MetaFap – 32 [NSFW]


More butts and plots~


Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 20

Sakuraso MAIN (1)

OOOOH MY GOD, THE BLOOD WAS EVERYWHERE! Oh wait never mind this was cute.

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Vividred Operation – 08


Wall-kun never stood a chance against her ass…

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Senran Kagura – 08


She is just jelly over the other girls.

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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – 08

Maou MAIN (1)

Dragon girls are in this season.

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54 Responses to “MetaFap – 32 [NSFW]”

  1. Highway says:

    Sorry, all thoughts of previous week’s Maoyuu episodes wiped out by the last episode.

    Well, that’s not exactly true, but the previous episode was pretty much the same old stuff. I did think that statement by Head Maid was pretty flag-y: “If you’re not you when you come out, I’ll slay you.”

    And is it just me, or does Yuusha seem to take an awful lot of liberties with his plans? He’s certainly not a ‘stick to the plan, chums!’ kind of guy, instead being willing to just change based on whatever he thinks is happening. But maybe that’s why he’s the successful hero, because those work out for him.

    • HannoX says:

      Yeah, Episode 9 made for a probable game changer for this series. It could go off in an entirely new direction. However, the OP did give hints of what seems to be coming.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah by the time this post goes live the next episode is already released! I saw a few shots from 09 and was like oh damn I guess the plot really jumped huh?

      Yuusha seems to be like Marika from Mouretsu Pirates or Madoka from Rinne no lagrange? I mean in terms of them showing up and magically everything goes according to thier plans for the most part, but he is a interesting character even though every time he talks my mind goes DARK FLAME MASTER!

  2. Highway says:

    Vividred: They pulled off their plan, and once again Rei is left crushed. Rei’s strategy is as good as it can get, she’s just up against a superior force. But unfortunately that just means she loses.

    I still want to see a Wakaba x Himawari docking, alongside an Aoi x Akane docking, so we get Double-Vivid Attacks.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Good game Rei! You are horrible…

      AGREED! I want to see some other fusions besides the ones we have already seen, but who knows maybe they will find a way to make that happen? Since Aoi mentioned it I wonder if grandpa will look into it for the future ;D

  3. HannoX says:

    Vividred: I took away from this episode that only Akane can dock with others. Why else didn’t two of the other girls dock to fight the Alone? Of course, that can be wiped away next episode by a wave of the hand with grandpa informing the other girls that they can dock without Akane. We’ll see.

    Maoyuu: I think the Hero was trying to show the Merchant that demons are like humans despite looking different. And if you no longer fear them and aren’t at war with them, you can trade with them and open up new markets and new sources of wealth.

    Senran: At this point, not even full nudity from the girls can save this show and make it interesting.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Vividred: I know it is freaking lame I want to see the other combinations of fusions with the other girls! I find it hard to believe just Akane can do that, but of course she is the “leader” with her being red, still maybe grandpa will look into that feature? I hope so.

      Maoyuu: Truth! I guess that is one thing to take from that episode.

      Senran: Ahahahah yeah that is sad but so true….

      • HannoX says:

        Senran: OTOH, maybe the good shinobi and the bad shinobi can pair off in yuri couples. That might make this show interesting. But I wouldn’t bet on it.

        • BlackBriar says:

          OTOH, maybe the good shinobi and the bad shinobi can pair off in yuri couples.

          Dare to dream, HannoX, dare to dream. Whenever there’s an anime with girls, I’m sure there are a certain amount of viewers hoping for a yuri pairing.

    • Highway says:

      Weasel Ojii-san straight up said that the system can’t work that way, that it requires Akane to dock. I’m not sure whether that’s a technical issue, or whether it’s a friendship issue, because that was supposed to be the unlocking feature for Docking. And so far, all the girls are basically centered around Akane. That’s why I want to see the friendship between Himawari and Wakaba grow stronger, so that they could prove Ferret-Stuffed-Animal-san wrong and Dock, giving us DOUBLE VIVID!

      • Foshizzel says:

        500000 dollars says its a friendship issue! I bet they have Akane dock with Rei at the end of the series to fight the final boss xD

        • HannoX says:

          That would be cool. But whatever they do, we can be sure it’ll go beyond the docking we’ve seen so far to make for the big finish. So the four girls pairing off to make two dockings? The four all together? All five? The Alone defeated, Rei’s feathers exhausted and as she lies dying Akane produces a black key and docks to save her? Still several possibilities. The one thing we can predict about this show is that there’ll be at least one dat ass shot per episode.

          • Foshizzel says:

            From my experience with Precure which is often 4/5 girls fighting together in Heartcatch they all “fuse” into one giant girl and save the day! I think that will happen in Vividred, but who knows we shall see! I would love to see Rei+Akane fusion just to see what they look like xDD

      • HannoX says:

        Yeah, he did say it requires Akane to dock, but he also said there were only two keys. We saw how quickly that plot point got ignored. Why did they even have it? But I’m with you and I suspect most watching this. I want to see Himawari and Wakaba dock.

  4. skylion says:

    Vividbutts: Yeah, this has Symphogear written all over it. Strong beginning, mediocre middle, ending to be seen, but my money is on “not quite so good”. Symphogear did stand out for being so horrible it was awesome, but I don’t know if Vivid has that potential.

    Sakurasou: Why must you crush me so?

    Demon King Cataan: I wonder who Demon King will be when she emerges?

    Boob Ninjas: I suppose you guys will let me know when Mirai comes back, right? Other than that, I have no real reason to keep up with the show.

    • Highway says:

      Next ep has Mirai and more Hebi girls (yay) but more Hibari (boo). You should watch it.

      • BlackBriar says:

        Hey, more hebi girls. Nice. But I’d boycott Hibari from this show if I could. I’m sure she’s there only because she’s the descendant of some unannounced ninja clan.

        • Highway says:

          The storied lineage of the フワフワ忍…

          Bunny shinobi henshin!”

          • BlackBriar says:

            And bunnies being in a ninja lineage sounds very farfetched for me. I fail to see what they can even do.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Vividbutts: I guess I can see the Symphogear elements thrown in and yes it was such a terrible series! Vividred on the other hand reminds me of Strike Witches and for that they win points with me.

      Demon King Cataan: I should probably watch episode nine soon~

      Boob Ninjas: Sure I think Mirai is in the next episode because we visit the evil ninja school 😉

  5. Highway says:

    Boob Ninjas: I actually enjoy the show, and enjoy that the setup is different in that there’s the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’, but they get pretty much equal time, and are presented as not ‘good’ and ‘bad’, but just ‘light’ and ‘dark’. More of a balance thing than an evil thing.

    • Highway says:

      Oh, and that Asuka is starting to not be a complete loser. Hibari is still a complete loser. But maybe they’ll all get better, and we’ll see some cool fights, rather than curb-stomps.

  6. BlackBriar says:

    Senran Kagura – 08: If I had to pick a favorite girl among the light faction, it would be Katsuragi. I like her attitude (mainly her ambition to grope a girl’s huge rack. What a pervert) and how she’s optimistic along with her confidence. It’s like she gets excited when she comes into contact with someone stronger and it makes her want to overcome it knowing she’ll get stronger herself. She could be a Saiyan testing out her limits. I mean, come on, she has blonde hair and green eyes. Asuka wins second place.

    At least Ikaruga learned to lighten up before the whole team came together. Her best quality is that she becomes accepting of others over time and isn’t a snob because she’s more skilled. To her detriment, she takes things far too seriously sometimes. In the team, she’s basically the sister figure.

    Finally Yagyuu realizes she can’t baby Hibari forever. It’s time she grew up and learns what it means to be a ninja and with how the episode ended, she might actually start to be interesting. But I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting anything of that.

    • Highway says:

      I have liked Ikaruga throughout, and I like that she’s not the perfect Ojou-sama, but rather the ‘replacement’ lineage brought in because her father’s son was such a turd. That won’t matter at all to Yomi, tho, who just has an ax to grind with whoever.

  7. lvlln says:

    Ah, I wish I had had time to write for this one, because this latest Vividred episode was the first real emotional high since the 2nd drop episode. The Evangelion influence was just over-the-top here, with the Alone essentially the same as the 5th Angel Ramiel (final boss of the 1st Rebuild movie), with the race against time and the extremely powerful laser response to attacks. Then there was the plan of bombing Tokyo into oblivion, similar to the JSDF’s use of N2 bombs in Evangelion, and the evacuation of Tokyo itself, which happened regularly (to Tokyo-3) in Evangelion.

    The way they came together to defeat it was a little more like the 10th Angel Sahaqiel (the falling Angel that was mid boss of the 2nd Rebuild movie), with Hiwamari taking Shinji’s place in holding open the shield for Wakaba – taking Asuka’s place – to attack.

    A really fun episode that did a great job with the admittedly unsubtle drama. I keep saying that this show’s strong suit is its magical girl battles, and this episode kept that up with what I thought was the best action sequence yet, and one of the best I’ve seen in any TV anime recently. And without an actual Vivid girl! A shame that Akane has to be the nexus for that; Dr. Isshiki’s completely opaque explanations are funny and fit the show’s style, but if I’m not gonna get Green on Yellow Docking, I’d like to at least know why. 🙁

    • Highway says:

      One of the possible explanations I’ve seen (it may have been HannoX here or someone at RC) was that the Red Key is the only one that was created by Kenjiro, and the Blue, Green, and Yellow keys are all sub-keys from that. That’s why they don’t confer the same possibilities of docking with the ‘Master’ key to each other. It would make some sense, but it’s not explained. I want that to be the explanation, and STILL have Wakaba and Himawari bust the technical limitation and dock.

      Although like I said, Yellow + Green isn’t much of a color. But in the dockings it’s all swirled, not combined colors anyway.

      • HannoX says:

        It wasn’t me who came up with the master key idea. I don’t remember reading that, but it’s a good theory.

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 20: I’ve got to start living at a place like Sakurasou. Having a hacker like Ryuunosuke around and his work for free would make things so convinient for me. He’s sharp as usual with his logic but I always hate it when he uses his reasoning in a heartless manner. He should have realized that’s what drove his previous friends away but he’s lucky Rita is there looking out for him. That maid is such a tsundere.

    Nanami is strong willed. It’s great that she has the decency to look beyond her problems and worry about Sakurasou’s future but it still pulled some strings when she didn’t get accepted. It’s ridiculous and selfish that the building is going to be torn down because of Mashiro. In a different point of view, it isn’t really about her. The board is only doing this because it’s serving their self centered interests. Mashiro should be the one to decide what’s best for herself and it was her decision to start drawing mangas.

    • Highway says:



      Something that was pointed out: Meido-chan’s hair style and color is almost exactly the same as the girl in Ryuunosuke’s flashback. Thinking about it further, the girl in the flashback also stayed longer with him than the other two boys. How much of a hopeful relationship did she have with Ryuunosuke that made her stick around trying to make it work, even after he was removed from the project team? And then if he programmed Meido-chan to be a more-favorable-to-him version of that girl, it makes a LOT more sense why Meido-chan is so jealous of Rita.

      Which in turn makes it even more interesting that Meido-chan breaks down in her tsundere way and both fills in Rita on his story and then encourages Ryuunosuke to talk to Rita.

      • Karakuri says:

        Oh wow I didn’t even notice the resemblance between meido-chan and that girl. …I wonder if they went more into that in the novels or not.

  9. KLACMAN says:

    vivid 8 – focus more on other 3 that are not red give bit HUH no way for docking with other colors on it.

    maoyuu 8 – give sorta all fine give til conspracy on rise (if saw ep.9 someone deserve an oscar awards for it)

    senran 8 – give shown how the main 5 meet & enroll til hi-jack the pink (seen ep.9 well yea we got probs)

  10. BlackBriar says:

    Vividred Operation – 08: Wow, Akane sure has a strong influence on the girls but it was a good move to have her sit this fight out to let the others develop more especially with Himawari given that she’s the recently recuited member of the team. Having other docking possibilities is a good idea but sadly it wouldn’t work since their powers originated from Akane’s suit.

    Rei is running out of chances and I’m certain that crow’s patience is beginning to wear out. What I speculate is that the feather tattoos on her neck are the conditions of whatever deal she made with the crow or whatever possible organization it’s representing. The number of feathers could mean number of chances she has at completing her mission, getting her wish and staying free and if it runs out, she becomes a slave or the feedback from the used chances will kill her as a penalty. That was a dirty shot with the arrow this time, though.

  11. BlackBriar says:

    Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – 08: From what Maou ordered the Head Maid to do, she might go through a painful process that could drastically change her personality or trigger an uncontrolable transformation.

    It’s interesting to see how easy-going Yuusha is with almost everything. Putting so much faith in the merchant is hard to accept right now. He always keeps a level even in strenuous moments. But I don’t like the idea of deliberately letting the new maid be captured. I haven’t watched the next episode yet but I have a bad feeling things are going to turn out for the worst.

  12. Jrow says:

    I’m gonna change the color of the numbers in the MetaFap title. White doesn’t play well on Reader and the like.

    • BlackBriar says:

      Alright. I think it goes well with the black surroundings of the site. But that’s just my opinion.

    • Highway says:

      I had to look to know it was white. I vote for…

      Vivid Yellow!

      • BlackBriar says:

        I had to look to know it was white. I vote for…

        Vivid Yellow! Vivid Green!

        There! I fixed your comment to how it was meant to be. Just a minor typo and thanks are not needed. Skylion is rubbing off on me. 🙂

        • Highway says:

          He certainly is. Now both of you claim to ‘fix’ things that aren’t broken in the first place, and are left in a significantly worse condition after you’re done.

          As Rei would say: “Meddlers!”


          • skylion says:

            He certainly is Now both of you claim to ‘fix’ things that aren’t broken in the first place, and are left in a significantly worse condition after you’re done awesome, isn’t he?

            As Rei would say: “Meddlers! Skylion is hte man.”

  13. Soul says:

    Ah!!!! Thank you very much for creating this section that’s totally dedicated to ecchi stuff!!!!!

  14. D-LaN says:

    Come next week and you will see Fosh takes over the whole column…..

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