Kaichou wa Maid-sama! – 01


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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15 Responses to “Kaichou wa Maid-sama! – 01”

  1. desu ka says:

    i absolutely loved the first episode of Maid sama. I was expecting a flop since i read some of the manga and read a few reviews, but this one caught me by surprise. I enjoyed the seiyuus in Blacksmith and its great to hear them without the tension and hatred apparent in Blacksmith. Loved the comedy (been awhile since I had a good laugh at a recent anime) and the animation was past my expectations. This might be my #1 or #2 anime this season (although this season looks pretty strong)

  2. shibomi says:

    This is based off a shoujo manga so i wouldnt expect it to deviate from its target audience. That being said, as a male it is one of the few shoujo mangas i actually enjoy ^_^.

  3. I like this. I hate typical shoujo-ish male lead but Misaki made up for it, strong and tough girl, the scene when she’s blushing.. XDD~ Also, her expression is very funny to watch

  4. Joojoobees says:

    I’m surprised people complained about the artwork, which I found average to quite good. Guess that shows folks can complain about anything.

    • fumme says:

      i guess in the wake of kimi ni todoke, we were expecting it to be so much better.. and because if KnT, we know its possible.

      • Kyokai says:

        Joojoobees, Completely agree! Story and character wise, this is definitely something new and funny to enjoy.

        fumme, I simply lurved KnT but Maid-sama is from a different league altogether. If you don’t compare it with KnT, you would actually enjoy it! 🙂

  5. cyberpixie says:

    the artwork is pretty fine, and the story, i like it. but i prefer the manga to be honest. i don’t like the op and ed, it’s so flashy? errr blinky there and here. it’s my opinion though. but overall this is pretty good

    • Kyokai says:

      Manga is definitely better but the adaptation is not that bad either. I agree about the OP/ED, not exactly what I expected but what can you do? :/ I hope the series keeps on improving.

  6. lazysamurai says:

    wow, the girl protagonist looks like a girl i know.
    anyway, funny show, nothing epic, but fun none the less!

  7. fumme says:

    i don’t understand myself. i closed the video the moment i saw that USUI was less bishie looking as i thought. was it really good? can i ignore the not so very nice character designs?.. i can’t stand bad animation. X(

  8. Kyokai says:

    @ desu ka, Great! Same here! This was a total surprise and I would look forward to watching more. I think it can be the shoujo title for Spring.

    @ shibomi, the best thing about this manga/anime is that you don’t always see Misaki as damsel in distress if compared to the typical shoujo heroines, who need help from hero to rescue them. Both the lead characters have a strong personality of their own.

    @ Neohybrid_kai, I loved her expressions! Varied, funny and kawaii~! XD

    @ lazysamurai, seriously? Then the girl you are referring to must be great! XD Maid sama is definitely something to enjoy.

    @ fumme, this is more of Ouran host club/ Vampire Knight’ish character design and animation rather than KnT’ish. The story is interesting enough with strong characters; hear out Usui before writing him out ne~ 🙂

    @ fenixdown110, Yup! 🙂

  9. nagi says:

    yeah, i think it’s the character designs that makes the [manga] fans angry. same for me too, though i’ve only read a few chapters of the manga. Usui’s all too bishie and hotness in the manga there so fans expected too high for the “colored” version. ^_^

    btw, i’m surprised there’s no review for K-On!’s first episode here. not that i’m expecting it though, i’m not a fan of moe-blubs either. 😉

  10. goldfries says:

    Loved 1st ep, watched Ep 3 last night – simply awesome still!

    😀 Not a reader of the Manga though, so no expectation cos I was just thought the maid cafe / student thing looked interesting and it really is.

  11. Kyokai says:

    @ nagi, I think character designs are ok, of course not at par with the manga but it makes up for it with humour (I remember my eyes going watery with the bright neon green school jackets!).

    I only see those moe-blubs which are super funny. Didn’t get the time to even start K-On! and kanzie’s been busy so most probably, no one would be picking this up.

    @ goldfries, I’m liking the funnies of Maid-sama for sure! If not a reader of manga then your perspective is definitely fresh and I say, keep it fresh for the chemistry between Usui and Misaki! XD

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