Bakemonogatari: 11

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5 Responses to “Bakemonogatari: 11”

  1. RP says:

    I miss Hachikuji 😉

    But I do love Sengoku’s voice. That’s the problem with this show. Too many great characters, too little time to show them all.

  2. baka says:

    haha Don’t Say “Lazy”. 😉

  3. Xiao says:

    Agree wholeheartedly that Nadeko is love~ <333
    Gawd, she was so cute in this episode now that there's no longer an invisible python choking her. 😛

    As for Tsubasa, I loved the white cat transformation and Yui Horie's incorporation of "nya~" into her sentences made me laugh. It sounded so well done. xD

    Have to say Shinobu was wth-awesome for just coming out of nowhere from behind, taking a chomp on Tsubasa's neck and then standing there looking loli.

    …Still can't believe this is the second to last episode. Where's Senjougahara?! Bring her back for even a minute before the end and I'll be happy. T_T

  4. Metalsnakezero says:

    Hot VampGirl x Catgirl :thumb:
    This ep and Spice and wolf are turning everyone in to Furries 😀

  5. fenixdown110 says:

    *Crossing fingers for good webcasts…*

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