Metanorn is baaaack!

I’ve previously commented that our layout is sooo Dollars. I just wish I had that kind of back-end POWAH~ XD

It feels like it was yesterday that Metanorn crashed on the first of September… And Oops! It Did It Again…. :dead

This time around it was because we overloaded our space limit. After all, we are screenshot whores for no reason but we are trying to hold ourselves…. XD If you have been a regular reader/lurker, you must have noticed that all our latest posts are devoid of second page screeenshots just because we are trying to save space rather than deleting it three to six months down the line.

I am trying my best as the admin to take care of the back-end and find a solution and/or backup if something similar happens again. Don’t worry, you will get all the stuff you have been coming here to get, just in a round robin way for some things, if you know what I mean. If you find something missing, there are two solutions for it: Follow Metanorn on Twitter or contact me.

Like Mimiko pointed out, aniblog crashing has become a trend these days; like RC went down for a week but hopefully, we aniblogs are stronger than the hosting crashes. We will persevere. YOSH! Thank you goes out to awesome 7, who troubleshooted with the hosting providers and the DDD guys, who provided entertainment to the whole team when we needed it. ^^

Before I close, I hope you are enjoying the fall reviews and further episodics. Only Kuragehime is left to release and we’ll have a complete circle in case of fall titles. We look forward to your suggestions so comment away! And as usual, have FUN and enjoy your stay at Metanorn!

Till next time, ja ne~! ^^ *slinks off to sleep*



The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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18 Responses to “Metanorn is baaaack!”

  1. Namika says:

    I knew it, that you would be back, but man, I was still so nervous… 😥

  2. anaaga says:

    i went all “NNNNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” :wah :cryyy last night and checked every 2 hours to see if u guys r back or not

  3. Amutofan123 says:

    Yay!!! Wah, Kuragehime is so close!

  4. Joojoobees says:

    Welcome back! :oha:

  5. Sebz says:

    seeing the site down had me totally worried. so glad its back up 😀

  6. Glo says:

    I haven’t been around in a good long while, but the layout went from light and fluffy to bad-ass and awesome since then. I like it!

  7. Captain says:

    Ohhh! So that’s what happened! I was so worried that you guys got suspended or something :>

  8. berrish17 says:

    wowww Mikado looks so nice :love
    im glad youre back!!!!!! :shakesfist

  9. bakuhasu says:

    Phew* thank god we have a dedicated server running our site, and a webmaster running it… Man didn’t know the horrors of the Aniblog. AND you guys were out for a day!

    But glad to see the site back again!

  10. Dan-go says:

    I MISSED U :sad6 …don’t u ever scare me like that again :sad3

  11. Welcome back :omg: !!
    Good to know you guys manage to come back fast at least. 7 is always at rescue ~
    And omg, I almost forgot the DDD guys existence… I’ll need to go back and listen to them now that I have the time xD
    Anyway, hopes it won’t be trouble again any soon >__<

    (P.S I did suspected some like overload space limit but I wasn't sure…)

  12. Kyokai says:

    Thank you all for the concern. All of us at Metanorn were really in a fix when this happened. Thank you for the constant support and love. :4:

    We love you~ ♥♥♥

  13. Jubbz says:

    A site crash eh? Does that mean ya’ll lost everything or no?

  14. Kushi says:

    Yeah! I’m so glad you guys are back~
    BTW I love your layout and your banners are one-of-kind(AKA totally awesome, lovely, and flashback invoking–possibly causing anime re-marathon(cuz I save them all ;D))
    I hope to hear more from you guys as the week progresses!

    • Kyokai says:

      Thanks, Kushi-chan~! <333 We love black and think it's totally fabulous! We'd be updating the banners with Fall line-up soon too. :3

  15. ichigopocky says:

    Hurray it is back up but sadly my anime has been taken away from me I am not even suppose to be on the computer right now. So yeah I have to wait until the end of the month. :dot
    I hope the site doesn’t crash again and let see how long I can last with out my anime fangirling. :sad2

    • Overcooled says:

      TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU? NOOOO!!!!! That’s so horrible, why would anyone do such a thing? That’s like saying you’re not allowed to breathe. (Okay, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but try to hang in there without anime~)

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