MetaVerse Episode 22: Adapting to Sushi

Sushi GoKart makes his podcast debut as we talk SAO & adapting

 Yo Kids. The MetaCast of Fosh, Ness, Sushi and I properly introduce Sushi GoKart to the MetaVerse listening audience with a MetaGasm Q&A segment. We also talk about how Sword Art Online has been adapted in its early stages as the conversation branches off towards why it’s tough for adaptations to be done the way fans desire them to be done. Hope you enjoy the ep. and the music choices!


00:00-00:33 — Intro (Sushi’s tune: Girls Generation — Mr. Taxi)

00:34-26:23 — MetaGasm: Q&A with Sushi GoKart and Reverse Q&A on the MetaCast

26:24-27:27 — Intermission (Fosh’s tune: Piko — Make My Day)

27:28-47:36 — MetaDebates: Sword Art Online & adapting Light Novels and Manga

47:37-53:54 — Shoutouts

53:55-57:19 — Outro (Ness’ tune: Draw the Emotional – Morning Glow)

Her armor rating may be low, but her APP level is limit breaking


The team behind Metanorn's Podcast, MetaVerse. Our aniblogging experience gives us the expertise to dish out detailed opinions on which series to watch and ones to drop. And remember, we take fangirling seriously!
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17 Responses to “MetaVerse Episode 22: Adapting to Sushi”

  1. Tofu says:

    SushiGoKart? Who the hell does he think he is? Covers weird stuff like Trinity Seven, you guys made the wrong choice picking Sushi as a member of Metanorn LOLS 😛

    But jokes aside, although SAO the anime is quite a good adaptation from the light novel in terms of mixing around the events and make it chronological(somewhat?) but as a person who’s only watching anime, I can only judge it as an anime. In all honesty, my thoughts are similar to Fosh’s in terms of the feeling of inconsistency with all the side stories BUT with that out of the way, it has started to feel more consistent and I’m liking it more and more ^^

    PS: I’m actually happy you guys didn’t put Gangam style by PSY as one of your music intermissions xP Catchy song but I’ve gotten so fed up with it being played at me by my friends and even though media nearly everyday OTL

    • Jrow says:

      I have what I believe is the good fortune of not ever hearing that Gangam Style song. I’ve seen plenty of Youtube links but never clicked on it. Just like that Friday song. Thankfully the group picked a nice batch of music.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Sushi is a stand up dude.

      SAO is fun and I love looking forward to it every week! That and blogging it I suppose makes me love it even more, but I just want the STORRRYYYY to progress and of course we need DAT character development to grow between Kirito and Asuna <3

      LOLOLOL Gungan style IS AMAZING!!

      • Tofu says:

        @Jrow: You should feel good you haven’t been sucked into Gangam style (yet?) XD

        @Fosh: At first I thought he was saying GUNDAM STYLE!!! LOLS!

        But yeah… such a ridiculous dance and a catchy song


  2. Gecko says:

    Wow, you guys shed some needed light on SAO. I haven’t bothered looking at the LNs yet. Maybe I will if SAO proves to do well. I just wish the side stories had been a little more spread out rather than all at once.
    I’m glad you like Kokoro Connect too, Sushi. 😀 I have to say that I like it more that SAO for now. Usually I prefer plot-driven shows to character-driven. But it is definitely a show where you have to “connect” to one of the characters in order to watch. Fosh and Jrow probably don’t connect well to anyone in it, so that’s why they can’t watch and enjoy.
    I agree with Tofu, Gangam Style would have been a bad choice. You guys took a good route and picked some nice songs instead.

    • Jrow says:

      When it comes to Kokoro Connect, I’ve only seen episode 1. I haven’t “dropped” it, just put it “on hold” for visiting later on. I’m seeing lots of interesting thoughts on it, and spoiling myself like nobody’s business, so I’m looking forward to watching it at some point.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I loved the body swapping thing at the start, but now it is just a drama fest every freaking week…I am still in the loop for watching and I just wanted to tune in every week to hear Yui! I love her voice <3

  3. BlackBriar says:

    SushiGoKart. Nice to know a little more about one of Metanorn’s newest members.

    I don’t why they tried to make anime version of comic book shows? They were obviously hopeless cases and doomed from the start. Iron Man having an anime caught me by surprise but I didn’t even bother for Wolverine and Blade especially knowing the fact the languages would be in Japanese. That would be beyond annoying.

    Reading manga basically covers more ground on the story given that anime cuts certain parts that would have proven crucial. Info that changes the whole story. It has more depth and isn’t rushed to keep a time frame. Like when I read Shiki, I realized the anime cut the scene with Seishin saying he wouldn’t mind the village disappearing and they didn’t show the aftermath of Sotoba burning down followed by Seishin and Sunako walking freely in the city.

    • Foshizzel says:


      I prefer to read a manga after I finish a series and if I loved the manga I might dig up the light novel…so far I have only done that with Index just because I want to know more about my favorite characters like Misaka and her friends! Other than that if the series/manga were dull I will pass on novels.

  4. Toori-chan says:

    Oh heiya Sushi. Nice to meet ya. Hope to hear more of you on MetaVerse~

    WHAT Piko is a guy?!! I can’t believe this!!! And kept listening to this song without realizing that. He sure have quite the vocal range.

    I love Ness’ tune. Thank you for making me pick up a new Touhou circle to follow~

    Most of those who didn’t read the LN of SAO will find the anime awesome while readers find them sort of ‘meh’. Personally, I read the novel and still enjoyed the anime quite a bit although once in awhile I’ll go “something’s missing in this scene…”

    I really enjoy Kokoro Connect as well. The whole drama of keeping the friendship from crumbling is really touchy.

    Good job on the podcast although it felt shorter than usual. I’ll be waiting for the review on Mayonaka Arena.

  5. […] of SAO to make up for all the lovey-dovey shenanigans this week, look no further than our most recent podcast episode or my post on homemade versions of Asuna’s cooking. You get to hear Sushi’s voice for […]

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