The Rolling Girls – 02

The rolling girls (5)

Yo it’s time for the rolling girls!

 Yeah time for the most interesting anime of the season with the Rolling Girls! With Skylion and this time were doing some different things with this miniTALK.


Extra Rolling Girls

The rolling girls (6)

Awwwweee yesh~

The rolling girls (7)


The rolling girls (2)


The rolling girls (3)

Adorable character <3


The rolling girls (4)

Gotta collect them all!


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14 Responses to “The Rolling Girls – 02”

  1. 15FAN says:

    I am enjoying this anime! Great action1 Great music not only THe OP and ED ( covers of the Blue Hearts!) but cool insert music too! Great 2 wheelers like Kuniko’s Easy Rider / Captain America H-D chopper. The rest are very cool vintage bikes too!The attention to detail is amazing! And there are a lot of background jokes going on too!

    The animation is just eye-candy! But there is a story going on too! Lots has happened in the past especially withe cheif of Nozomi’s district! Especially the stones

    The first two episodes were set -ups now that the 4 girls are together! Nozomi has to take of those requests ! Yukina was lost again but teamed up!. There’s still a reason she came there!
    Hibiki could be interesting ! And then there is Chiya who is the unknown. She knows them fron the past! She has a stone . But there was a hint in the anime who she is but I’ll keep it for now!

    So now the adventure begins . Like a mix of Easy Rider meets Wizard of Oz! Cant wait for this surprise of the season!

    • skylion says:

      Easy Rider? Naaaaaaniiiiiiii?????? LOL. OK. I’m down with this, but you have to fill us/me in on who is Peter Fonda, Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper in the Rolling Girls as the series goes on…

      Ah, I had no idea the music was covers. ::Goes to look em up:: Yes! Glorious Post Punk! This kinda reminds me of learning that the EDs and Rock over Japan in Penguindrum were covers of the band ARB….thanks for the info!

    • Foshizzel says:

      Thanks for the amazing comment and yeah I saw that the OP was actually a cover from 1987 and like Skylion said Penguindrum did the same thing with their OP! I think that is soooooooo cool xD

      Right now the “team” is assembled and now we can finally get down to the real story behind all the insanity! I can’t wait to watch those girls collect the magic stones.

  2. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Pyoko’s lawyers are coming for copyright infringement. Kuchikara BAZOOKA has already been taken. 😛

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Another over-the-top, thrilling episode that had me too invested to bother looking for any plot holes. Hell, the story could be Swiss cheese for all I care but as long as it keeps this pace, I’d love it regardless.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa!! These people use some dirty tricks just to get ahead. I guess since these gangs are so overpowered, police intervention is pretty much out of the question. Because blatantly creating a hostage situation to force others to submit should cause a stir. LOL at the gator guy. He’s (seemingly) heading to his end but has a death grip on his mask.

    The end did reflect a sort of truth that exists in the real world when Nozomi insisted in filling in for Masumi. When you’re denied by the mother in anything you want to do, you can expect the father to overturn the final ruling (Unless it’s something he doesn’t want you doing). 😉

    • skylion says:

      I cracked up a bit when Yukari gave that little lampshaded aside, “efficient communication is a thing of that past.” Like the went back to the days of messengers on horseback or something.

      Like, oh, our declaration must have hit your spam folder or something….

  4. BlackBriar says:

    Ugh, Spammy’s at it again.

  5. Irenesharda says:

    Another interesting episode. I’m still not as wowed by this series as others, but I’m liking what I see. I like the fun element of this series and I’m interested in learning more about our 4 main characters and what is up with those heart stones.

    • skylion says:

      I am hoping that it will start wowing your socks off…

    • BlackBriar says:

      I’m guessing those heart stones have a part playing in the creation of Bests. Otherwise, I couldn’t find an explanation for their monstrous power and physical durability.

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