MetaFap – 46 [NSFW]


Guardian Stones, Gymnastics, Canceled Wishes, and Belly Dancing!

Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 10

Yoshihiko is pretty magnanimous today

The return of Yoshihiko

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Photo Kano – 10

Blackmail face

This is my blackmailin’ face

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The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat – 09

Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko 09 (9)

Clearly the most logical interpretation of a wish to make those swimsuits go away.

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High School DxD – 14


And this is just a foot massage…

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17 Responses to “MetaFap – 46 [NSFW]”

  1. skylion says:

    So, this kids mind is ate up?

    Wow, I am really starting to feel sorry for the MC of Henneko. Just how many wishes has he had to sustain?

    I am rather liking the slow build they’ve taken in the fantasy element. They’ve connected the dots from Barbara’s collar, to the “tickle my belly button” scene, to the “make me someone else” wish in Azuzki’s character. It gives me the wonder about what someone else has wished that has totally screwed Yokodera’s mind up. That is now the selling point of the show for me.

    I think fanservice has been one heck of a distraction for this show. And for the better…

  2. BlackBriar says:

    High School DxD – 14: So there was yet another extra episode for the first season. I went and searched for the download the minute I saw the post and now my mind is ready to endure the corruption of the new season starting next month.

    Issei always manages to get in the most sticky and perverted situations. I’m amazed that even though he knew that sorcerer was up to no good that he didn’t go along with his demands when he knew a handful of freebies were in his grasp. I guess he is completely consumed by perversion.

    Once again, Rias and Akeno prove to be the sexiest and well endowed girls around. I can’t decide which is better: Rias’s belly dancing dress or Akeno’s bondage suit. How does Issei manage not to have his heart skip a beat around these two?

  3. KLACMAN says:

    stony cat – twist we got give youto got memory prob is one thing yet stony cat itself got involve & body hi-jack azusa?

    yea with all this wonder what other twist it got.

    & DxD ova 2 indeed the dancing egypt rias & with s2 on corner indeed we’re entering the summer of pervy yuji kaji.

    (oh Funi’s DxD dub also coming in august to must hear Marchi’s version of rias on it)

  4. Highway says:

    Yeah, I’m really starting to get lost with HenNeko. Plans within plans, wishes layered on wishes intertwined with wishes.

    The only good thing about it is that everyone in the show is just as confused as we are. I do wish it would get back to more harem romance, tho. But Youto seems pretty intent on not being romantic (despite how the OP looks).

    • BlackBriar says:

      Plans within plans, wishes layered on wishes intertwined with wishes.

      Why does that sound like Inception?

      • Highway says:

        I’ve never seen Inception, actually. But it just seems like if wish intermediaries can make wishes themselves, how are we supposed to have any hope of following along?

      • skylion says:

        Dunno, before 2010 we just called it an intricate plot. Rather or not it was handled well, was up to the story.

  5. Highway says:

    HSDxD 14: That was about perfect, the Hyoudou Issei I want to see. I really hope that’s a portent of things to come in this coming season. Issei really is a good guy, his major problem is that he lets his H side get a little too much control. But this episode really rode that balance well.

    From being both suitably interested and a little embarrassed when tagging along with Akeno, to dealing with being possessed, where he wanted the same things that the mummy did, but still realized it wasn’t the right thing to do. He even apologized in advance to Koneko, even when it was Rias who told him to use “that”.

    That’s the kind of characterization I want for him, not taking the side of boob sucking monsters or clothes eating slimes.

    • skylion says:

      I found the episode rather perfunctory. Which is perfect for an OVA that leads into another season. At the very least they hung a lampshade on the entire “oh goodness, here we are hoist by tentacle things and are now helpless” angle. If the show really wants to expand, then this cast needs to do drills on how to avoid or escape such things. Isseki is the perfect man to lead the drills, of course.

      Because by hanging the lampshade, they’ve pretty much said the tentacle trap is as solid as breakfast lunch and dinner.

      • Highway says:

        The more I think about it, the more that I think this (moreso than the other OVA) was pretty much an extra episode for the upcoming season. They get to put a *skosh* more fanservice in because it’s an OVA, they get to do a completely off the map story, but they also get to revisit everyone’s powers, they get to reintroduce the characters and some abilities, and they get to do some character development which I hope they keep up with. Conflicted Issei (granted, he’s conflicted about the motive for motorboating Akeno, not the motorboating itself) is a lot better than “Issei whose brain flies completely out of his skull when he sees boobs”.

        I could easily see this as episode 6 in a series, and it would fit in as a ‘filler’ or ‘breather’ episode. They took the opportunity to actually tell a story with it.

      • Highway says:

        And for some reason, I find ‘bondage’ a lot less problematic than ‘tentacles’. Actual realistic difference? Not a lot. Perceptual difference? Feels like a lot.

        • HannoX says:

          Perhaps it’s because tentacles also imply bestiality. Unless the bondage is extreme I think I have to agree with you on this. Now I have to go find Ep 14.

          • Highway says:

            Actually inspecting my thoughts more, I think it’s more like tentacles imply further violation, especially non-consensual, that bondage does not. Nobody wants to be tied up, but there’s something extra with tentacles (the two instances that come to mind immediately for me are Samurai Bride last week, and Dakara Boku H when Lisara was caught by that trap. That last one really went badly over the top).

  6. BlackBriar says:

    Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 10: I don’t really like how the plot is going. It’s going to feel rushed and in my opinion, the information around the Guardian Stone should have been revealed about two episodes back to have reasonable breathing room.

    The conditions of becoming a Samurai Bride are very steep and they should be. Did the girls really think they could achieve something so rare without paying some kind of price. Everything is give and take and the outcome depends on your willingness to act. In retrospect, it’s highly cliché because a lot of us can guess the Samurai Bride will turn out to be Juubei.

  7. BlackBriar says:

    Photo Kano – 10: “Did you forget? About those porn mags I’m onto for you.” Karma is a bitch, eh, Kazuya? That’s what you get for taking so much pleasure in blackmailing others. Considering what she’s making him do, I wouldn’t mind trading places with him.

    I really feel sorry for the athletes and models that have to constantly sacrifice the simple things they like just to maintain their composure. They might look happy and confident in front of the camera but boy, they must surely be miserable behind the scenes.

    • Highway says:

      I doubt they’re surely miserable. There’s some number who are, and there are quite a lot of people who aren’t. There are costs to decisions, and that’s one they bear. I do tend to think that women’s gymnastics is at the top of the ‘not worth it’ pile, tho, especially given its nature of “you need to work really hard and get good at this before puberty… and then see if you “win” the lottery for continuing afterward when you can actually do something with it.” It’s slightly less pressure for rhythmic gymnasts, but not much.

      Something I’d like to see a little more of in anime is a little more aggression from girls, especially when it’s in a situation like they found themselves in in this episode. Chances that Mai walked into Kazuya’s room knowing his mom wasn’t there and that they ‘should’ go downstairs = 100%. Chances that Mai didn’t want to leave the room and was not all that unhappy to be pushed down? 100%. I’d just like to see something like that scene, but where Mai reaches up and kisses Kazuya. Then have Kanon walk in. Almost the same effect, but it has a gender role message that I’d prefer.

  8. BlackBriar says:

    The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat – 09: Whoa, too many twists here. I had trouble following. So all this insanity happened because of Azusa’s wish and Emi’s a real girl but got pulled into things just to go along for the ride. The stony cat continues to be a mischievous entity with wishes that bite back at you but with possessing people, it’s sunk to a new low. The subject that demands more focus is the reason behind Youto’s amnesia.

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