Bakemonogatari OP2 Single – Kaerimichi


Bakemonogatari OP2 Single – “Kaerimichi” by Katou Emiri




01 – Kaerimichi
02 – Kaerimichi -instrumental-
[w/ scans booklet]

I didn’t include the mini-drama because the file is already too big (judging by the scans booklet already). If you want it, you can download the full torrent [LONE] here.

>> Download Here


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3 Responses to “Bakemonogatari OP2 Single – Kaerimichi”

  1. RP says:

    Woot! I’ve been waiting for this since it first aired!

  2. Metalsnakezero says:

    Thanks for the upload but there is just one problem………………………………………………………I CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO IT! 😥

  3. Black_Cat says:

    its too bad its only 3 more episodes i want more wahhh Unfair this series is full of Humor and Awesomeness! :rage:

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