Metanorn Special: E3 2011

Are you ready for some gaming, boys and girls?! E3 is coming to Metanorn.

Video games. Chances are you’ve heard of them before. Chances are you’ve played them before. Chances are you play them regularly. Chances are you might even love ‘em, and that’s no hyperbole. When we say we love games, we really do mean it. From which an event comes to mind that is just round the corner. Gamers might know what we are talking about. Even the general public might know what we are talking about.

Yes, it’s all about the E3.

This year, the gamers in Metanorn were more than itching to not only showcase their love for it but cover it for the audience to share all the excitement as well. Being one of the biggest video game shows around, the Electronic Entertainment Expo has been going strong for 16 years. It’s here that developers and publishers can show off their works, make announcements and/or just talk about games. Here at Metanorn, we like games. Actually, we love games. So this year, we are pleased to tell you that we’ll be covering E3; just like we did with recent Anime Conventions.

If you have been following my twitter, I’ve been hinting a lot on something I have been working on. Yes, it required a lot of photoshopping and damn it, son, I spent my whole weekend in preparing all the pretty graphics. And, I can only hope that you enjoy not only them (greedily downloading as your desktop wallpapers counts), but the in-depth and roundup posts that my team would be publishing for this E3. Hell, we would be dedicating this whole week to gaming and E3 coverage so, peeps, enjoy the awesomeness and get motto excited with us.

Also, for those of you who would like to know the characters and games featured on our new set of banners can check the Headerhorn Page. I’d be looking forward to Sony announcements and that Vita is looking mightily awesome. I can’t wait.

You have no idea how excited I am that Metanorn is going to be covering E3. My love for anime is on par with my love for gaming, so being able to have BOTH on the same site is a big bonus. Last year at E3, Nintendo really stole the show, announcing a bunch of great games and showing off the utter eye-sorcery that is the 3DS. This year they plan to be one-upping (pun…okay yeah, it was intended) everyone with their Project Cafe. I am very interested in seeing how the hell a screen on a controller is supposed to work. I know Nintendo loves innovation but…what the hell? Nintendo’s crazy shenanigans aside (which I will be covering this week for you guys! Can you contain your excitement?!), I really hope Sony can still pull through after all that bad rap from the PSN hacks. The Vita looks like something I’d buy, although it DOES sound like a chic brand of water filter. As for Microsoft, I don’t even have a 360 so I don’t really care all too much. I’m sorry anime and schoolwork, you’ll be taking a backseat so I can stalk the chaos that is E3.

E3 is a time to be excited about the biggest game news and also a time when my bank account cowers in fear as I usually take from it and reserve the hell out of games and such. I remember during last year’s E3 when I watched Nintendo’s press conference, Kid Icarus came on the screen and I literally threw my arms up and went, “YEAH!” Even in this internet era of news leaks and such (unless you’re Sony), E3 still has that flare for surprises and brings out the youth in me.

What am I looking for this year? First, continued disappointment as Valve refuses to make Half-Life 2: Episode 3. I’m also hoping for more information on Beyond Good & Evil 2. Recently, the status of that project was unclear when Ubisoft had announced that some projects had been cancelled. They stated BG&E2 and I Am Alive weren’t included, but provided no more info on those two titles. And as always, who’s gonna win the event? Last year, I think it’s safe to say Nintendo had the most memorable show with classic games and the 3DS taking charge. I pick Nintendo to have a solid shot at it again, but Sony could surprise after the whole debacle of the PSN hack and pull off a nice little W in 2011. Or maybe Microsoft has something cooking… who knows! I’ll be eating, drinking and sleeping E3 all this week. I’ll see ya later with coverage of M$’s press event!

“But, Hato!” I hear you yelling at your computer monitors. “For the people who don’t know so much about E3, what can we expect? Wont you guide us with your knowledge?”. Well, my fellow gamers, I may have made that last part up, but you might all be thinking that, right? So that’s what this post is for. This is your pre-E3 Metanorn post, giving you a quick look at what we can expect from it. So sit back, grab something to drink and enjoy.

Well first off, games. A lot of games. On the day before E3, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft and Sony all have their conferences. At these conferences we’ll see a lot of their upcoming games. Microsoft will most likely show more of their two biggest upcoming exclusives, Gears of War 3 and Forza 4. Though being Microsoft, we’ll probably some other big games like Batman: Arkham City, and Modern Warfare 3. Following Microsoft is EA who will no doubt be showing Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, the new SSX, the new Need for Speed and their plethora of sports titles. This conference will be the first time we see proper gameplay of Mass Effect 3 and Need for Speed, so it should be exciting. As a bonus, Insomniac (Ratchet and Clank, Resistance) will be showing off their new IP for the first time! Get hype!

After EA comes Ubisoft who hasn’t officially announced what they will be showing, so we’re free to speculate. I’m fairly certain we’ll see the new Hitman title as well as their upcoming Assassin’s Creed, titled Revelations. We’ll also see the new Call of Juarez, their new title From Dust and a look at the game tie in for the upcoming Tintin movie. What we don’t know, however, is if they’ll show any other sneaky titles. There have been many rumors floating around that we’ll finally see Beyond Good and Evil 2 as well as a new Rainbow Six, supposedly taking the series back to its roots. Hell, we might even get a look at the new Splinter Cell! Anything is possible at Ubi’s conference.

What comes next? Sony’s conference! First off, the conference is slated to go on for 5 hours. Whoah. So Sony could have a lot to talk about. While we’ll most likely hear boring stuff about the recent PSN hacks, we’re really here for the games. Uncharted 3, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Starhawk and Twisted Metal will all be making appearances, as well as games for Sony’s new handheld. Speaking of the new piece of technology, it’s rumored we’ll get a final price on the system as well as the reveal of its new name, which is apparently the ‘Playstation Vita’, Vita being Latin for ‘Life’. Exciting stuff. While we’ll see more of the above games, what else might we see? Agent, the long teased Rockstar exclusive? More HD remakes, like a Jak & Daxter collection? Will Sony give Journey some time on stage? Will Kevin Butler make an amazing return?

And last but not least, Nintendo. This is where it’s interesting. You see, Nintendo is showing off their next-generation console, code name ‘Project Café’. We have no idea what kind of power is packs, no idea what the system looks like and all we have to go on is rumors from so called ‘inside sources’. What kind of game lineup is there? Will we find out? Aside from Café, we’ll see a lot more news and upcoming games for the 3DS and of course news on the ‘new’ games like Zelda, Mario etc.

But of course, these aren’t the only games on show! Darkness II, XCOM, Prototype 2, Prey 2, Rage, Skyrim, Bodycount, Dead Island, Risen 2, Serious Sam 3, The Old Republic, Dark Souls, Soul Calibur V, Ridge Racer Unbounded, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Tomb Raider, Metro: Last Light, Saints Row: The Third, Ninja Gaiden III, Driver: San Francisco, Rayman Origins and Rocksmith will all be there, as well as much, much more that we haven’t even heard about yet.

Long story short. Are you excited yet? Because we are

The first conference begins at Monday 6th June at 9am PST. So set your clocks and check back at Metanorn for coverage from Overcooled, Jrow and yours truly!


We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
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38 Responses to “Metanorn Special: E3 2011”

  1. Foshizzel says:

    Woooo looking forward to all the new games! Some awesome stuff gotta buy those Mgs games for the 360, but also looking forward to seeing all the other games too.

    Lots of fps games to look forward to.

    • Jrow says:

      MGS and Z.O.E. with trophies is gonna be badass!

      • Foshizzel says:

        Ohhh yeah very nice stuff! Kind of wish it was a new ZoE game…Ah well I might get those too along with the MGS ones.

  2. Dan-go says:

    Hoooly crap you got tickets?! (although from my one single e3 experience, its really just crowded sweaty nerds (BRING A HANDTOWEL!!!))

    • Jrow says:

      That’d be cool if we did, but nah, we’ll be resting comfy at our homes providing analysis and whatnot.

      I did think about attending for a moment a few months back. I think passes were $400 when I checked.

      • Yvoon says:



        • Dan-go says:

          and jesus christ the lines for anything cool is so retardedly long D: people hog all the good demos too, really you just go to take pictures with booth babes 😉

    • Yvoon says:

      LMAO!! XD

      not surprised! 😀

  3. bakuhasu says:

    Alright E3 anticipations.. Nintendo might steal this year’s E3 with Project Cafe. Yes it’s been leaked but we’re talking about Nintendo here making DS’ that prints only money and the Wii dominating our current console cycle.

    As for games Arkham City. Loved Arkham Asylum and now the sequel…Love ya WB. My other personal favorite and definitely would want to see more footage of, is El Shiddai: Ascension of the Metatron. That’s going to be interesting. And of course Mass Effect 3 (ain’t that right Hato and Jrow).

    Just a quick thing to note any of you guys anticipating what the guys over at Respawn Entertainment might be cooking up? Just saying wait for it over at EA’s press.

    • Jrow says:

      Amen on Mass Effect 3. Hopefully at the end of a new trailer they show, they’ll go, “Save Earth – 1/24/2012”, then I can ask for the next couple days off work. 🙂
      There’s also that Kinect rumor that should be addressed. Maybe some methods of solving those security puzzles can be done with your hands.

      I’m thinking Respawn might have something of a teaser at EA’s presser; give the right amount of buzz while showing as little as possible. I’m definitely curious of what West & Zampella are working on.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Arkham City looks great! I have to try it looks so fun.

  4. Moni Chan says:

    i wanted 2 go … but now that metanorn is gonna b covering it i dont feel so bad 🙂

    • Overcooled says:

      We’ll give you everything you need, minus the sweaty, fat nerds. It’s kind of better this way, actually!

  5. Kabitzin says:

    OMG what does Talia’s face look like?!

  6. Reaper says:

    Metanorn covering E3? = Mind blown from awesomeness
    Enough said 🙂

  7. MikADo says:

    E3 FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    DIABLO!!! ModernWarfare!!!! STARWARS!!!! Gears of War!!! MassEffect!!! Serious SAM!!!!! Assasin’s Creed!!!
    Blizzard!!!!!!!!! Nintendo!!!! Sony!!!!!!!!
    im already fired UP!!!

    now all i need is a PS3 that will replace my PS2

    • Dan-go says:

      HAHAHHAAHHAHAH new*** 😉 i bought it when it was new and had reverse playability (and cost $1000 🙁 )

  8. Miyu says:

    YAYYY chance to revive my inner-gamer which has been dead for quite awhile now. I blame it on school life ):
    And I have a Wii & a PS3 & a XBox rotting at home so BRING IT ON! 8D 8D

    Also, I’ve been dying for final fantasy xiii-2 for a very very very long time. T.T

    • Overcooled says:

      We will make you up to date with gaming news again. (To be honest, I don’t get much game time during the school year either)

      …I have to be honest, I thought xiii was a pretty boring game so I’m not very excited for that one :/

      • Miyu says:

        I liked the characters more than the gameplay in xiii! I thought the story plot was quite good too and I can’t get enough of lightning *w*

        • Yvoon says:

          LIGHTNING FOREVAAAA!!!~~ XD <3

          she is one awesome chick! maybe thats why she's only exists in video games..

  9. Tofu says:

    More ratchet and clank games!?!? :O YESS!!!! WOOT!!! I’m so looking forward to those but… they’re not producing anymore PS2 games are they… :\ Arh! Why do you have to be so retro Tofu! I seriously only have the old stuff, the latest console is the Wii and I’m not a big fan of the Wii with little games of interest… Unless of course Metanorn is able to showcase some epic games on it!

    I’m definitely looking forward to this E3 coverage guys! This is going to be big!! Who’s going to E3!?!? xD

    The only consoles I own are PS2, PS1, Wii, Gameboy Colour (gotta love gameboy colour~) and I used to have a nintendo 64 which is missing atm O__O

    I want to ask people… who’s got an Atari? xD

    • Yvoon says:

      What an Atari?

      If google images was showing me the right stuff, then it looks pretty retro. haha!! 🙂

    • Jrow says:

      My parents had an Atari way back when it came out, so I was playing that and also NES in my younger days.

  10. Yvoon says:

    man, u guys have gotta stop thinking up all these awesome ideas….”orz

    u have no idea how behind i am in school work just because i spend like 2 hours daily reading and commenting and fangirling and raging at the frickin laptop screen! XD

    And now games.Oh god.This is just TOO GOOODD!!

    Tis is a shame i cant play any of it since i dont have the money OR the time OR the space to put all the gaming equipment. ToT…i’ll just sit here and….read exaggerating reviews of these cool games…while you guys just…go and play them…ToT


    • Yvoon says:


      AND I SEE NEW BANNERS!! (hyperventilates)


      *FAINT* (u see what i mean…)

      • Kyokai says:

        That’s my job after all. How can we stop entertaining our readers? xD
        Also, I’m with you on gaming. Almost stopped playing in the last two years. Though I’m thinking of buying a PSP soon and might as well get into some more in-depth stuff soon. Currently though, with work and Metanorn; I have no time for gaming except for kicking random asses on Words with Friends App. xD

        Muhawahahaaa. You can nosebleed here some more: :3

  11. Alynn says:

    GAMES. Enough said.
    I’m like starving for new games.
    /I’ll just play my Metroid Other M until then.

  12. Captain says:

    2 words.

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