MetaFap: Winter ’14 – 10
Time to say good bye to some of these shows!
ImoCho – 12 [END]
Sexy time? Nope.
Hypnotism 101
Well that certainly ended with a whimper instead of a bang. Despite the tone of the show, I always figured it would go for something with a little more impact for the finale. Like, maybe the Kanzaki step-siblings getting into a real hanky-panky situation. And I suppose technically there was a bit of an effort to head in this direction thanks to Neko hypnotizing Yuuya to be more “honest.” But in the end his confronting Mitsuki didn’t seem that big of a deal because he only got as far as grabbing her by the shoulders before the the usual bait-and-switch occurred. Heck, that one time when a Hiyori-possessed and semi-dazed Mitsuki mounted Yuuya had even more sexual tension than this finale. But anyway that’s not the point.
A bit of spiritual awareness goes a long way.
The whole exercise that Neko orchestrated was intended to reveal to all parties the true extent of the relationship between the step-siblings, not to outright get them in bed together. Though there’s no denying the possibility that Yuuya held such feelings of lust for Mitsuki, which it turns out he didn’t. And what we learn from all this is that 12 episodes of pseudo-flirting, playing family, and some perverted advances from a ghost is not enough to make step-siblings fall in love or engage in sexual activities. That’s disappointing for the people watching ImoCho precisely for the incest, I’m sure. But I feel that Mitsuki’s progression from distant step-sister to close family was a good enough ending for the two of them. I never got the feeling that she was so romantically attracted to him to justify any sort of incestuous end.
Goodbye Hiyori~
Moving on, there’s the final matter of Hiyori. That was pretty much the worst part of the episode. I’m not saying I was glad to see her go (temporarily), but that’s how it should have been and that’s how it should have stayed. She should have moved on and left the step-siblings to live their lives as a normal family. There was absolutely no need for her to return in the last minute for some horrible ass-pull, even if the intent was to keep open the possibility for some sort of continuation. Which, I wholeheartedly believe will not happen.
Overall, ImoCho has been a semi-fun ride. It had its ups and its downs; perhaps more downs than ups. The concept in general was rather strange and I’m not sure if the show consistently knew what it was trying to accomplish, but in the end we were left with what I suppose to be a heart-warming tale about two step-siblings developing a mostly platonic relationship of mostly familial love with the “help” of some perverted and some deadpan supernatural intervention. So sorry, no sexy threesome time for those of you who were looking forward to that. In other words, ImoCho was an unusual but welcome departure from the generic incest show, curbed only by its indecision between being a trashy, fanservice-laden debacle and a slightly more meaningful work about sibling relationships.
Yup, it’s really over. Have a gif of big boob groping below.
Super Sonico The Animation – 11
Christmas Time For the Ladies!
There were these outfits, too
Ouka gets no love
The drawback of skimpy dresses
Christmas time (because a show like Sonico has to have a Christmas episode or two, even if it’s now late March), and the girls are all helping with the shopping district, which is now failing because of the giant department store that opened up nearby. So to fight back, they’re going to get Suzu to come up with some ideas, which end up being ‘pretty girls and handsome guys’. But when that’s countered by the big store, they need to come up with a better idea, and end up with getting an internationally accredited Santa Claus. It’s a stroke of luck that it happens to be Ayaka-chan’s father, who had promised her that Santa was real, but she was sure that her wish (that her father would come home) wouldn’t come true. This sets up another really heartwarming moment in this show, since they don’t just have him go home to his daughter, but instead have it be a present from Santa, changing clothes to surprise her. Seriously, how many times is this show going to make me cry happy tears?
Merry Christmas, from Sonico and friends
Maken-Ki! Two – 10 [END]
Azunyan the collage years?
Welcome back to the final episode of Maken-ki and what are we in for this time? Nothing much other than a flashback that followed the past lives of Aki, Minori, Gen and Tomika who were all the original members of the student council back in the day. So did anyone else think that it was strange to have a flashback this late in the series or did they finally run out of material to actually use? Whatever the case may I kind of enjoyed watching this episode! Why you might ask? Well the action bits at the end with Minori powering up was amazing! I swear why couldn’t the whole second season be like this all the time instead of To-Love-Ru antics getting in the damn way all the time?! It almost makes me wonder if the original creator even cares about his own series serious at all? So in the end would I recommend this series to fans of ecchi? NO WAY IN HELL! Seriously this is a series that just needs to go away just like Queens Blade; however mark my words there will be a third and a fourth season of this trashy anime because I bet someone is buying the uncensored blu-rays or volumes of the manga which I have no plans on ever reading.
3/10 – I would rather watch paint dry.
These three were way better than the main cast…
Best moment of the entire second season~
Sakura Trick – 11
Trouble is just around the corner
Mitsuki-kaichou gets protective
Haruka gets groped
I think Sumisumi-kaichou has a hobby
Caught! By Mitsuki-kaichou, red-lipped. Well, we were wondering what would happen if Mitsuki found out, and it wasn’t good. She even asks if they’re in the kind of relationship where they say ‘suki’ to each other, when Haruka was just pressing Yuu about saying that exact thing (Yuu got as far as the “Ha” in Haruka before turning it into hayaku). Whether it was the quick shock of seeing someone kissing her beloved sister, or the worry about them both being girls, Mitsuki tells Haruka that she needs to ‘wake up’, and bans them from kissing each other. She even puts Kaede on the task of watching Haruka… without telling Kaede what to watch for. But that’s not the whole story, as Sumi, the incoming seitokaichou, has an opportunity to talk with her and ends up with Mitsuki reflecting on how she really wants Haruka to be her koibito, not Yuu’s.
Yuzu runs unwitting interference for Haruka and Yuu
There was a lot of Sumi this episode, and she’s a bit of an annoying character. A kind of squeaky voice, a verbal tic (saying ‘no ja’ after everything), and a habit of fondling boobs. She even compares Mitsuki’s boobs to Haruka’s after feeling both of them up. And of course, Yuu couldn’t let Sumi get away with that with Haruka without fighting back… by grabbing Haruka’s left side. So maybe that’s the most action that Haruka and Yuu have gotten into, but it’s really Haruka’s weak point, and she’s probably a bit self-conscious about them. I wonder if that’s why Yuu always rushes to say that Haruka’s a C-cup when everyone calls her a D-cup, to try to make Haruka feel better about it.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Maken-Ki! Two – 10 [END]: Only 10 episodes? Well, that’s more than alright with me since I wasn’t satisfied watching this show. Nice ecchi elements aside, overall, Maken-Ki proved to be a very mediocre series. The story didn’t bring any interest so it didn’t make any difference to me whether it was a good idea or not for the last episode to be a flashback.
Nothing about its contents made the show stand out from others of its genre so it’s easily forgettable. Even Senran Kagura was a lot more enjoyable by comparison. To show how poorly an impact it made, I barely remember any of the character’s names.
For such a failure of a series, I give it a 2.5/10. Giving it a 3/10 is being generous, Fosh.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yeppers! Season two only has 10 episodes…
LOL yeah I would rather have seen Senran Kagura season two instead of more Maken-ki! Seriously we don’t need anymore of this crap, but ecchi is always meh for me unless its DxD then we are talking lolol
True 2.5/10 would be better xDD
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I guess I really didn’t have to worry about watching the first season if the second has flopped this badly. That’s a load off my mind. It is better if Maken-Ki just ends here and saves everyone else some extra time.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
The first season was worse. I haven’t even finished this season, and I can tell you that the first season was worse. As much as Fosh dumps on this second series, it’s better. It didn’t have a terrible story arc that just made you uninterested.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Season two was basically To-love-ru style gimmicks for at least seven episodes while the leftovers had some good stuff like the flashback to the past! That was cool because we know so little about the older characters.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I still think it’s better than Takeru’s 15 girl harem from the end of the first season.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Super Sonico The Animation – 11: Wow, nice outfits but it’s risky wearing them considering the season they’re in. Even if it’s for a good cause, Sonico and her friend should get extra compensation for their work because they’re susceptible to hypothermia with so much skin exposed.
The part of the father coming back home as Santa Claus to grant his cute daughter’s wish really pulled at some strings. He sure is a considerate guy.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Is it really that much more skin than we see all these girls with miniskirts have in normal school uniforms?
Sonico’s had the highest number of ‘heart touching’ moments of any show this season for me.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Sakura Trick – 11: It was only a matter that their little secret was going to get exposed but boy, did they hang themselves getting caught in the act red lipped, as you said, Highway. No excuse could possibly cover that up.
Mitsuki is in quite a moral dilemma thanks to recent events. She separates Yuu from Haruka but her developing feelings for her have reached to surface. Depending on where she goes from here, she might become a hypocrite which is probably the last thing she wants to be seen as in front of Yuu.
I’m liking Sumi already. She’s feisty, open minded and she’s done the one thing surely most viewers wanted to do: get a full groping session with Haruka.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I think Mitsuki’s reaction to Yuu and Haruka is a combination of her cultural hostility towards a lesbian relationship and jealousy that she wants to be the one with Haruka. I wonder if Mitsuki was dealing with it better or worse having had Kaede bring it up. Maybe she even thought that she needed to break up Yuu and Haruka so she would have a chance.
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Where is the incest? Where? Do not see. -_-
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 110 comments
saikin – well series is over yet he we go again give took last ep where yukina can see ghost girl yet keep it quiet whole time butat least series have an ova ep & live action on way?
maken – go back in time to staff in high school days yea we all know how it all started give 10eps of all filler day in life characters season.
sonico – christmas time & yes santa does exist even make sure sonico’s grandma made the call in ENGLISH.
sakura – well cat out of bag cause yuu’s sister know the truth & also secret feel for haruka yet plus can pudding give girls big BOOMERS?
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
hahah ya season two of Maken-ki is just filler well said my friend well said.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 110 comments
yea speak of dvd-blu saw pic of it uncensor from sankaku sources & of we all know Funi going dub this on later time.
really maken s2 is the day in the characters life season version only matter IF s3 get the call?
(besides maybe blade & soul in spring anime could save in to watch)
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
ImoCho: That finale left quite the sour taste. Nothing happened, but suddenly “gauge is full!” and then they reset basically back to the beginning of the show. Completely unsatisfying and made the whole rest of the series feel like it was just flailing around.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
ImoCho – 12 [END]: Well, that was a weak, anticlimactic and roundabout end to send this series off. If the gauge on the chastity belt can be filled simply by Yuuya telling Mitsuki to stop wearing it, then it makes all her embarrassment and suffering seem irrelevant. Like she’s being mocked the entire time for no good reason. Even worse, Hiyori’s personality still hasn’t matured from these experiences and she continues to be selfish.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
best troll ending ever hahahah
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
You said it, Fosh. The one getting the real troll is Mitsuki suffering all that embarrassment just to reach to the second floor. *facepalm* Man, do I feel for her.