Final Fantasy XIII – TGS 2009 Trailer 03


I’m in an absolute loss of words right now, so I’ll express my fapping excitement with this.

[Update: With subs]

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Serah is the latest addition to the cast. She’s Lightning’s younger sister, and is also romantically involved with Snow. If you ever found her voice to be familiar, her seiyuu is Kotobuki Minako, who played Tsumugi in K-ON!

To be released on 12-17-2009!


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10 Responses to “Final Fantasy XIII – TGS 2009 Trailer 03”

  1. Kiseki says:

    Ahh!! *A* This looks good.
    I love Kotobuki Minako. <3

  2. meteorhouse62 says:

    I’m getting really excited for this one! :aww:

  3. Xiao says:


    …*late gasp*


    Somebody needs to play and record the whole game for me to watch. All the plox at least.

    Anyways, wow, they revealed lots of stuff in this trailer. Gotta say I’m very impressed with the graphics and the storyline as well did the shota just commit suicide?! O.O!. The theme song sounds very nice. Who sings it?

    Kaah, I want this game~ Especially now that I know more about the seiyuu cast, I might just get it.

    Thanks for posting the trailer! ^^

  4. fenixdown110 says:

    It’s released in December which means it will be another year or so before it’s in the states. 😥 I wonder if they’ll dub it over or just subtitle. I vote for subtitles. :oha:

  5. chika-chan says:

    very cool!!!i like final fantasy very much!!!!!!

  6. Eri says:

    I just gotta love that Blond bish Captain! She looks so fierce :15: And yeah, THE GAME F-ING AWESOME!!! But we’ll have to wait years and years in Europe :baww: And even when it comes out I won’t have time to spare… 😥 At least I’l enjoy watching some videos 😆

  7. kanzeon says:

    Oh my god this looks too awesome!!! *automatically jumps into the Snow x Serah ship*

    Ok, FF Versus 13 new trailer NAO!! :14:

  8. blossomgirl101 says:

    OMG!!!! :runs: :omg: :oha: :cute: *and continues to spam even more*

    Finally the seiyuus!~ I love Serah’s voice (well, of course, her seiyuu is awesome!) and it fits her so well. And OMG! *has the urge to ship the two together now* And Lightning’s voice is just like how I imagined it. 😀 So awesome and cool~ Let’s just hope that the English dub is close to the Japanese now.

    It looks so amazing. At first XIII didn’t stand out to me, but now it really does. The trailer gives me hope that maybe the game will be as good as the older FF. I want both this and Versus now. Anyways, like Kanzeon said, new trailer for Versus please! 😀

  9. mikan-sakura says:

    OH MY GOD!!! :aww:
    My fangirl senses are tingling with Snow x Serah goodness!!! But I think it’ll end up in a bawfest. Nuuu~!!! SERAH!!! :huhu:

  10. cdalzzz says:

    My heart just skipped a beat <3

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