Shiki – 06



A neuroscience graduate, black belt, and all-around nerd. You'll either find me in my lab or curled up in my rilakkuma kigurumi watching anime.
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18 Responses to “Shiki – 06”

  1. Kami-sama says:

    Thanks for the review~ =w=b
    I have to agree that Natsuno’s method of preparing for a zombie invasion, watching horror movies, is pretty ridiculous.

    • Overcooled says:

      Ehehehe well thanks for the comment~ >w<
      A zombie attack! Quick! Head to your nearest local library!

      • Kami-sama says:

        Oh God! Someone make a blanket fort to protect us!

        It’s got a ball pit! 8D;;;]

  2. Namika says:

    Quite childish “action” from Natsuno’s side, but what else could he do?…. Horror vampire movies DO seem a little stupid, books, however are a lot better. As I expected, I sense some activity from his side *wrinkles her nose* how will you show yourself, I wonder, Yuki-kun~…. :ohohoho:
    er… Megumi’s death glare kinda scared me. :frozen What is she intending to do?….. to have her revenge against Natsuno, I think….. ❓ by killing off his family members I think……. oh well….. :tea

    The way Ozaki-sensei accepted the idea of vampires without any denial was a little plain, but if his nerves were in such a “bad condition”, I guess it’s forgivable. But still, it was plain.
    I don’t think, that Akira’s and Kaori’s stalking strategy will end good either…. though these two are the only ones that don’t turn to skeletons in the OP(including Ozaki-sensei)

    aaaawwwwwww~! :woo Muroi-kun is officially my fav character in Shiki. I swear, he’s the most smart and mature person of all, as far as they have shown. He’s adorable too! :runs: and I must say, his seyu is doing really well too, if I’m not mistaken, Kazuyuki Okitsu, it’s his debut. My respects! :thumb:

    Overall, it was a good episode, concentrated on the characters (more than 50%), whether the deaths. Shiki is finally making a big step forward, in the idea of the storyline progress. It gets more and more interesting, and what I like the most is the unpredictable development! :tea
    Go Shiki! :cheer:

    • Overcooled says:

      Megumi glare means IT’S ON. I can see her forcing herself onto Natsuno or something equally horrid <_<

      Yeah, it's kind of unspectacular how they all come to the conclusion "OHAI ITS VAMPIRES" without much of a fuss.

      OMG YES I LOVE MUROI TOO! My love for megane characters doesn't help my infatuation. Those..glasses…! Hai~ Kazuyuki is doing a great job~

      I know…impossible to tell what will happen next! I want to see more death! More killing! Ahhh I can't wait, this is gonna be fun, kekeke~

      • Namika says:

        :ehh: aren’t you heated up today?? ^^” it’s a bit cruel, but :ohohoho: darega tsugi kana~? :fufufuu

  3. Kyokai says:

    Lol, Natsuno resorted to all that because he didn’t have the power of Google! xD I’m glad to see him taking charge though and he’s definitely teaming up with the Tanaka sibs in the next epi. This series is entertaining me to lengths, hopefully we’ll get more than a scare next time. ^^

    Btw, interesting to note, the ugly old nurse actually looked beautiful in the flashback of Toshio’s father. ^^

    • Overcooled says:

      Google solves everything! Why am I tempted to google “my village is full of vampires, what do i do?” now?

      Teaming up with them by the next episode? Wow, didn’t expect the team-up to happen quite yet, maybe I should catch up in the manga XD

      Ehh…really? So..why does she..look like a man now? -___- What happened to her…lol

  4. Mikoto says:

    These comments literally made me laugh out loud. xD

    Now I know why the libraries in RE games are usually empty…lol ZOMBIES ARE AFRAID OF BOOKS, LET’S GO TO OUR LOCAL LIBRARY. I smell a hidden aesop in Shiki…

    In all seriousness, things are getting more and more interesting with each episode. I’m honestly trying to speculate how they’re going to handle the vampires.

    • Overcooled says:

      Yay for lulzy comments~
      lol, I demand a library level in all zombie games now, just to discourage everyone from going to one now. Because we shouldn’t have to add “books” to our list of zombie weaknesses XD

      Yeah, I really wanna see what Ozaki-sensei does next episode since he just found out…I wonder if he’s gonna tell Muroi…Somehow I doubt he’s going to the library <_<

  5. ichigopocky says:

    thanks for the post and yeah wasnt as scared this week but a good plot takes time …. or something like that.
    finally they are starting to relise holy crap there are vampires and they are not like edward :Haaa?
    cant wait for the next episode

    • Overcooled says:

      Uwaa you’re welcome~
      lolll if Masao comes back as Edward, I’m going to die. (So then would Natsuno be Bella…???)

      • ichigopocky says:

        I hope not too and that would be funny if natsuno was bella but I actually sorta felt bad for masao that no one was crying about him 🙁 but I didn’t really like him either but I think I would be more scared of masao as edward then edward himself or megumi for that matter

        • Overcooled says:

          It’s sad when you think about it. Then you remember it’s Masao and you don’t feel so bad…

          Masao as Edward is scarier than Edward or Megumi…Agreed. XD

  6. Jakzz~ says:

    “because every time I see Akira, I think he looks like a Digimon…” LOLZ. that brightened up my day. :thumb:
    Though I really do agree with u on that one… :ohohoho:

    • Overcooled says:

      XDDD Really? Kekeke, glad to have added some sunshine to your day ^.~ I’m glad someone agrees and I’m not just a crazy person seeing crazy things…

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