From the Metanorn crew, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, META STYLE! <3

Hells yes, we like things bloody and interesting. That is how I like it and that is how you will get it. I guess the reason for otakus to run aniblogs is their love for fandom, which is too overwhelming and they can’t help but share the love. My Team feels the same way and to celebrate the event, some of the more artisty ones worked hard to make some special art for you, our lovely readers! Here’s our gift to you and hope you have awesome holidays!

It’s been too long since I drew something so rather than testing my luck in old waters, I did what I do best: Photoshop and GIF animation. I hope you will like this version of Keisuke who is not actually slicing throats but some solids. Not really sure what is under wraps but you can make a wild guess, right? Christmas surprises are always fun and I hope you all get MANY (good ones too). Merry Christmas, awesome readers/lurkers of Metanorn!


Merry KURA-istmas everyone! Sorry for the terrible pun, I couldn’t resist x’D Since Kuragehime is currently my ABSOLUTE favorite show from the Fall season, I thought it’d be best to do something Christmas-y with my favorite characters, and my favorite couple KuraKimi. I actually intended to just draw KuraKimi after watching Episode 8 because I was fangirling like CRAZY over them, but of course, I just can’t leave out the awesome Mayaya, Banba, and Jiji (Sorry Chieko I couldn’t fit you in…) ^^ Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas wherever you’re at! OLE~!


Metanorn has a lot of artists in its ranks…and I am one of them. DID YOU KNOW THAT? Well, you do now. Another side of us has been revealed! Hopefully, my side isn’t too ugly. <_< Anyways, I LOVE ARAKAWA so here’s some Christmas Nino and a tormented Hoshi. I don’t think Nino has the hang of this Christmas thing just yet, usually dead fish aren’t considered to be…Christmas-y. Obviously, I fail at Christmas pics because there’s no snow, but whatever…Merry Christmas, everyone~!


I wanted to draw a few of my current favorite anime characters spending Christmas Eve together. I chose three from different shows: Mikoto, Ika and Nymph. These three have different styles and very fun to watch! Made me curious to think how events would go if these characters actually met in some merry cross-over. I am sure things would get crazy fast… Anyway, Happy Christmas all!


I thought drawing Brief would be appropriate, since, you know, this is an aniblogging site and drawing an original character would just make no sense at all. Besides, everyone likes Panty and Stocking, because it’s a good show! His pose is based on my own assumption on how the series would end, with Brief becoming an angel and…and…yeah. Red suit and green shows because it’s Christmas! Anyone notice his Santa badge? 😀

So what if the others can’t draw?! They join me in saying, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! LOADS OF LOVE FROM METANORN TEAM~ <333


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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86 Responses to “MERRY ☆ CHRISTMAS!”

  1. Amutofan123 says:

    Merry Christmas! Everyone’s drawings are great! Ah, I love drawing. It’s so much fun.

  2. Hime says:

    Merry Chrimbo All!

  3. Will says:

    Late Merry Xmas

    How are you guys enjoying my little subtle xmas present?
    (Hint: user list in chatbox)

    I am completely unable to draw too XD

    • Kyokai says:

      Merry Christmas, Will! <3
      And as I said in the chatbox, the new menu is sooo sexy~ xD
      We need to chat btw after holidays.

  4. Kushi says:

    Merry Christmas Metanorn staff and readers! I haven’t been following any series right now, but I’m probably gonna pick one after browsing through all the weeks I didn’t check on (B/c my internet was/is dead during the break + Christmas TT_TT damn you internet provider!!). anyway, it’s the break and my laptop’s iching to plug into my tv to run an Anime Marathon! take it easy guys~

    • Kyokai says:

      Merry Xmas, Kushi~ I can understand the pain of no anime… and no net?! Arrghhh! Have fun catching up with the many posts and welcome back~ xD

      • Kushi says:

        oh yeah, after 5 frustrating hours of registration, I got internet back in the in the house 😀

  5. Beaniza says:

    Awww…sad that Ryoushi from Ookami-san didn’t make it.

    • Kyokai says:

      Wrong thread but yeah, I was in such a hurry. Will edit him in the honourable mentions. xD

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