Shounen OP Singles: Ao no Exorcist & SKET Dance

Seems like it’s a musical weekend and adding to the list, OP Singles of Ao no Exorcist, “CORE PRIDE” by UVERworld and SKET Dance’s “Kakko Warui, I love you!” by French Kiss.

Quick music update before I dive back into scheduling our podcast. For Ao no Exorcist’s specially because CORE PRIDE sure was much better than the ED Single! It’s a wonder that not a lot of people are watching SKET Dance; yeah, it’s a formula Shounen but not that bad. Anyways, enjoy the OP Singles~

OP Single of Ao no Exorcist, “CORE PRIDE” by UVERworld

2. Kyouchi Mantra
3. UVER Battle Royal ~Ketahazure mix~


SKET Dance OP Single, Kakko Warui I love you! by French Kiss

1. Kakko Warui I love you!
2. Sekai no Namida
3. Kakko Warui I love you! (Instrumental)
4. Sekai no Namida (Instrumental)


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The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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18 Responses to “Shounen OP Singles: Ao no Exorcist & SKET Dance”

  1. Metalsnakezero says:

    I like the Saxophone parts in CORE PRIDE.

  2. zabobinator says:

    WOOH! I love the OP for Ao no Exorcist! ^_^

    • Kyokai says:

      Definitely, love the OP more than ED.

      • Izzy says:

        OP is better than the ED for sure ;o;
        but the ED is actually a song from the Japanese debut of Korean boyband 2PM, so at least they’re venturing into the anime market 😀

  3. Overcooled says:

    Much love for the Ao no Exorcist OP!

  4. Moni Chan says:

    UVERworld i love them and ao no exorcist so much love for the saxophone it was so WIN

  5. wonton jr. says:

    Haha I didn’t really like the OP of ao no exorcist until I heard that sexy sax play x)

  6. Dan-go says:

    Im so ready ready ready for the Ao No Exorcist ED single 😉 gaaaah, so much better than the op

  7. MikADo says:

    UVERworld u better surprise me 😀

  8. Moni Chan says:

    hahahahahaha no is talking about SKET Dance OP Single thats sad in a funny way

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