MetaFap – 39 [NSFW]


Swimsuits & Cosplay

Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 03

She still has the haughty laugh

Kanetsugu’s still got the haughty laugh

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Photo Kano – 03


Grab a double handful of Photo Kano!

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The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat – 02

HenNeko 02 (13)

A girl like that, you don’t just let go of.

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16 Responses to “MetaFap – 39 [NSFW]”

  1. skylion says:

    CPR=Trust and Bonding

    Two Tsukiko’s? Where do I sign up?

  2. Liza says:

    Dang Azusa. Even with that facade of yours, the way Youto acts, I think that would normally raise alarm bells that this guy is very, very creepy.

    As for Tsukiko, I really do like her but her clingyness to Youto is really odd. I’m trying to justify that since she cannot show emotions, we can’t really tell why she is being so clingy(although it is pretty easy to guess…)

    I also agree that I wish it would go back to the gags soon. That is what I watch this for. Not for sob backstories.

  3. Jrow says:

    Samurai Girls: I still like watching the characters, but this season has been more so-so than I was hoping for.

    Photo Kano: I wouldn’t bet on Kazuya blackmailing other girls to get their pictures taken. Unlike the other girls (especially Rito), Muroto would be far less willing of doing a photo shoot unless Kazuya had the advantage of having an embarrassing pic of her.

    • Highway says:

      Yeah, the Samurai Brides plot hasn’t really gone anywhere. We’re not even really trying to find out what happened to Juubei. Plus, I think the show worked better when Yukimura and Sen were power and love rivals, not co-wives or whatever they’re acting like now. We have none of the cleverness of Yukimura and her plans. The closest we got to any of that was looking for the underwear thief. I’d like to see some more stuff like that.

  4. Muir says:

    I think Azusa’s and Tsukiko’s atraction for Youto is at least kinda justified. Azusa likes him because, he’s perverted, but it sounds like he’s in love with her and he’s openly expressing his love (which he’s not, he just wants his facade back XD) but I mean, who DOESN’T like to be complimented? And for Tsukiko, she’s an introverted girl who hasn’t interacted with many boys her age, and Youto has shown her that he’s willing to help her and support her. Of course she can’t help but feel some lovulovu for him. But for Tsukushi, I don’t see any attraction at all. If you were referring to that scene where she was angry since he was with her sister (theres a different reason: Show ▼

    ) but even other than that, that scene just felt like she was just angry, I didn't really feel any jealousy form her.

    On another note, I'm loving the physical gags here XD oh gosh too good. And Azusa is too cute >v<

    • lvlln says:

      I really liked that little sequence when everyone was escaping from Tsukushi. One of a few well animated scenes in this episode.

  5. CarVac says:

    Death By Cuteness.

    The anime.

    That ED.

  6. KLACMAN says:

    stony cat anime – give all ha ha & sorts til bunch of HOE-SKI came in to bully azuka so not cool.

    give wonder expect drama blast later on?

    (& also heard sentai got it license & IF plan to dub it we all guess hilary haag with either be azuka or Tsukiko)

  7. BlackBriar says:

    Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 03: Finally that airhead Kanetsugu becomes a master samurai. I was hoping she and Matabei would change before the end of last season to no avail. However, the transformation failed to fulfil any hopes of improving her personality and instead increased her misplaced arrogance. Well, you can’t have evrything you want. Such is life. She may be annoying but she has her good moments to compensate.

    So we now have 4 Master Samurais. The only ones left to turn are Matabei and Hanzo which is going to be interesting to see since they don’t really have any affection for Muneakira and are only there to serve their superiors in any way possible.

    The story still hasn’t started but given the way things are going, it’s going to end like Senran Kagura with both sides being on peaceful terms. I can already see Jubei and Musashi as the new Asuka and Homura.

    • Highway says:

      I would say with 98% certainty that Hanzou and Matabei will never become Master Samurai contracted to Muneakira. Each of them is focused far more on the other person in their life, and I don’t think they’re willing to change that much.

      And Kanetsugu has good moments? Maybe for comedy. 🙂

      • skylion says:

        …could Muneakira become something like a Commander, with the four under him as generals? But off an Ass Pull but that way: Muneakira—–>Yukimura——->Matabei, and M—–>Sen—–>Hanzou?

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Photo Kano – 03: Perfect! As if being blackmailed wasn’t bad enough but Muroto dug her own grave six feet deep giving Kazuya those ideas. She’s lucky he’s a noble type of guy but the blackmail has just put a stain on that image.

    I’m really starting to wonder how Kazuya is keeping a clean reputation with girls like Mai and Nonoka when he’s a lot better at the random sexual harassment than those other guys.

    One of anime’s unbreakable laws. The lead always get immunity from situations that would have already crucified the lesser characters in a moment’s notice.

    Protect Nimi, my foot! After that fateful encounter seeing under her skirt, he might become the very thing he’s trying to protect her from. If he doesn’t, he still has to go against his club and I already peg Yuuko as his toughest obstacle.

  9. skylion says:

    Ah, Thank you so very much, Hentai Ooji to Wakawarai Neko. I had been suffering from cute withdrawal. Seriously, there is a criminal lack of my doki doki moe moe this Spring ’13.

    This is one of those shows where I have a clear advantage in mind for a harem ending. C’mon how does one even begin to choose between Azusa and Tsukushi.

    Yeah, might want to take the light novel stuff and put them in the “not so serious” category.

  10. PrimeHector says:

    Easy Tsukiko. She’s death by diabetes.

  11. BlackBriar says:

    The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat – 02: Damn! Yuki Kaji is a lot more tolerable playing perverts than whiners no matter how far he takes the perversion. It’s a type cast I can live with without problems.

    Even if she was bratty and a fraud, Azusa getting ridiculed like that was plain and simply cruel. Those two wouldn’t have liked if the shoe was on the other foot and there’s no reason for fate not to make it that way. Everyone is fair game in the world.

    There definitely is something to Tsukushi hounding Youto. Maybe track practice is her way of getting close to him and she scolds him if he doesn’t show up. Not to mention there was jealousy in her voice when she noticed her sister.

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