MetaFap: Fall ’13 – 02 [NSFW]


Mock battles, customer service, jousting training and 100 throws

Freezing Vibration – 02

Freezing 02 Liz v Amelia

You never stood a chance, Amelia

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Yuushibu – 02

Yuushibu - 02 (13)

Of course, there has to be the Emi of the story.

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Walkure Romanze – 02

Mio Self-gropes

Betcha can’t wait to get your hands on THESE babies

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Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 02


Sakura-chan will become a buffed up idol…

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22 Responses to “MetaFap: Fall ’13 – 02 [NSFW]”

  1. skylion says:

    Yay for Bouncy Bouncy and the Hero dude. I was thinking the same thing; if this dude has the adventurous spirit, then get out there and invest. Bring the Demon Daughter with you. It will be more entertaining that way…

    • skylion says:

      I spent about two years developing and writing a fantasy novel/background. It was very heavy on magical technology. I really like how they broke down the magic circuit, magical engineers, and how that power comes to be. Plus, they expanded upon how the status quo could change in the future.

      Also, I am liking how they are exploring the “I wanted to be a hero, now I have to get a job” angle. It is very much a great metaphor for a generation that grew up on RPG’s and now has to mature and find work. Do you’re best no matter what the job.

  2. BlackBriar says:

    Yuushibu – 02: Phino was the highlight. She’s adorable even if she’s thick headed. It was cute when she made the effort to memorize all the gestures Raul wrote out for her. The real ridiculous one was the robber and his choice of disguise. Was that honestly the best he could get his hands on? If so, then by all means Phino can hack him to pieces for stupidity.

    • skylion says:

      I’ve fallen hardcore for Phino, she is adorable. And even thou she might get it wrong, I love her can do spirit.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Freezing Vibration – 02: Elizabeth sure likes to swim naked. I bet she had to wear a lot of constricting clothes growing up and it awakened her inner nudist. I mean, she’s totally comfortable like that while everyone else is wearing swimsuits.

    These government types really suck when don’t care how many people are sacrificed for their selfish ambitions. Heartless bastards.

    After finding out why the E-Pandoras are so desperate to proves themselves, no one can blame them for their determination given their unfortunate backgrounds. I certainly feel for the one who was sold away by her parents and only accepted the program just to make sure she’d have something to eat for the next day. How can anybody just go ahead and sell their own child?

    • Jrow says:

      In the first page of her flashback chapters in Freezing Zero, she’s nude in front of a curtain, so she doesn’t really like clothes unless she can texturize them like her uniform. Not an ounce of shame in that girl.

      Those chapters are worth a read, btw. Only 3 of them for Mably, relatively quick reading.

  4. BlackBriar says:

    Walkure Romanze – 02: Sexual innuendo right off the bat at training. Nice way to start things off. What am I saying? This whole episode was loaded with it. Anyone new to anime would easily mistake this for porn and I thought Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!’s first episode was suggestive.

    Takahiro’s really not getting any mercy for the misunderstandings. After being slapped repeatedly, I’m amazed he hasn’t stopped and started shouting “fukou da! (Such misfortune!)”. He may be helping Mio out with her joust but other than that, he’s quite bland for a lead. There’s hardly anything to say about his character, be it positive or negative. He’s just… there. That’s it.

    • Cybersteel says:

      It is eroge after all.

      • BlackBriar says:

        And they aren’t beating around the bush about it either. The part where Mio was getting her armor fitted was the kicker. I’ve seen too many hentai… 😉

    • Highway says:

      But he didn’t even get slapped by any of the women he did anything to. The only one who slapped him was Reina who was late to the party. Heck, Lisa was all “Hmm, is someone grabbing my boob?”

      I actually kind of hope they turn it down with the innuendo. Once was embarrassing enough for the show, but to do it twice this episode, in situations where it just wasn’t very clever, seemed like they had nothing else to do. And maybe they don’t. So we’ll see.

  5. Highway says:

    Camaraderie in Freezing is definitely a lot better than trying to enforce some senpai/kouhai hierarchy. I think it’s perfectly valid to wonder if the E-Pandora project is worth anything, given how underpowered the most powerful of normal Pandoras are against the Novas (they’re slightly more balanced than the Recon Corps against the Titans, but not too much).

    The fighting animation was good, but if you’re going to use Accel or multiples, why are you using it to run in circles around the opponent? Go hit them!

    • BlackBriar says:

      The fighting animation was good, but if you’re going to use Accel or multiples, why are you using it to run in circles around the opponent? Go hit them!

      That would be seen as a tactical maneuver to throw the opponent off balance before securing a landing blow. They can’t hit you if their eyes can’t keep up.

  6. Highway says:

    My favorite part of Yuushibu this week was Sarah (the manager) when they succeeded in driving off the robber, and Nova sold the refrigerator.


    I didn’t think it was bad overall, I’d like to see more explanation of the ‘magic’ stuff as well, especially after they dropped hints like they can’t provide enough magic for everyone all day.

  7. KLACMAN says:

    Freezing vib – give usual feel with original & E-version having a practice & yet eliz give open door to have E-version as allies.

    give it getting started yet behind the scenes oh yea something going down in the soon time.

    yuushibu – raul give fino more learn of being worker on magical best buy give still wonder still want to be a hero since hero class pals still want to be heroes.

    sekai – sakura indeed welcome world of japan wrestling give how they workout even taking 100 slams include a chokeslam indeed it’s long road to be one of mains of female wrestler in the world.

    & yea female wrestling is so own’d both wwe & tna right now.

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 02: Nah, it’s still on my list, I’m sticking with it until the end. It’s not everyday you come across an anime with this kind of story. You don’t normally see a character make this much of a drastic change in her career. Seems like by time the rematch with Rio comes along, Sakura will have regained her previous hair length.

    I think the setting’s better going like this even though Sakura shows she has potential in the wrestling world. Despite her endurance with the 100 throws, it would’ve been too easy if she got a win right off the bat in her first match when she’s still a newbie who’s only gotten a little taste of the real thing and there are girls who have been training far longer. That would’ve been insulting to them. A little more toughening up is in order.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I see this type of story in a lot of Shounen anime and well sports anime in general! Like the first few episodes of Ippo season one! The MC has to train a hell of a lot before he gets good…

      Shes got MC blood! So she has to have some guts and I fully expect her to NOT quit as the next episode says she is going to do lolol

  9. PrimeHector says:

    Yuushibu- why can’t they get jobs as bodyguard?

    • skylion says:

      It looks like All A will be handling that angle. She has a job as one, but, she doesn’t look to be happy with it. Well, I am talking about episode three, so it’s hardly fair for this post.

    • Highway says:

      Jobs as bodyguards almost universally suck, and don’t really pay that well. Plus, we haven’t really seen much of a need for anyone to be ‘guarded’.

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