MetaFap – 25 [NSFW]


Metafap I salute you!

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 13

SakuraSOU main (1)

Mashiro has been watching a lot of Mirai Nikki in her spare time…

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Senran Kagura – 01

SenRAN main (3)

Senran Kagura is a million times better than Naruto.

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36 Responses to “MetaFap – 25 [NSFW]”

  1. Highway says:

    Sakurasou: Sorata needed to be smacked in this one. Jerk. Baka. Maybe Mashiro can bring back “Sorata no baka.” He’s the only one who can’t see that Mashiro likes him, even after she asks if it’s koi, even after she tells him that he’s inside her somehow. Ayano’s pretty much the only one who might tell him, because Nanami’s sure not going to.

    I thought having his latest game idea be more of a failure was an interesting development. Doesn’t really fit the usual pattern. But the problem was that it turned him into a jerk-ass.

    • Karakuri says:

      Sorata needs to be slapped by Mashiro or something. I think it would be most effective if Mashiro is the one to bring him back to reality, but it seems like a tiny bit of a stretch to her character at the moment.

      Yeah, another failure here is interesting. Here, I thought it things were going to go up for once, but the plot sure doesn’t want to make Sorata’s progress easy.

      • Highway says:

        Yeah, unfortunately what I think is going to have to happen is that Nanami falls on her sword, and tells Sorata that Mashiro likes him, at the cost of her own feelings for Sorata. And it’ll suck because Nanami’s so great, but that will make her even greater, too.

        • Karakuri says:

          Yeah, that seems like the way it will go since things are going so well for Nanami at the moment. OTL She’s such a great martyr. Nanami’s the rival taking away from the main couple, but it’s impossible to hate her because she’s just such a great person. Poor girl…

        • BlackBriar says:

          It would be just like Ano Natsu de Matteru where Kana realized the terrible truth that no matter how hard she tried, her feelings were never going to be returned and ultimately had to give Kaito, whom she grew to love, up to the newcomer Ichika even though they’ve been childhood friends for years.

  2. Highway says:

    Senran Kagura: So Katsu’s Ninja Transformation is to… unbutton her shirt the rest of the way. So far the show has too much Hibari and her weird eyes. And why does Asuka need to be the main character. She’s the least interesting one so far. The show definitely needs more Ikaruga, let’s see if Katsu gets up the nerve to molest her sometime, or if she just continues to pick on Hibari and Asuka.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah some of their transformations are a bit random? The only transformation that actually worked was probably Hibari because she looks like a magical girl! Oh ya her eyes are kind of interesting haha

      Yeah I agree with you Asuka is kind of dull when you have so many other characters that could easily fill her role I wouldn’t mind if Ikargura was the main lead instead.

      • Yukarin_YY says:

        Henshin sequence caught me off gaurd, Katsuragi just unbuttoned her shirt to “bring out her full potential” lol

        • Foshizzel says:

          Hahaha p much! Unbuttoned her shirt and was like “LETS ROCK” and got some dumb golden boots? LOL

          Full potential indeed xD

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 13: Everyone raise your hand in agreement that Sorata needs a reality check for being so dense to Mashiro. That letter he got must have meant his project got denied again but that’s no reason to take his frustration out on her.

    Mashiro has jumped a few steps being more emotional than before. The sudden outburst she made surprised me. Poor girl. All she wanted was Sorata’s approval.

    Nice santa suit, Misaki but it’s off season now. Thank you for playing. She’s persistant going after Jin, I’ll give her that but now it’s time to get an explanation out of him.

    • Karakuri says:

      Sorata’s having such a hard time, but it’s definitely not worth taking it out on Mashiro. He’s just a kid having a temper tantrum. As for Mashiro, I hope she gathers enough emotion to bitchslap some sense into him. She’s definitely developed into more of an adult over the first half of the season, it’s his turn now.

  4. BlackBriar says:

    Senran Kagura – 01: To Love-Ru just finished and we get this denying us a moment to fully start grieving. Well done!! I can say that it already looks promising in the action department thanks to the start with some subtle ecchi following in tow. I’m feeling some Rinne no Lagrange vibes with the interactions between the girls along with soft yuri undertones. Eri Kitamura’s character was kind of easy to spot. You’d mostly find her playing hot yet perverted looking roles and here, she looks like a dark skinned version of C³: Cube x Cursed x Curious’s Kirika Ueno.

    Speaking of To Love-Ru, Fosh, if you want to see a similar story in certain areas, update yourself on In Bura. Chapter 9 got released some time ago and it’s hilariously nuts. Believe me that if it ever gets animated, it would definitely be prime MetaFap material.

    • Highway says:

      Subtle? Soft yuri undertones? I didn’t think you were one to go for understatement, BB, but you might have locked up the title for understatement of the year. 😉

      • BlackBriar says:

        Hmm.. You’re right and maybe I am laying it on a bit light. Strong yuri undertones, then (always a pleasure). The year’s just begun so it’s too early to accept that kind of title.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I am looking forward to the awesome fights with the other girls and there is enough ecchi elements to keep us entertained. Yuri all over the place! Especially with Katsuragi molesting every girl she sees…imagine her attempting that move against the villain girls xD

      Yeah I read the summary to In Bura I guess it’s more about vampires right? I will check it out~

      • BlackBriar says:

        The ninja style fights are mainly what I’m looking forward to. Though the main girl is really blunt for a ninja not noticing Homura’s muderous intent. Katsuragi seems indescriminate. I think she’d react to anything that moves.

        In Bura leans mostly on ecchi and uses the vampirism as another drive for it. Think of it as Rosario + Vampire meets To Love-Ru and the main girl, Ian Itanami as its version of Moka Akashiya/Lala Deviluke and the lead male as Tsukune Aono/Rito.

        • Foshizzel says:

          Yeah I can’t wait to see how the action holds up, but if anything it will just become service shots all over the place! Yeah Homura seems to be the “quick to fighting” character which is nice compared to the main team of heroes xD

          Oooooh Sounds alright even though vampires hardly interest me, but I should check it out! Who knows maybe there will be an anime version one day?

  5. KLACMAN says:

    give saw Senran give already Funi-service already license it.

    yea looking more on it give already i so guess like $10 guesses who Funi plan to dub cast on it.

    & if jamie marchi going to be blonde female i know cause she did rana in Freezing dub.

    • BlackBriar says:

      Yeah, the blonde girl is perverted and I can see Jamie Marchi voicing her since she played Panty from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. I wouldn’t be surprising if Colleen Clinkenbeard played the black haired girl with the Hime cut and Monica Rial as the innocent looking pink haired girl.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Ahh yeah Funimation grabbing their usual ecchi series! They always have at least one and yeah I can picture the entire cast of Freezing and Panty and Stocking for the english dub hahaha

  6. Overcooled says:

    I think Senran Kagura is my guilty pleasure for the season. Those boobs are so mesmerizing. Calming, almost.

    • BlackBriar says:

      Ehhhh?! Are my eyes deceiving me while I’m reading this?! I didn’t think you were one to be into the ecchi genre, OC. Especially mentioning the boobs in a positive manner. This is quite the shocker.

      • Jrow says:

        I think OC needs to change her password because I’m pretty sure someone else is posting on her account. XD

        • Overcooled says:

          LOL no it’s still me. I’ve just been very good at hiding it, but I don’t mind a good ecchi show every now and then.

          • Highway says:

            Everyone likes a good ecchi show every now and then. It’s just that definitions of ‘good’ vary. 🙂

    • Highway says:

      Besides, she’s right. You can’t take your eyes off them. Especially Katsu… in the ED… playing the drums… with the well-placed cymbal stands…

    • Foshizzel says:

      Ahahaha nice! I guess everyone needs mindless entertainment~

      Epic boob physics are calming…

  7. Yukarin_YY says:

    humu things just didn’t work out for SoraShiro this week.

    I liked that Mashiro got interested in cooking, which was also really funny, but because of that they got pushed apart 🙁 I also really like it when Mashiro speaks louder/during serious scenes, almost feels a different voice.

    Sorata needs to apologize to Mashiro next week end patch-up this joint 😉

    • Karakuri says:

      Yes yes and yes! I like Mashiro’s new direction, it’s just that Sorata needs to grow up a bit. If he doesn’t, I will definitely be upset.

      • Yukarin_YY says:

        He needs to suck it up and apologize, or Mashiro should just bitchslap him right in the face lol

        • BlackBriar says:

          Sorata no baka!! Short, sweet and to the point. The dude seriously needs a reality check. He’s not the only one in the world with problems and Mashiro was only trying to cheer him up.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Mashiro wanting to cook was great! Minus the knife in her hands though…way to dangerous xD

      Yeah! I noticed that! The serious moment her voice changed and how she speaks changed as well.

      I KNOW! How could he be so mean T___T

      • Yukarin_YY says:

        I know right XD and I loved how Sorata used the top of a pot as a shield~

        Guess this is what Rita warned about Mashiro “breaking” him :/

        • Foshizzel says:

          Hahaha yes! Sorata is quick on his feet when dealing with Mashiro!

          Hmm possibly or Sorata just wants Mashiro to not fall behind on her work? Either way those two need to make up soon.

  8. Yukarin_YY says:

    I think I vaguely remember Sorata getting slapped by someone in the previous episodes, whoever slapped him needs to come back and give him another round of face smacking justice. Or, I’m just being delusional.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah he does need a quick slap to the face doesn’t he? I am trying to remember if that already happened…I know Rita got slapped by Ryu

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