The Sacred Blacksmith – 01

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13 Responses to “The Sacred Blacksmith – 01”

  1. Kiseki says:

    Luke is like, 80% reason why I’m loving this show.
    I am totally seconding this. 😀

  2. Ralkm says:

    Cecily said her whole name… 4 times… I was starting to hate her, and then… Luke :kyaa2:

  3. RP says:

    lol, at least Cecily’s got the counting thing down pat.

  4. fenixdown110 says:

    My pick for the season personally. :thumb:

  5. warriorhope says:

    Luke and Cecily tsun-tsun-ness=awesome. Blushing tsun and aloof tsun all in one show. Lisa is cute too. ^__^

  6. Rin says:

    This is definently something different for me and anime. You don’t seen a magic way of forging a sword in most animes. I can tell that Cecily says her name way to many times and even though Luke saves her ass a million times, she goes on about how her family is awesome just as you said.

  7. meteorhouse62 says:

    Cecily seriously looks like Minori from ToraDora :haha:

  8. NobleX says:

    i find Cecily’s BREASTplate too awkward…
    it distracts me…each time i’m like “WTF?”

  9. fenixdown110 says:

    LOL Metal bewbs!!! :nosebleeds:

  10. FuyuMaiden says:

    So Cecily says her whole name even more than the number of times she needs to be rescued by Luke! XD

    Part of what makes the show fun is making fun of Cecily though (even her armor just seems funny to me). But of course there’s also her being tsundere, Luke having some tsundere tendencies (oh gawd double tsundere combo ftw), Luke being incredibly awesome (he cut a sword in half guys~) and Lisa being damn adorable (that ending~).

    Hopefully, since it seems like a series that will get serious, they do that stuff well too. I’m hoping Cecily gets better after she gets her magic sword girl (which is also hilarious btw).

  11. Ladiee101 says:

    :blush2: Ohhhhhh!!! Luke ^^ x :nosebleeds:

  12. IhateCecily says:

    Since the whole series is over. My thoughts were that Cecily was pathetic to the end, naive and likes to say her name over and over and over again. On the other hand, I watched to the end because Luke and Lisa are awesome, they make great partnership, and also because Cecily is so dumb that its funny, swinging that magical demon sword around that’s supposedly a hot girl with the same size boobs as Cecily, BTW Cecily’s armor looks like a cos play to me… especially that white hat thingy on her head, whatever that is, its not gonna protect her from a pebble…

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