Freezing (NSFW) – 05

Rana brings the cute to Freezing!

Foshizzel: Back to more freezing! Course we get more of the same old with Satellizer being so moe with her glasses on. I am excited to see this new Rana character, she seems to be really fun hopefully a refreshing change from all the depressed or power hungry girls.

Ness: I’m alive but sick. This past week has been crazy and stressful and yet somehow I was able to make it to this review of Freezing. Kyokai was unable to make it this time so it’s just Fosh and I.

Epic view…

Foshizzel: New girl! Ponytailll

Ness: Nekkid girl and old fart creepy man with no eyes! PROPHECY!

Foshizzel: Wonder where she is even going

Ness: Still waiting for the full version of the opening song

Foshizzel: That will probably be released soon

Foshizzel: Class time

Ness: Cool, they’re in class

Foshizzel: Actually learning stuff

Ness: Riigght, the students look so bored though

Foshizzel: Yeah really. That girl so has a crush

Ness: Probably

Foshizzel: Harem power thats what he needs

Ness: Hahah. He’s a confused boy about his sexuality or gender

Foshizzel: Haha

Ness: Arthur gets his 3mins of spot light

Foshizzel: Uhuh lured in by something alright

Ness: Zomg knew Sattelizer would show up while they’re talking shit about her behind her back

Foshizzel: Speak of the big boob devil herself lol

Roof scene always means romance.

Ness: Come with me, lets talk and get burgers!

Foshizzel: “Training”

Ness: Or not

Foshizzel: Whatttt she grabbed him!?

Ness: Oh shit, she’s making the moves on him. Everything always goes down on the school roof

Foshizzel: Truth

Ness: It sounds like they’re confessing to each other haha

Foshizzel: Grab the fence in 5… 4…

Ness: DONE!

Foshizzel: Hahah

Ness: Emotion driven powers

Foshizzel: Hi5

Uhhhhhh what were you talking about??


Foshizzel: Hahah that face

Ness: This is actually a love scene

Foshizzel: Yeah

Ness: And she has arrived! The new girl who will find her.. soulmate… who is most likely Kazuya hahaha

Foshizzel: Food challenge


Foshizzel: Gay?

Ness: Who can eat the most

Foshizzel: Lol

Ness: Oh snap, she’s already trying to ask him out

Foshizzel: Boinggggg

Ness: Skip the date and straight to the room

Foshizzel: She is all over him. De geso girl

Ness: The fateful meeting!

Foshizzel: A MAN

Ness: Boob hug!

Foshizzel: Wow he is brilliant

Ness: Indeed

Foshizzel: Ok her voice..where have I heard it from

Ness: I dunno

Foshizzel: Oh wait thats Hana. Okay I remember

Ness: Hahaa okay. Haha already thinking the new girl is just trying to get into Kazuya’s pants.. I mean take over as his pandora

Foshizzel: So this other girl is what the third wheel? Hahah niceee

Ness: Ewwww, Ganessa

Special training is in session or nap time.

Foshizzel: Pro dude pro

Ness: Passing out haha

Foshizzel: You… tonight

Ness: Are those sleeping gowns? haha

Foshizzel: He is so getting raped…

Ness: Interference!

Foshizzel: Oh man interupting his date. Luckyyyy or dead

Ness: Escort by three… girls

Foshizzel: Fingers crossed for his death…

Ness: Hahaha, then this anime would end

Foshizzel: She likes pasta, I love her more now

Ness: Poor Kazuya, being bullied by girls

Foshizzel: Story of his life

Ness: Cruel Maiden, the Bloodless and Mirage Fang hahaha

Foshizzel: I already forgot. HAHAHA

Ness: Oh so these chicks got their ass kicked in the carnival in the opeing of the series

More paper thin uniforms.

Foshizzel: YES finally kicked that girl. Oh your a bad ass you ripped a shirt

Ness: Oh snap Hiiragi’s going to fight. Hiiragi go go

Foshizzel: Go annoying girl go! Oh snap

Ness: If Hiiragi spent less time talking shit, and more time training… It’s Arthur’s turn!

Foshizzel: Lol this girl. Owwwwww

Ness: Hahahah stepping on that groin.. is a bad habit

Foshizzel: Crunchhhh

Ness: Groin stepping, boob stepping and chest stepping!

Yeah…that looks painful…Oooooww Poor Arthur.

Foshizzel: Going to SSJ

Ness: Kazuya is about to release the pawah

Foshizzel: Rip her leg off… aw. Okay, now kill them

Aoi about to beat someone! Er scratch that it’s nap time again.

Ness: Kazuya snapped!… nevermind

Foshizzel: WTF, fail

Ness: Rana Lichen! Interference gooooooo in 5, 4, 3… DONE!

Foshizzel: Yay

Ness: Oh snap, Kazuya being claimed yet again

Rana you have made me a fan! Owned that girl!

Foshizzel: Shut it Asuka. Short girl is all talk

Ness: Now that was some kick ass moves

Foshizzel: That’s right hoe stay down…

Ness: And Rana didn’t even have any panty shots haha

Ness: Meanwhile… Sattelizer is still trying to pick clothes out

Foshizzel: Your bf got owned. DE GESO girl. Stop it omg

Ness: Hahaha

Foshizzel: He’s got…

Ness: AIDS!

Foshizzel: in his pants…

Ness: ….

Foshizzel: Haha. Now i remember who she is shes also in Fractile, Nessa

Ness: Ahh, wouldn’t know

Foshizzel: Uh ohhhh

Ness: Ugh there’s going to be a Pandora Limiter triangle

Doctored backs for power ups? Sad

Foshizzel: Drama inc

Ness: Yeaaaaahhhh

Foshizzel: Wooot swim suits

Ness: Hahaha

Foshizzel: Or none at all. Best swim team ever.

Extra girls!

Which dress shall I kick ass in tonight??

Meanwhile in Academy city hospital….

Someone hates swim suits….

Enjoying a late night swim

End Thoughts:

Ness: A quick summary of this episode: Rana Lichen is introduced, she was sent to West Genetics to find her soulmate. Meanwhile, Kazuya is approached by Sattelizer who is going to accept him has her Limiter. The two are to meet later that night for their baptism but Kazuya is stopped by three students who were previously defeated by Sattelizer. Just when we though Kazuya was going to be defeated, Rana just so happens to be passing by and saves the day. Sattelizer is summoned to the hospital and has her fateful rival encounter with Rana. While Sattelizer waits on the unconscious Kazuya, we find out that Rana Lichen has her eyes set on Kazuya to be her soulmate aka limiter.

Foshizzel: More progression for Sattelizer and Aoi. Mostly during this they are finally becoming close. Well she is accepting him

Ness: I don’t feel like too much happened this episode besides the introduction of Rana Linchen

Foshizzel: Right Rana Lichen’s introduction could have been better. It felt more like she was shoved into this.

Ness: Yeah, she just so happen to be walking by when Kazuya was getting his ass kicked. Sent to West Genetics in search of her.. soulmate!

Foshizzel: She’s the typical happy go lucky airhead type the girl I usually like to watch

Ness: That’s the type that I dislike haha

Foshizzel: And has her trademark saying

Ness: Well, at least she can fight

Foshizzel: She has what 6 things on her back compared to the normal 1?

Ness: Yeah! Wonder how they determine how many stigmas are put on their back

Foshizzel: Yeah same

Ness: How many does Sattelizer have? I forgot haha

Foshizzel: Hmmm i thought it was four

Ness: Ahh

Foshizzel: Not sure lol

Ness: Maybe Kazuya has some on his back and he just doesn’t know it hehehe. Joking<_<;

Foshizzel: Haha male fighter

Ness: Well they have said that he’s displaying things that Limiters really shouldn’t

Foshizzel: You would think there would be at least a few like that follow IS

Ness: Not watching that anime, so wouldn’t know

Foshizzel: True

Ness: Well, it seems like it’s a female dominant anime and after all, this is fan service

Foshizzel: Yes this is the queens blade type. Oh for sure lots of fan service

Ness: Sounds like a piece of shit to me but I want to read the manga

Foshizzel: We should read it huh =D

Ness: Anyways, so this Baptism mentioned, exactly what is it? Seems like a night alone doing kinky things between Pandora and Limiter

Foshizzel: I think it’s like a formal contract

Ness: Well in Arthur’s case, passing out on the boobs

Foshizzel: Right maybe something else haha

Ahh, you’d think the blood splatter in episode 2 would have been enough haha

Foshizzel: Becoming one with their limiter? lol

Ness: BLOOD BROS 4Life!

Foshizzel: Yeah we need more blood

Ness: Hell yeah, there’s been a lack of blood and gore lately

Foshizzel: Well now it’s more slice of life

Maybe it was all just a teaser in the beginning to get us to watch more episodes in hope of it. Yes, a love triangle or Pandora-Limiter triangle is going to happen. Lana x Kazuya x Sattelizer hahaha

Foshizzel: Could be yes that would be a way to keep people interested, yeah love triangle soon. Macross Frontier all over again

Ness: Minus the singing and mecha

Foshizzel: More boobs and pantsu

Ness: Indeed

Foshizzel: I like Rana maybe she will bring some happy factor to this show

Ness: Seriously, this story flow is slow. Actually, I’m having a hard time determining the main story anyway

Foshizzel: Yes agreed

Ness: By the way, from the ending preview.. I could not even tell or even guess whats going to happen next

Foshizzel: Looked like gym battle breaks out

Ness: Besides the secret society of girls making their moves against Sattelizer but should they all be more worried about the monsters

Foshizzel: I saw some gym uniforms

Ness: Oooo I see

Foshizzel: Yep, hardcore dodgeball lol or something

Ness: Oh yes, hardcore dodgeball

Ness: Maybe there will be some blood

Foshizzel: If you can dodge a ball you can dodge this ball of spikes

Ness: HAH

Foshizzel: And i saw someone cough up blood

Ness: Great

Foshizzel: Yep. Someone has to clean that later…


Ness: Ganessa gets more scenes!

Foshizzel: Ooooh blood, oh nice

Ness: Looks like the school’s secret society is going to make more movies against Sattelizer… secret swimming club

Foshizzel: The kiraboshi rejects



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8 Responses to “Freezing (NSFW) – 05”

  1. anaaga says:

    i hate rana because she’s in way of my aoiXsatelizer. I SHALL NOT FORGIVE WHOEVER MAKES SATELIZER JEALOUS D:<
    see see this is the kind of stuff i hate. it's going on sooo perfectly but then some new random character has to butt in and make a mess out of the main pairing. like, wtf???? *fangirl rage*

    oh and thank god arthur doesn't exist, or else all the men in this world would beat him up thanks for sleeping at his nuptial night lol

    • Foshizzel says:

      Hahaha well Rana will be the triangle to Satelizer and Aoi of course! we do need moar dramas. Well I am sure Rana wont get in the way to much after Satelizer beats her! After all who’s the side character and who’s the main? lol

      Hahaha I dunno Arthur is a pimp! A failed pimp but none the less.

      • Dan-go says:

        So rana has 6 of those thingies…and kazuya like 27…so how many does satellizer have?

    • Dan-go says:

      RANAxSATELLIZER FOR EVER…i like rana so much more for somereason…maybe i’m just getting annoyed with satellizers IM SO STRONG…lol jks i’m a weak littl girl act…rana is refreshing, enough for me to continue watching this anyway

      • anaaga says:

        ranaXsatellizer seems like a good idea, but let’s just keep things straight, shall we? although i’m not sure if freezing is yuri or not, since the main male lead is basically a girl with the wrong body.

        rana? refreshing? she kinda reminds me of those little kids i bully at school (yes i bully little kids), she’s so hyper

        • Dan-go says:

          you try and bully rana, and she’ll flip you upside down before you can say “kunrun”

  2. Dan-go says:

    I really don’t see the point of the uncensoring…i mean it’s never hot, or anything, it kinda makes it awkward to watch

  3. Dan-go says:

    LOLL i just realised ganessa’s idea of sexy time involves plushie vegetable dolls

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