stuck with this four-legged monstrosity. Iggy is a selfish, rude, and conceited dog who does whatever he wants. He has a bit of a soft side (i.e. he is slightly against small children being murdered), but it’s hard to really care about that when you remember the way he rips out Polnareff’s hair and then farts in his face on a regular basis. It’s impossible to erase that image by having him save a kid because I’m much more inclined to see Iggy as a surly jerk. It takes more than one good deed for me to forget a history of trolling people.
In an attempt to make Iggy more relatable, he is given a voice. So really, all that sustained me through the episode was the fact that a dog with an uncanny human face was speaking and making all these human gestures. It was hilariously awful. This should have been a full-on comedy episode, but Iggy’s battle is taken so seriously! How am I supposed to be serious about a dog posing and smirking like Jotaro? It’s a mutt fighting a falcon with a scarf. This is like the so bad it’s just bad territory of plot ideas.
I want to say giving Iggy a voice was a good idea, but they use his speaking abilities in the most boring manner: narration. This is a show where characters often point out the obvious in an exaggerated way to make it seem even more shocking, but Iggy uses it in excess. He explains every single thing that’s going on during a fight like “I need to escape now!” and “Oh no, ice is coming towards me!”. We get it. Don’t explain everything to us. It’s an effective technique when something occurs that is so genuinely shocking that you need another character to confirm that this shit is actually happening. In this case, the fight consists of a very predictable cycle. Horus shoots ice at Iggy and thinks he’s dead, Iggy escapes somehow, and then Horus finds Iggy again to rinse and repeat.
It’s not even a real fight, it’s just Iggy running and dodging ice until he gets into the sewer and is forced into an actual confrontation that lasts all of 10 seconds. So it’s a character only a mother can love fighting a boring enemy in the most boring way possible. Do you see why I’m not feeling this episode? Oh, if only I could go back in time, not watch it, and just tell you guys I was sick that week and plan on being sick next week too.
The entirety of Stardust Crusaders has been this long, drawn-out waiting game. I’m just waiting for Dio, and they know that. So of course they can put all this bullshit in between since they know the promise of seeing Dio is too alluring for me to drop out now. I’ve come so far and waited so long for him to be revived! They tease us with small snippets of Dio scenes every now and then so we don’t completely go insane, but really, this isn’t an acceptable way to structure an anime. The lead-up to Dio shouldn’t be a boring blur that I want to rush through as fast as possible. It should be an interesting journey that makes me completely forget about Dio because I’m so engrossed in the here and now. But no, I’m stuck here with a falcon pecking at a mutt for 2 weeks of my life.
My time isn’t being respected and it’s really souring my opinion of Stardust Crusaders. Two episode for Hol Horse and Boingo as well means a whole month of pointless Jojo episodes. If this were the manga, I could easily speedread the less interesting parts and savour the cool fights like the D’Arby gambling battle. At this point, I’d almost recommend dropping the show until you see me post with a header image of Dio saying HE’S HERE so you know when the important stuff starts. What a terrible episode. I dread the fact that next week won’t be any better.
Yeah…nice censoring, guys.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
To me, the whole point of JoJo is the celebration of ridiculous tropes. It’s almost a deconstruction of epically insane proportions.
Almost. I’m not sure if that is how I should be watching it or not. But the original show seemed to inform me not to take is so seriously. It’s like they nudged me and said “Yeah, it’s ridiculous, that’s the point”
So this two-parter is no exception. But I do feel that it might be going from a self-conscious effort to one of self-derision here. But his over-narraration as you point out may be part of the “deconstruction” as well.
Again, I could be watching the franchise in the wrong way….If so, mind-blown!
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 140 comments
I completely agree skylion. You know the show is ridiculous when a bird named after the Pet Shop Boys and then gets compared to Bruce Lee. And to overcooled; yes everyone is waiting for Dio. And yes, not all stands are created equal (we can’t all be a baby Freddy Cruger now can we?). But seeing that bird drop an ice burg on that very well off beggar then gore those other dogs just left me laughing. I hope that doesn’t make me seem too evil.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
You are a wretched, wretched existence and should be pilloried in the public square. The Elders will look down on you, and children shall gather to mock you in your misery. Then and only then, when your earlier laughter comes to ring in your ears eternal, and fill your soul with dread shall you be freed. An empty reflection of madness…
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 140 comments
Well, that seems a little harsh.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Well, I did some research into New England Colonial era society, crime, and punishment. Believe it or not, I’ve never had to opportunity to put it into practice. So, I guess I should thank you for that.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 140 comments
The fact that you didn’t make those things up actually upsets me even more. On the other hand, that punishment you described actually happens in JoJo.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I read a story where magistrates found that iron was to expensive to make the foot binding stocks they needed, but wood and carpenters were plentiful. So they hired one to make a pair of stocks. Then they put him in the very thing he made for a day because he dared to set a high price for them. They story never told if he actually got payed….
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I love Jojo for being ridiculous, but this just sapped all the fun out of it for me. Deconstruction or not, it’s not worth it for the sake of making fun of yourself if you’re doing something bad on purpose.
I don’t think there’s a wrong way to watch Jojo (or anything really). Hits and misses will vary from person to person
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Everything has hits and misses. So I guess in deconstruction, beware of falling pillars..
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
To be fair, most of this encounter was adapted this episode so next will actually advance the plot a bit. Since we are literally right in front of DIO’s house it wouldn’t make any sense not to. Would’ve preferred the narration being cut out to get through this faster though
“This should have been a full-on comedy episode, but Iggy’s battle is taken so seriously!”
How are any of the other fights any different in that regard? To be honest I find the series funny no matter how seriously it does or doesn’t take itself. This week was no exception
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Oh, thanks goodness.
Hmm, all Jojo takes things seriously, you’re right. I guess I mean to say that the “taking ridiculous things so seriously it’s even more ridiculous and wonderful” thing just fell flat and became just ridiculously dumb. For me, they couldn’t pull off the usual tone this week.
POWUH: iLurker with 13 comments
I loved Pet Shop he is just so intense.
Also I did not reply to the last episode but I am surprised you don’t like Hol Horse. He is very popular and there are many hints like Color Spreads that implied that he was going to replace Avdol on the party before Araki brought Avdol back to life due to fan demand.
Also I wish they had no made Iggy’s face so human like in the episodes he has been in. It makes the scene of him saving the kid less hilarious. Here is the page just to see how absurd it is.
The Left is Iggy from the previous page.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I was wondering if they brought Hol Horse back because of popularity and well, it makes sense why they gave him another episode now. I’m actually surprised he’s so popular…
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
“This is why I don’t own pets”
Agree, in my home alone we got uh…7 kittens and 5 dogs
and my parents are some sort of a pet-lovers or sort! I’am actually more of a
Anyways, They Find the mansion! but too bad that “spy” got PWNED so quickly, to that…uh, “Pet Shop Boys” Fan!
and You may consider that this show is “ridiculous” but again for me, this is the only show (not gonna tell the others shows, but there is a hint) on this season that i stick for, as Overcooled said Deconstruction maybe occuring unless the show look fine.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Deconstruct as you will – if the content is still boring then the effort is in vain.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
…Uh…is it the grammar there is kinda bit wrong?…sorry about that
i mean, my English get sloppy sometimes…
it’s supppose to be:
“Deconstruction maybe occuring, Still the show look fine.”