MetaVerse Episode 12 – The Fad of Hyped up Anime
^^ The most official Fate/Zero podcast ever! Though we talk about other hyped up winners and losers. ^^
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:29:42 — 84.3MB)
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Yo boys and girls! The MetaCast of Kyokai, Foshizzel, Zabobinator and myself got together to talk about anime that have gotten a lot of hype from the fandom. Sometimes expectations can be met, but for every one anime that does, a bunch more tend to not be able to meet the lofty expectations the anime fandom puts upon them. Tune in and find out which shows we felt didn’t live up to the hype as well as ones that have (or in a couple cases, having). |
00:00-01:03 – Intro Music – Jrow’s Tune: “We Go!” by Hiroshi Kitadana (One Piece)
01:04-11:40 – MetaCast
11:41-14:49 – MetaPowuh
14:50-15:54 – Intermission – Zabo’s Tune: “Thankful Breath” by Tablo
15:55-48:47 – MetaProject A – Hyped-up anime that disappointed
- Sacred Seven
- Guilty Crown
- Vampire Bund
- Blood-C
- Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin
- Kamisama Dolls
- Kamisama no Memo-chou
- Yumekui Merry
- Highschool of the Dead
48:48-49:38 – Promo: Method to Madness
49:39-1:10:55 – MetaProject B – Anime lived/living up to the hype
- Mawaru Penguindrum
- Fate/Zero
- Bakemonogatari (Note: blogsuki link)
- Durarara!!
- FMA: Brotherhood
1:10:56-1:12:20 – Intermission – Fosh’s Tune: “Friends Making Group” by Haganai Seiyuu Cast (Haganai)
1:12:21-1:28:06 – Shout-outs (1:14:51-1:21:12 – Flashback – MetaQ from Samanatha Zan)
- Metanorn Twitter Love:
- Cesychan Cesia Estrada, Miharu_Matsuo Miharu Matsuo, dai1313 David iZ, ThanatosAU William O’Keeffe, oriana3k oriana3k, Icenek0 Nicole Czirjak, THISisFAITH simplyFaith, TohnoKaori Toori-chan, kreeshareyes Krizia Reyes and otakurean pp
- Cast Shoutouts:
- Fosh: Commentors on Inspiring Anime Characters editorial
- Jrow: Bass and Justin
- Zab: Bass, Vivi, Starburst and Orange
- Kyo: Fate/Zero Commentors (Caster RAGE love), Miyu and TK (for their awesome AFA coverage), Bass, Vivi, Elyon, Tofu, Asch and Amuro
- Important Site links:
1:28:07-1:29:42 – Outro Music: Kyo’s Tune: “My Dearest” by Supercell (Guilty Crown)
BGM Credits
- “King’s Session” from Fate/Zero Original Image Soundtrack
- “A Dreams” Fate/Zero Original Image Soundtrack
- “On Tuesday Night” from Durarara OST 1
- “Children of Destiny” from Mawaru Penguindrum OST 1
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We sure had awesome fun this episode with bitching and fangirling. It was interesting to talk about the winners and losers of the hyped-up-club because things usually don’t turn out the way you expect them to. Something that a seasonal watcher would swear upon. Hope you are enjoying our blatant and sometimes very CANDID discussions on fandom. Don’t forget to ask us questions MetaQ. Till next time, ja ne~ |
This was so becoming the cover of this episode but the above Fate/Zero pic happened. Still, Shizaya is always hella entertaining~
Tags: MetaVerse 12
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 323 comments
Ahahaha! This was so much fun! My bad about my mic. >.<
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
It was amazing to have you on Zabob! Now if we can get Anaaga and Kara to join in 😉
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Aww no K-On? 😛
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Oooooh I wouldn’t want to face the wrath of bashing K-On even if it was extremely over hyped and that second season…
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
My experience with K-on:
I had no knowledge of this moe culture or moe moe fun time or w/e the heck this stuff is coming in. All I knew was it was girls in a band singing songs. Past experience of the anime Beck had me intrigued by this show. My Anivision buddy watched season 1 and said he liked it, even saying Season 2 was his favorite at the very beginning of that season. He didn’t compare it to Beck in any way at all. So I watched all of Season 1 and was like, “these girls are dumb, lack motivation, sing super cheesy songs that sound like they were written for grade-schoolers, etc.”
I make it a personal running gag at this point that I think K-On is a bad show, but it’s just not the type of show for me. If others like it, I’m glad they’re enjoying it. I watch Ikkitousen, so I really shouldn’t be judging.
However, I must say that the Yoko Hikasa theme songs are awesome. “Don’t Say Lazy”, “Listen” and “No Thank You” are comfy on my iPod.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Guilty Crown’s gotten better you must admit. When Shu finally got some personality to her and Inori showing her BAMF with the dual pistols, the story’s starting to come together ^^ Sure it took a while but hey, if it ends up working, it works ;D
Embrace the yoko love in Occult guys~ :3
Saber + Black Suit = BAMF! >:3
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You know, to be honest, I haven't seen Brotherhood yet and I know how much I'm missing out which is why~ 1080p PEOPLE~!! I'm gonna get to marathoning it soon ;D
Thanks for the shoutouts Zab nd Kyo, we'll do our best to get Bass off twitter ;D
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Guilty Crown has gotten a bit better I can agree there, sadly there are a few holes in the plot and a few characters are soooooo boring! Like Inori. Sure she is very cute and has a bit of a sexy side thanks to her suit she wears, and Shu is “growing” but it will take some time xD
It was all about Maya <3 <3 <3
Of course! After all I did draw a picture of Saber in a suit ahaha because she is just awesome!
Yep more love for Senjougahara soooon! Can't wait for that winter series.
Psssh FMA is awesome everyone should see it!
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
I would say Guilty Crown has gotten fun. Fun being in the sense of turning my brain off and enjoying an action show. After we recorded the episode, I did think that Guilty Crown would be the show we took some heat for bringing up (especially since it’s at 7 of 22 currently).
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
You’ve done it again, Meta Cast. Nice work. There are shows that manage live up to the hype and others that fall completely from expectations. Guilty Crown is one of the anime that was able to deliver with all of its addictive advertising. And like Tofu said, the show’s gotten better.
Fate/Zero was another success especially when it was riding on its fanbase for Fate/ Stay Night. Fanbase on anything is what kills a show if it’s a total bust.
I hear there were a lot of expectations on Mirai Nikki because of the manga version and so far, it’s doing nicely, even following the actual story instead of making detours. Rumors are it’s a mind bender.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Why thank you! It means a lot -hugs-
Yeah Guilty Crown is soooo guilty of drawing us in, I look back at the excitement I had originally for it and go -face palm- Right I agree GC has gotten somewhat “better” now they just need to focus on the damn plot.
For sure man! Saber is always a great character and that suit adds to her bad ass qualities 😀
Yeah I read a bit past the child arc, so I know where things are going but I stopped there haha it’s the first time that I read a manga before watching a series.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Well, for Guilty Crown being a 22 episode series, it’s gonna take some time for the plot. Just look at how slow things were for Shiki and it got great with time.
Bakemonogatari and Black Rock Shooter had a lot of hype too. Remember when I said that season 2 of Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka was scheduled for winter? It’s also said BRS is going to have a series as well. That’s a lot more hype waiting to happen.
What I’ll be waiting for are two movies: Blood-C and Kizumonogatari.
This is where I found the information:
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yep! 22 episodes should give them plenty of time to help Shu become a great character, and yeah I remember Shiki being slow at the start then picked up speed around 15? xD
Yep! I can’t wait for Kore Wa zombie S2! Yep Blood-C movie which means we have to wait for subs for a year T___T
Ah thanks! I will take a look at that 2nd list.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
I was looking forward to the Black Rock Shooter anime when it was announced, but everything I’ve seen so far has my interest dwindling in a hurry. It honestly looks like zero effort is being put into the anime to improve upon the OAV.
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
“Como desearia que estuviera en español para poder disfrutarlo”
— How I wish that was in Spanish to enjoy —
regards— Mexico
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Doh! Sorry about that, we don’t really have anyone fluent in Spanish T___T Maybe we will get some new applicants that can help in that department.
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
“gracias y es una buena propuesta…espero que se haga”
—thanks and is a good idea … I hope you do—
Regards -Mexico
POWUH: 400-499 with 410 comments
Sacred Seven was like a come and go without any real impact to me. But the musics were still good.
Guilty Crown is really good because it has a little feel from Code Geass and the action BGM is awesome. The downfall will very true be the characteristics (which seem to be like getting better now) and plot.
Blood C was like ‘ugghh’ for me when the series ended. I was able to survive through the series thanks to my love for Blood+ and Nana Mizuki, still ‘ugghh’ (I’m still looking forward to the movie though).
Kamisama Dolls and Kamisama no Memochou had my love and I’m still shouting out for season 2. Yumekui Merry was really hyped-up and the OP was my favourite during Winter.
High School of the Dead was epic. I had not watched Occult Academy and Vampire Bund.
Mawaru Penguindrum is still getting more hyped and I can’t stop watching it. Fate/Zero is definitely getting the throne of hyped. All the servants are so awesome. Bakemonogatari and Durarara is a total win for awesome hyping. (I don’t want to say anything as Kyokai already done that. *High-five to Kyokai*) I haven’t watch Brotherhood. *People staring at me* Yeah, yeah, I know. I haven’t watch the first season so couldn’t touch Brotherhood, forgive me.
Angel Beats has the best wave of soundtracks which I listened. I have all the albums relating to it-OP, ED, OST and everything of GDM. Black Rock Shooter and Redline OST is really good.
Good job Meta Cast and thanks for the twitter love. Love the Shizaya pic.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
If by first season you mean the first FMA anime, you need not watch the first FMA anime to enjoy Brotherhood. Both are good in their own right. You may like one over the other, but both FMA animes are very good and arguably some of anime’s best of the 21st century.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 20 comments
Spice and Wolf has the best soundtrack evar!!
Oh and the anime I hyped up the most was C man it wasnt bad I thought it was gonna be a masterpiece.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
C was cool and I’ve considered purchasing the Blu-ray when Funi releases it. It was a bit of an up-and-down show and how episode 6 ended still bugs the crap out of me, plus I still don’t fully understand or know if the message C was trying to convey was successful or not. Animation (and as Zabo mentioned, the OST) was really cool.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 24 comments
Where is the love??
Much love from here.