Durarara!! – 10

Tick! Tock! Tick! BANG! Jackpot! Time for your head to explode…

All of us have been looking forward to this. Not many of us had expected this though! The recap usually summarizes all main pointers from previous episode, this one gave a hint to the looming eye-opener episode with Izaya-kun whirling about maddeningly: Tanoshimi da na! (I’m so excited!)

When I saw the Mikado/Celty-Harima collision, I doh’d and thought, please not one of those recap episodes with another character’s POV again (a la episode 2)! Thankfully, I was proven wrong very soon with Kida-kun coming for the rescue and doing his usual super-fast self.

Finally, we see a Mikado-episode, shedding light on his character of hating the ordinary and an ardent wish to live in a way unlike any other (Tick!). A double play between Kida and Mikado is always fun. Kida is just sooo kawai~! :cute: Seriously wanted to glomp him for his continuously flowing dialogues and the whole ‘Dollars Degree Prediction’ charade.

The more we get to know about Dollars, the more they are turning into curious guys who are above and beyond the colour gangs in ‘Bukro. Take Takiguchi for instance: normal guy with a flare of music. There’s nothing effil or dark-like vibes coming from him. He’s just someone who doesn’t like to follow the usual societal norms or rules (Tock!).

The pause that Kida had when Takiguchi was talking about Blue Squares was note worthy. Why do I have the feeling that he belonged to that group and is vying to get into Dollars now? We’ll find out soon enough.

Coming back to Mikado, being the central character he sure takes his time around Anri being extremely anxious with a heavy dose of ‘ano…, sono…, eto…’ (I lolll’d at the puppet show of stalker business).

However, we were not tortured too long because one of the butterfly girls (without her wings this time) shows up with her fake-Dollar-member Takeshi, the bald-now-regent-hairdo-guy (is that glue sticking up a wig?!). :pfft

Simply loved Celty’s slowmo kick to the loser and Izaya’s signature jumping up and down in glee (man, this guy is evil yet too smexy for his own good!) This gif is killing me! :woo

The meeting of Mikado with Celty and Izaya is not by chance, Izaya is actually stalking our lead character for a reason only known to him (Tick!). However, Celty has more pressing matters to discuss with Mikado, of her long lost head and it materializing with an unknown body that is sheltered in his home the last he checked.  I liked the boyish touch to the scene when Mikado goes totally wide-eyed after seeing the black swirling matter coming off from Celty’s neck. It’s interesting to note, how easily Mikado accepted all facts about Dullahan and Celty’s head gone missing and showing up on someone else’s body. He agrees to be the middle party of getting the Dullahan-Celty meet with Celty-Harima (Yare Yare, this is getting confusing!) :ehh:

The short cut to the Dotachin Dollars gang was abrupt but relevant for showing the cleaners going out of Yagiri pharmacy for discovering the whereabouts of Celty-Harima at Mikado’s abode.

Celty and Izaya follow Mikado to his decrepit house. (Don’t Izaya and Celty make a weird pair? Twisted Fanfic anyone?) :spark

What followed next is: finally things coming together… Yagiri Pharmacy, Harima disappearing without a trace, Celty being a Dullahan searching for her head, which finally showed up on the body of a girl who is madly in love with Yagiri Seiji, human trafficking and last but not the least: Dollar’s role. (Heh… Check the Baccano reference in password ^^;)



Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the pretend timid ‘Mikado-kun’ is not so normal. Actually, he wanted to live in a way unlike everyone else. He has the very potential of being a full-grown badass! (Check the voice and mannerism change).

Unless, you want to know Mikado’s secret and be spoiled, do not click. Also, use SPOILER tag in commenting for people who know and want to discuss. Show ▼

Let the speculation, OMGing and Kyaaaing commence!

In conclusion, SIMPLY LOVED THIS EPISODE (as always)! Show ▼

All in all and eye opener episode, leaving behind a lot more questions again, like what is Mikado on about? What’s the story of the pervert teacher?  (His creepy mug keeps on cropping up)! What’s the incident that happened with Blue Squares and was Kida directly involved with it. Where is Celty-Harima? What’s Shinra’s role with Yagiri Pharmacy and how much he knows about Celty’s head? His knowledge of their activities and a lot more! Missed Shizu-chan this episode. Looking forward to seeing him in the next one!

BTW, Ahem!

Konbawa, Minnasan! I’m Kyokai, the newest addition to Metanorn blog team. For starters, I’ll be taking up Durarara!! and Kimi ni Todoke reviews. Let me get this off my chest that this is the first time I am anime blogging. Though, I’ve been a writer since college, writing pieces for newspaper, magazines and later on even branching off to fanfics when I had time. I’ve been obsessed with the anime fandom since 2007, (kinda late in my opinion) but once I started with the classics like Samurai X, Cowboy Bebop, GTO, Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist (just to name a few), there was no looking back and I kept on comin’ for more. That is how I ended up ardently reading up manga and started following seasonal anime. In RL, I’m a workaholic 20-something Product Specialist for a Digital Agency. My character resembles Hermione (from Harry Potter) in many ways but I’m her milder version than on-your-face know-it-all. tee hee.

Thank you, Kanzeon for adding me to the team. Dear readers, I’ll be looking forward in interacting with you. I’ll be in your care~

Last updated: at 18:30 for adding gifness!


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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32 Responses to “Durarara!! – 10”

  1. mehz says:

    Show ▼

    • Kyokai says:

      mehz, You are my first commentor so welcome! Show ▼

  2. vucubcaquix says:

    Welcome Kyokai! yoroshiku.

    • Kyokai says:

      Arrigato, vucubcaquix. Hajimemashte! 🙂

  3. zhokolatte says:

    Kyokai, yoroshiku! Looks like both tsui and kanzie are busy with their stuff. I hope you bring us great stuff 🙂 I look forward to your posts!

    • Kyokai says:

      Arrigato gozaimasu, zhokolatte. Yup, Tsui and Kanzie are both busy but would be back soon. 🙂

  4. umi_no_mizu says:

    nice job on the epie review ^__^

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    as for kida and the blue squares and whatnot…. wiki spoiled that for me too but im not about to go spreading that evil peice of info around O_o

    Ooo next for the epie reveiw use gif images please!! ^.^ i loves the gif’ed-ness =P

    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you! Third time’s the charm 🙂

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      I have seriously stopped going to Durarara wiki especially, effil effil spoilers! X_x

      kanzeon is my sensei for teaching Animation. I shall take her help in the next epi review for some mucho needed gifness! XD

  5. Joojoobees says:

    Hello, hello.

    Things have gotten really exciting, but, as you pointed out, there are still some strange loose ends. That’s a good point about the teacher, why would they show him in this episode if he had no role to play?

    I also thought the last part of the show was gorgeous. Everything was bathed in that incredible golden light that comes just before sunset.

    • Kyokai says:

      Durarara!! is like a complex puzzle that keeps on unfurling showing more progress and interconnecting threads as the time passes by. One point that I forgot is the slasher girl, who we have only seen in episode 5. We are still unaware about her identity and of course Kida must have his own thing going. Not mentioning a lot of characters who still need explaining: Haruna, Kida’s friend/sis (from episode 5) and Simon, what muscle hidden beneath that sushie-love. ❓

      I totally agree, the episode end was epic! Filled with golden flashes (especially the super-fast mouse action) and all focusing on Mikado’s changed character.

  6. rreizend says:

    @kyokai ah its okay ^-^ i just thought that i was the one who didnt get the end of the episode

    PS ‘mehz’ was an alias, my real one is ‘rreizend’ keheh

  7. ayami says:

    SPOIL SPOIL SPOIL MIKADO IS THE $%^& IZAYA IS THE #$%^& KIDA IS THE #$%^& and this episode sucks cause i am the leader of euro :)) hahahaha 😛 dollars ey 😛

    • Kyokai says:

      fufufuuu, ayame! More to come about Dollars! 🙂

  8. Xiao says:

    Konichiha~, Kyo-chan! Here is your welcome noogie. *noogie* xDDD

    Ah, it’s good to see a new writer, especially on the Metanorn team. I look forward to your DRRR!! and KnT reviews. x3

    As for D-D-Dollars Show ▼

    As for the pervert teacher, patience~ Show ▼

    Looking forward to the next episode so badly it’s nearly driving me nuts. It’s probably one of the only ones where almost all the major cast members participate in something at once instead of in scattered patterns like in previous episodes. And it’s going to be BIG and AWESOME.

    I can’t wait, I really can’t. :shakesfist

    • Kyokai says:

      I luffed your long reply! x3 Arrigato for such a warm welcome! 🙂

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      Ahhhhhh, now that you reminded me…. :wah Can’t wait for the next episode. For the preview, at least we know there would be more Mikado, Shizu-chan’s broodiness, Izaya’s smexyness, Celty flying about, while Seiji’s still looking for Celty-Harima and Namie’s upto no good. Friday please come soon!

  9. Rin says:

    Show ▼

    • Kyokai says:

      fufufuuu, Show ▼

  10. Sabaku no Renge says:

    Welcome, Kyokai! I’m looking forward reading more of your blogging!

    Something I love a lot about this episode was precisely that eye-opening sequence and the mannerism change… the former good boy standing against the sunset talking as if now, they world is finally his, as it should have always been… it gave me a Death Note feeling. The frenetic typing and clicking didn’t help either… reminds me of that epic writing OTL

    DRRR!! is simply fantastic… can’t wait see more!

  11. Tsubaki Shinra says:

    Is it just me or is Mikado’s account in the Dollars Website …. BACCANO…? ftw! :thumb:

    Waaaah~! Most of the characters in Durarara are so COOL!

    Kakoi! Sugoi! Subarashi! Suteki! :woo

  12. Wonderful insight within this article, anime occupies too much of my own time.

  13. Kyokai says:

    @ Sabaku no Renge, Domo! I agree, the ending sequence just made everything different. We could finally see Mikado in a new light. Nice similie of Yagami Light & Mikado :thumb:

    @ Tsubaki Shinra, fufufuuu. Let’s fangirl all the bishies of Durarara!! :fangirl

    @ Viola Ebright, Arrigato! It’s the same with me since I got into the fandom. It’s kinda my escape. XD

  14. fenixdown110 says:

    Best show this season by far!

  15. Mimiko says:

    Nice fangirling review though I haven’t watch the episode myself due to vacation but had he chance to check out blogs xD and welcome look forward to more of your post ^^! I was starting to wonder where Kanzeon is gone with all the updates.

    Anyway, I manage to watch up to Izaya’s stomping on a human so I don’t have much to say then I love that particular part, it totally hilarious and also Kida’s appearance <3

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  16. Felice says:

    Do you have a twitter; I would like to follow it

  17. scol says:

    welcome to the team and nice read. will be lookin fwd to the read

  18. CyberPixie says:

    i can’t believe that m–! ah i better get my mouth shut

  19. Shipper~ says:

    Wai hallo thare 😉

    Ahahahaha, quite refreshing to spy new bloggers here (even if I do forever love kanzie and tsui)

    I like your style~

    As for the plot ohohohoho I’ve pieced many things together.
    The Celty – Harima thing is confusiiing xD I keep wanting to call Harima Celty but then I’m like “oh wait” so I just call her Choppy Neck like ensuing


  20. Mito says:

    Ara? kyoukai-chan is new here? yoroshiku onegai.. XDDDD i like your preview and style of writing.. =.=” mine is still very bad though… you can see in my blogs!!! XDDDDDDD Anyway thanks for the spoiler!!! XDDDD omg it’s just can’t expected that *______________* beep time~ LOl XDDDDD but i guess i just can’t wait the next episode~ it’s just so fast… =.=” :wah

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