50 things you didn’t know about Miyu!
Presenting to you, Metanorn’s imouto-chan! :3
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Since Kyo and Fosh have both done their 50Qs, it’s time for my turn! Along with the rest of team, I’m here to answer these 50 (revealing) questions too! As part of the new blood, I think I’m still pretty ~ambiguous~ to many lovely readers here, so I hope I don’t expose my inner insane self too much and scare everybody off… (or have I already?) |
1. Who is your favorite male anime character?
Why is the first question so hard? D: Okay, I have an inexplicable obsession with Hibari Kyoya from Hitman Reborn. Yes he’s stoic and mostly indifferent, but somehow I feel like he has a very big, warm heart under that cold façade of his. Or maybe I’m just being delusional HAHA.
2. Who is your favorite female character?
Kuchiki Rukia. I love her to bits because of her awesome personality and I would say she’s full of… spunk? xD She’s adorably petite but she has so much courage and love and braveness in that little heart of hers, it makes me want to cuddle her. (Oh no I feel like a pedo now) She’s actually kind of tsun I think, but the endearing kind of tsun, and watching her growth throughout Bleach’s 300+ episodes has been a rewarding experience. <3
3. What is your favorite anime soundtrack?
Bleach’s soundtrack has actually grown on me over the years, and Angel Beats’ soundtrack is full of epic win! But recently I’ve come to like Guilty Crowns’ too. :3 (Sidetracking, but Final Fantasy XIII’s soundtrack is brilliant.)
4. What is your favorite anime opening + animation?
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood’s Rain by SID. Beautiful music and lyrics.
5. What is your favorite anime ending song + animation?
No.6’s Rokutousei no Yoru by AIMER – I can actually cry listening to this song. (Guess what my twitter username @thesixthstar was inspired by?)
6. What is your favorite anime scene?
??? I really cannot decide because I have way too many but let me just name it off my head – both kissing scenes from No.6, because there was so much build-up and tension and emotions in those two scenes (THEY WEREN’T JUST KISSES #wordsofaderangedfangirl) and I was really touched by that goodbye and I JUST CAN’T ;_;
7. If you could meet an anime character, who would it be?
LOL I WANT TO MEET KYUUBEY. Okay maybe not, um, Usui Takumi? Actually I want him to be in my class or something to make my school life more entertaining. 😀
8. What anime character is most similar to you in terms of personality?
Hmm, I would say I’m like Rukia and Himari and Ririchiyo all mashed up into one. I leave that up to your own interpretation hehe. (In case you were wondering, yes, the cover image of this post is a Ririchiyo/Rukia crossover! 8D)
9. What is your favorite thing about anime?
I love how it can be so ridiculously absurd, and yet still enjoyable and entertaining. *cough*MAWARU PENGUINDRUM*cough* it’s like an escape from reality and anime is truly my weekly laughter pill that helps me relax and just forget about stressful stuff.
10. What is your least favorite thing about anime?
Same with Kyokai, the general stereotypes that all otakus are hentai jijis. =w= I mean, just because I’m an otaku, doesn’t mean that I’m a pedobear/lolicon/perv… (oh wait I like yaoi maybe I am) But yes not all otakus have an obsession with boobs or anything, seriously. We are perfectly normal, and mostly awesome people 😀
11. Who are your favorite anime couple?
NEZUMI AND SHION. I will never stop loving them forever until the end of time. /dramatic But no seriously, the relationship they have with each other is so beautiful ;_;
12. Who is your favorite anime animal?
URI! Or Roll. Or Natsu. Hehe basically all of them from Hitman Reborn 8D (P/S. I hope no one puts Kyuubey here, even though that fluffy thing technically isn’t an animal.)
13. What anime would make a good game?
HAHA I actually kind of want to play Guilty Crown. Y’know, pulling weapons out of people’s boobs hearts and stuff.
14. What game would make a good anime?
ALL the Final Fantasy games! (Yeah I’m biased.)
15. What was the first anime you ever watched?
Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch – DON’T ASK OKAY. I was 9 when I watched it D:
16. Do you think you’ll ever stop watching anime?
Let’s just say I have plans with my fellow otaku friends to fangirl over episode 21386129386 of Naruto when I’m an eighty year-old obaa-chan. 😀
17. What is your favorite genre of anime?
18. What is your least favorite genre of anime?
Sports. I tend to fall asleep.
19. Are you open about watching anime with people you know?
DEPENDS ON WHAT ANIME IT IS. Some anime have really deep themes that a non-otaku wouldn’t readily accept, so I am selectively open.
20. Have you ever been to Japan?
NO ;_; but I’m going this year ^^
21. What anime was the biggest let down for you?
Shugo Chara season… I forgot. I started watching Shugo Chara in elementary school (and I really liked it) but somehow instead of becoming more serious/impactful as its watchers matured, it became even more kiddy? Idek by the end of season XXX I was so tired of the random LIVE ACTION SCENES and the ~moral of the story~ thingums I just dropped it. ): It was fun when it lasted.
22. What anime was better than expected?
Hands down Madoka. When I saw the cover image I was like, friend, y u intro me to such a kiddy bouncy anime? >: And then I watched it and got my mind blown. Been there, done that.
23. What is the best anime fight scene?
I like all the fighting scenes in Bleach, especially those that have Byakuya in them. The animation in Bleach is really very pleasing right now and because Byakuya’s zanpakutou is so… PINK AND SPARKLY it makes it all the better 😀 On the other hand all the characters in bleach seem to be able to stand and talk with a missing body part/random hole in their body but nevermind… It’s anime.
24. Who is your anime husbando?
25. What was your favorite video game as a child?
I only played kiddy games when I was young, like Shrek or Madagascar xD Oh wow I feel incredibly lame now.
26. Most Embarrassing moment?
I have too many xD There was one time in elementary school, we were having a dance performance and I was one of the main dancers. When I saw a guy I had a crush on walking into the hall, let’s just say some moves slipped my mind and I stood there like an awkward turtleeee. It was very awkward.
27a. Can you drive?
Nope, I’m still underage.
27b. Do you own a car?
I want to? 😀
28. Are you mature?
….Probably not. Still working on that. xD
29. What year were you born?
1996! I’m the youngest here in the Metateam and I feel like a kid… *flops around*
30. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I love all animals, honestly, but I have a pet dog so 8D Obligatory adorable photo of my dog with her birthday cake:
31. Describe yourself physically.
Picture an Asian Rapunzel, and you’ll get me! 😀 And no, contrary to the general stereotypes not all Asians have small eyes! )< I’m of average height, with dark brown eyes and super long black hair with streaks of brown (from swimming and the sweltering hot SUN) – when people meet me the first thing they notice is my hair, so : I got used to it!
32. What would you name your first child?
HIBARI!! Okay no, people will judge my kid hahaha. In all seriousness. Elizabeth! Because it would have been my name if my dad wasn’t so adamant about having a *cough* shorter name.
33. What is the worst injury you have ever had?
When I was 5, I tripped on a pile of sandals on the floor and cracked my head on a flower pot – it left me with a scar above my eyebrow *w* Also I think that explains why my friends all think I’m nuts. 😀
34. What is your worst habit?
Forever not turning the lights off when I stop using rooms?
35. Do you drink or smoke?
Nopeeeee and I don’t plan to either. And excuse me I’m still underage hahaha. I occasionally drink Japanese choya when I’m at home though because I like it. I have a very low tolerance for liquor.
36. Do you have a tattoo?
I think tattoos with some special significance to its owner are cool, but I’m scared of the pain so no. #fail
37. Are you a morning person or a night person?
A night person, I’m usually most productive during the night and I’ll stay up until unearthly hours because I like it. 😀 In the morning I always feel like a cranky zombie so I won’t get anything done.
38. Have you ever slept past midday?
Forever oversleeping Miyu says yes ): Especially on weekends and holidays.
39. Do you regret anything?
Lots of things, actually. But recently I’ve been putting in a conscious effort to live and forget, and aim to do better next time!
40. Can you count the number of friends you have on one hand?
NO! I treasure my social life whether it’s in real life or on the internet (all you lovely people). <3
41. Do you wear glasses?
Yup. I’m staring at you, people who’re on the internet 12 hours a day and still have perfect eyesight. )<
42. Are you a picky eater?
Nope! I used to be when I was younger, but now I LOVE EATING I’m pretty okay with anything! Unless it’s gross because I can never be like Bear Grylls who eats worms and bugs and other disgusting things.
43. Would you die for someone?
Yes, definitely for my loved ones. I wouldn’t even be thinking about myself if any of them were in danger.
44. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Flying? I want to know how it feels like to soar in the sky :3 #cheesy
45. Do you believe in the supernatural?
Hmm, as in ghosts and stuff? I don’t exactly believe in them but I’m freaked out anyway, because I’m easily scared like that >:
46. Would you rather be rich or famous?
I don’t know, my ambition is to be a singer/writer so if that comes true obviously I would want to be famous in a way? I’m terrified of the media nowadays though, being so controversial and all. On the other hand, MONEHS IS IMPORTANT. I sound like Ness now. xD
47. Have you ever committed a crime?
48. Pirates or ninjas? Time Traveler or ghost?
Ninja, and time traveler. Because pirates are scary (except Johnny Depp, he’s just funny :D) and WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE A GHOST?
49. Does someone have a crush on you?
Unfortunately, yes. Because although I’m currently in a girls’ school, my guy friends from elementary school whom I still keep contact with all have creepy stalker friends. It’s freaking me out.
50. Are you in a relationship?
Nope! My priority now is STUDYING (#typical asian) and pursuing my dreams!! 😀 But of course I’m still waiting for THE ONE *dramatic music plays in the background*
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And I’m done! *wipes forehead* Hehe I had fun answering those questions and I hope you enjoyed getting to know more about me! For the next many, many years Metanorn has to come, yoroshiku ne! ^~^ Also, check out Kyo’s and Fosh’s if you haven’t already! |
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Critique with 1024 comments
Not a dog person but that picture literally made me “squee!” out loud xD
Great answers Miyu :3
POWUH: iLurker with 7 comments
[…] hearing Kyo, Fosh, Miyu, OC, Hoshi, Hawt, Zab, Jrow and Kara‘s answers you must all be getting to know the team […]
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
[…] http://metanorn.net/2012/03/50-things-you-didnt-know-about-miyu […]