Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders S2 – 10
It’s never too late to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
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I’m getting back on track with posts now! Let’s hope I never fall behind that badly again. My pride as a fast writer was wounded from all that tardiness. |
I haven’t read the manga, so I don’t have the pleasure of being even vaguely familiar with the content of Stardust Crusaders. It’s also one of those shows that doesn’t have spoilers plastered everywhere for you to accidentally stumble upon. I haven’t even seen what the other future Jojos look like! Without trying, I’ve maintained a clean slate…unlike shows such as Attack on Titan where just having a working internet connection puts you in danger of finding out what the big twist of the next arc will be. However, there is one thing I’ve been tipped off about time and time again on twitter, in the Metanorn comments, and in other aniblog comment sections. That one thing is the fact that D’Arby is awesome.
I’ve seen sooooo much hype about D’Arby. Now I’m going into it expecting this fight to be a 10/10, and if it’s any less I’ll be disappointed. So it better knock my socks off! Right now things are just ramping up, but I like the set-up so far. The fights that just end with Jotaro using brute force are a little anti-climactic. This is a particular formula that demands for a sharp wit instead of bulging biceps. I can’t imagine Jotaro would be good at such a thing when he’s pretty much that one guy who skips school all the time to be a bum. If only punching people made your IQ higher. I honestly have no idea how Jotaro will get himself out of this one since I have little faith in his gambling skills. He’s not dumb but come on…he’s the same guy who walked past a mini doppelganger of Polnareff trying to get his attention and couldn’t twig in that it was actually Polnareff. Compared to his fighting prowess, I don’t know if I’d trust Jotaro in a gambling match with a super cheater. At least he has a good, albeit permanent, poker face.
But I’m getting ahead of myself! Jotaro will get his turn next week! Let’s take some time to laugh at the gamblers who have already failed miserably. I love that it’s Polnareff who dies first in the most idiotic way possible. How do you accidentally bet your soul and then lose in a dumb chance game? Only Polnareff would be swindled so quickly. He lost his soul to D’arby’s (that’s a lot of apostrophes) cat without engaging in a deep gambling battle like Joseph. It’s for the best since Polnareff is too obvious to read to be a good opponent for D’Arby.
Someone needs to tell this guy that’s NOT how Facebook works
I’m more surprised that Joseph got tricked. I remember young Joseph as being a wily guy who stayed alive by being able to bullshit his way through anything. He relied on luck and deception to win most of his battles, and that was the whole concept his character was based around. To see someone like that lose at a gambling game is a very bad sign for Jotaro, since that’s not even his specialty. Maybe Joseph lost his edge with age? I’m also surprised he didn’t use his Ripple ability to manipulate the water in the glass, but I suppose that would have more limitations if D’Arby noticed the water acting strangely.
Joseph lost, but it was still a really interesting match. I love these fights that turn into battles of wits…and this one is purely based on luck and intellect. You have to not only be skilled at the game, but you have to be skilled at cheating and bluffing. For example, even if you have the steadiest hands in the world, you’ll lose the coin and glass game the second your opponent cheats. Mind games, intimidation, misdirection and deception are all your allies here. It’s nice to see these big burly men just sit down and strategize…because that’s when things get tense. It’s unbelievable how worked up I got over two guys putting coins in a goddamned glass of alcohol. Nothing was rushed, so you got a good, long look at either D’Arby or Joseph hovering over the glass with trembling fingers. Those uncomfortable pauses really captured the tension (and relief upon success) of the moment in the same rhythm you’d feel in a real life gambling match.
Kids dunk oreos into milk. Adults dunk MONEY into BEER.
The beauty of it all is that even D’Arby got nervous as hell putting 5 coins into the glass. He’s good at gambling, but he’s not perfect. He pushes the limits and puts himself in risky positions because he loves the thrill of gambling. That makes him a little more human and vulnerable…but also kinda scary. I’m guessing Jotaro will play on his love for adrenaline rushes by making him go all in on some ridiculous gamble.
I’m reminded of the golden days of Phi Brain so I’m looking forward to seeing how this whole D’Arby thing plays out. I’m down for more gambling fun!
I Spy with my little eye…
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
D’arby was acting more like young Joesph than old Joesph was…melting chocolate was a hark back to the Battle Tendency days…
Oh, St. Patrick’s Day! Show ▼
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
One for the road.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I was pretty bummed that the King of Cheaters was taken down so easily. This isn’t the Joseph I know!
Oh man, working in an Irish Pub on St. Patrick’s Day must have been crazy. I can’t even imagine the chaos. But now you’re free to enjoy it for yourself!
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Hmm… Meido pub. Interesting concept.
POWUH: 600-699 and LN Enthusiast with 623 comments
I definitely miss the Joseph from Part 2. I was hoping he would win this. When he started being overconfident with his cheat, I knew he was going to lose. And I also questioned myself why he didn’t use his Ripple power. Though I guess it’s too flashy with its lightning sparkly effects that even D’Arby(don’t forget the apostrophe) would notice it. Now it’s up to Jotaro again to save the day.
Polnareff just can’t take a break huh. First victim again of the new enemy.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Same. He should have been the last one to face D’Arby and finish him off. It would be nice considering how weak his Stand is for him to show off his other talents.
Polnareff is the guy who dies first in a horror movie. Poor dude.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 163 comments
“Adults dunk MONEY into BEER.”
See, this is why I read this website. I don’t even watch Jojo, and that line was totally worth scrolling through the article.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Thanks! I’m glad you’re here even though you don’t watch Jojo
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 140 comments
You know Joseph is gonna pour one out for his bro Caesar.