Otome Youkai Zakuro OP1 Single
Otome Youkai Zakuro OP1 Single, “MOON SIGNAL” by sphere
Artist: sphere
2. Climax Whistle
3. MOON SIGNAL (Instrumental)
4. Climax Whistle (Instrumental)
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POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
these girls have scary pose,er, i mean, yay! nice clothes! no, i’m not talking about the red skirt…POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
love this anime and opening <3
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
@anaaga, lawl! Imagine them maintaining them pose and their ankles screaming for mercy. >.<'' @anime love, I am definitely liking this more than I thought. xD