MetaFap: Fall ’14 – 12 [NSFW]

Another season of faps over.

OreTwintailnNarimasu – 12

Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu - 12 1406_2

A story of the unshakable bond between a boy and his twin tails.

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Madan no Ou to Vanadis – 13

Madan no Ou to Vanadis - 13 END 0421

I see Eleonora’s fashion sense predates her War Maidenhood.

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Grisaia no Kajitsu – 13

Kazuki’s treasure.

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26 Responses to “MetaFap: Fall ’14 – 12 [NSFW]”

  1. Highway says:

    Vanadis: Along with the Royal Maiden Armor, Regin got a boob upgrade. That scene came on and I thought “Where’d she get THOSE?” I actually thought that the scene of Tigre shooting Thenardier in the head on the bounce after accounting for his slash to deflect the arrow was cool, although the “Let’s show the arrow shaft sticking out of his face for 30 seconds” part was a little much. I saw a lot of commentary on twitter about people (obviously) not understanding that Tigre had actually accounted for Thenardier’s block and had used his own blade to deflect the arrow up into his head. Pay attention people!

    When Ludmila was looking down on the castle with her bow, I thought that Tigre was actually going to be there hunting with her.

    I thought the show wasn’t bad overall. There were definitely lowlights and WTFery, and some really poor narrative choices like the CG horses and those chess-piece and terrible map battle explanations. But there were some good characters, I thought, in Tigre, Elen, Lim, Mila, even that general with the moustache. I didn’t even mind the big death scene with Bertrand, and found it a worthwhile use of time for the show. Even Titta got a little less annoying, although she’s still worse than most harem imouto characters.

  2. Highway says:

    Grisaia: I’m pretty sure that Kazuki’s not dead, but we saw a reason for her not to make that publicly known after what happened with Revenge Dad. The ending was all sorts of stupid and WTF. He’s gonna kill Amane, because she’s alive when his daughter isn’t, but let’s take a little side trip to rape her too. What? And boy the show bogged down with all of that maneuvering to get him to be able to make that shot. That was totally “We want to use this cool ending, so let’s write ourselves there” without regard to how contrived it ended up being. And I don’t know about the rest of you, but there’s NO way that falling into a urinal is going to break it. You might not have a chance of breaking it with a sledge hammer.

    Overall a disappointing show because of expectations (even though I didn’t have much in the way of expectations). I don’t see the pull of the VN, it seems like you’d need to be a huge masochist to go through all of that downer crap. I wonder if the H-scenes are really that good, or if it’s one of those “I sunk this much into it, I’m going to self-justify it by saying how great they are.”

    • Sumairii says:

      I’d make a joke about Michiru being thickheaded enough to break the urinal, but the whole hostage/sniper scenario is still so stupidly contrived that it’s not funny.

    • lvlln says:

      I’m reading the VN right now, and it’s actually really really good so far. I haven’t gone down anyone’s route yet, still in the shared route at the beginning which is almost exclusively slice-of-life style segments. I’ve been very impressed with these segments, as they build up over time and give us a sense of each of the characters and how their relationships with each other work. Needless to say, the vast majority of these segments were cut entirely since the show dove very quickly into the girls’ routes.

      I think Grisaia anime could’ve been good if it had made the majority of the episodes the shared route and gone down just one girl’s route for 2 or 3 episodes. Of course, this wouldn’t change the fact that the meat of the story – i.e. the actual drama of the girl’s route – seems to be weak-to-terrible for all of the girls, but I’m having so much fun with the shared route segments that I believe they could have supported the entire show.

      • belatkuro says:

        The common route is definitely fun to read. It’s quite long but it’s pretty enjoyable. It drops hints here and there as well to the girls’ stories. The first branch-off to a route would be for Makina, which I haven’t finished yet and don’t have any more motivation to read.

        With the announcement of the sequel of the anime, it seems like they rushed through Kajitsu with the purpose of wanting to animate Meikyuu and Rakuen.

        • Highway says:

          It’s kind of weird that the common route is well-liked by you guys, and the individual routes seem to be meh at best, painful at worst, and yet they chose to spend most time on the individual routes in the show. I realize they probably couldn’t spend more time on the common route without taking it away from what they did show, but there were some decisions there that were dubious, like a whole episode about how awful it is to be trapped in the wilderness.

          • belatkuro says:

            Well, Yuuji saving all of them seems to be the central plot for the sequel VNs or so I heard. That’s why they crammed every route in here. Like I said, they seem to be aiming to adapt everything so they rushed Kajitsu to hell.

            And I like the individual routes as much as the common route. Just that the common route has a lot of comedy hijinks and Yuuji messing around with the girls that it was amusing all throughout. You wouldn’t get how fun the common route is unless you get to read it.

            The individual routes themselves do vary in quality. My favorite routes are Sachi’s and Yumiko’s. I felt like Yuuji had connected better to the both of them and his attraction to them was more natural. Amane’s route is the favorite of most people because of the final moments of Angelic Howl but I thought the buildup wasn’t worth taking up more than half of her route, while the other half was them fucking like rabbits and fighting this deranged father. Michiru’s condition was hard to believe so I wasn’t too invested in her. Not to mention her relationship with Yuuji didn’t build up well and was rather forced from one side only. No comment on Makina since I haven’t finished her route.

  3. Di Gi Kazune says:

    In the end, Souji went all GARout and used: Unlimited Twintail Works! (I wait to see GARcher in TwinTails…)

  4. Alexandre says:

    Well, Vanadis was a total disappointment for me. Apart from the War Maidens’ powers being reduced to next to nothing (anyone can face up to them now, apparently), the thing with the mastery of the bow and the goddess that granted it its power was left unexplained and the Scythe/Portal War Maiden who, together with Ganelorn, seemed to be conspiring in the shadows toward a much bigger thing was merely dropped like it was nothing. In the end, all the interesting things about the series were just abandoned and, just like almost all one-cour series, its ending is a mess of loose threads, which is one of the things I really hate about anime nowadays. Oh, give me the good old days of Eva, Rayearth, Chobits and Code Geass! Oh, for series that actually tie up the loose ends and explain what is going on!

    • Highway says:

      See, they explained why the War Maidens were matched in a fight by people such as Thenardier and Roland: the dragon powers of the War Maidens are not supposed to be used against other people without serious consideration. That’s why it was such a big deal, and potentially a moral failing for Elen to plan to use Ley Admos against Roland. I thought that was a fine development in the morality and limitations of the world. Elen and Mila and the others are still really powerful, and it takes the best fighters of the other side (Roland, Thenardier, etc) to come up against them without getting massacred (even if the bad guys didn’t just stand 10 feet away waving their swords…).

    • zztop says:


      Vanadis’ major plot points are still ongoing in the LNs, so the anime can’t really give a conclusive ending to the whole story here.

      Blame MF Bunko, Vanadis’ publisher; they set the episode count.

  5. Bobob101 says:

    In the end, of the shows meta-ed and fapped, objectively I would say vanadis was the best show. I had fun with grisia, but acknowledge it’s faults. Trying to adapt over 30 hours of game (and H scenes) into a 6 hour show was always going to have pacing issues. But I rather a slightly messy show like grisia to a show that aims low and stays meh like twin tails

    • BlackBriar says:

      Agreed on Vanadis being the best of the three. Though shaky, the plot was constructed enough to be taken seriously to an extent. Twin-Tails was pretty much an outlet for fetishes and Grisaia would’ve been great if it had breathing room in additional episodes.

      • Di Gi Kazune says:

        The reason being is that Vanadis has more structured world building than the other two. Grisaia is completely unsuited for a 12/13 episode run if you want the whole story.

        Twintails is just pure guilty enjoyment.

        • BlackBriar says:

          No argument on any of the counts. It’s easily clear to see what one series had that the others didn’t.

  6. ikramit says:

    Is a anime that is rushed to reach a good stopping point and is bad/boring as a result or an adaptation that makes the concession to stop at a unsatisfying point as to insure that it not only provides a proper representation of the sources quality up to that point but is also exciting and enjoyable up to then better.

    From my point of view while madans adaptation did give the anime only watchers some sense of closure by doing so it robbed them of characters ,setting , excitement, depth, complexity and continuity by getting to a “proper” ending point we lost all sense of what made that ending in the first place so I find it hard to justify their decision of covering the first 5 volumes rather than the first 3 especially when you consider that the only reason madan stands out at all is because of its execution, as its full of tropes that if not play off correctly in an adaption make it look very generic.

  7. belatkuro says:

    Twintails: There’s one thing I’ll praise for this show. It’s that they have quite an assortment of seiyuus for the Guildys. Who would have thought they’d get Ikeda Shuuichi of all people to voice Souji’s inner twintails. No wonder Tailred went 3 times faster with his powerup.
    Overall it was a fun show. It got repetitive at times and it had those episodes with terrible animation but it still provided some entertainment. It’s self-aware of its stupidity and ridiculousness. A second season is pretty much impossible but I’ll watch it if there will be a miracle.

    • BlackBriar says:

      I’ll say on the repetition. Interesting it would’ve been to see a Guildy last more than maybe two episodes. Arriving then exiting just minutes after hardly makes an impact. Based on perspective, they’re as disposable as the lackeys hauled in to get crushed by the Twin-Tails.

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu – 12: Aahh!! A Guildy with an abominable fetish. If I were there seeing such mayhem unfold before my eyes, I’d kick his ass a thousand times over. For the absurdity, all efforts were made to go out with a bang. Souji becoming one with his inner twintails… I couldn’t help rolling my eyes.

    As a whole, the series gets a “B” passing grade. A little too much episodic repetition (enemy arrives to be taken out in a matter of minutes), the levels of ridiculousness were high with no intention to deny such but it was more or less entertaining despite a slight decline towards the end. An open-ended finale indicates a possible second season but I honestly don’t see this to be the kind of series that will generate enough word of mouth to conceive one. Not putting any hopes in the sales department unless something progresses to prove me wrong. The odds of such would be slim to none.

  9. BlackBriar says:

    Grisaia no Kajitsu – 13: It’s one thing to feel grief over the loss of a loved and seem unfair that someone other than them survived but I don’t see how that could lead to the kind of depravity exhibited here. How the hell does trying to get back at someone involved imminent sexual assault? As if that was necessary.

    Well, there’s not much to say. The series was inconsistent with a bunch of ups and downs and some arcs rushed more than others. If any of the arcs had a significant impact, I’d say that would be Amane’s route while surviving in the wilderness. The others are lackluster. So it seems the story is not over with not one but two sequels from Grisaia. I wonder how those will fare.

    Side note: What is Michiru’s head made of that it could easily damage a urinal? Even if it happened by accident.

    • belatkuro says:

      This was actually anime original. In the VN, he tailed them and attacked them in the forest. Yuuji got partially shot in the shoulder and he played a game to hunt them after they get away a bit. There wasn’t any sexual assault at all. He wanted to make Amane suffer by killing Yuuji.

      Of course Amane’s would have more impact since she had 4 episodes dedicated to her unlike the others that only got 1 or 2 episodes only.
      And it’s not two sequels but only one. They’re going to adapt both Meikyuu and Rakuen in a single cour. I heard both are shorter than Kajitsu.

  10. BlackBriar says:

    Madan no Ou to Vanadis – 13: An ending that sits well enough by me with everyone more or less getting what they want provided no corruption arises during the treaty. The politics aspect became messy it became hard to follow so to make it easier on my mind, I just went with the assumption of all wanting to protect what’s theirs no matter the means. The characters themselves did well enough in their interactions that it posed no problem to simply focus on them and overlook most of the battles. If there should be any shipping, the top choice would be Tigre x Ludmila. Tigre x Eleonora gets second place even though Ellen has grown a bit.

    So, overall, as sketchy as Vanadis may be throughout, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Easily placing it above Twin-Tails and Grisaia.

  11. akagami says:

    Madan no Ou to Vanadis was an enjoyable watch for me, although it was rough around the edges. I felt like it couldn’t decide what genre it wanted to be in and just dipped its toes into each pot available to it.

    It has ecchi, strategy, politics, large scale battles, superpower weapons, interesting characters, but none of them were done particularly well – it could have turned out bad but the concoction ended up being decent. They kind of dabbled in each before deciding to switch gears just when the appetite was whet.

    Regin’s armor is pretty awesome. I would so wear something like that if I was in her position. Gotta look awesome if I’m the supreme commander.

    Overall, a fun watch, although it could have been so much better. I do agree with Highway that Titta was a useless annoying side character however.

  12. akagami says:

    Oh, and the Madan specials were a lot of fun to watch (Tigre-kun to Vanadi-chu). Short snippets bringing out enjoyable interactions between the characters ^^

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