Umineko no Naku Koro ni: II-II


The moar beatdowns, the moar love~

Discipline, B*tch!

Starting off this post with some Maria LOVE :4: !!! Isn’t she so awesome when she gets beaten up like that? Gif-spamming now so enjoy seeing this brat getting beaten down by her awesome mom~




Survivor has their tribal council, ANTM has their confessional, Big Brother has its confession room (and tons of cameras), but Umineko has its own: the Meta World. This is the paused world in black and white where we get to see some battle of wits between Beatrice and Battler. Looks like this is the point where Umineko differs from Higurashi, Umineko is still the same ol’ one game to be looped and looped.

And hearing “Meta World” is so awesome, isn’t it? Hahaha~!! Nah, not because it’s close to the name of this blog XD. Not to be confused with that XD. But yeah, I think this is the first time I appreciate my shitty blog name too~. Meta- <33. And I have hell no idea what that word meant when thinking of the title for this blog XD.



Poor Kanon! Poor Kanon!! T^T But at the same time, I can’t help but bow on to Beatrice being very much a dominatrix. That’s so hot. And ALSO at the same time, I can’t help but be annoyed with Kanon’s “I’m a furniture waaah waaaaah” dorama. Come on dude, hook up with Jess already! XD.

George x Shannon moment


*inserts obligtory “DAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW” in here because I must admit I fangirled a little* I think it ‘felt’ more romantic this time. And thanks to its change, Shannon put in the ring immediately and there’s a hug :3

George looks like an extreme pervert by the way in that entire scene. I wonder why he didn’t drool or anything because that’s the only thing I thought that’s missing.

Gather one, gather all~!


7 people are gathered altogether to meet the guest Beatrice. 7… and it looks like we’re approaching the first twilight/murders. But yeah, since they’re seven in that room while we know six are only going to be killed later on, I wonder what will happen or who will be lucky enough.


Beato-love Corner

And ending the post with gifs of the ever-fiercely-awesome witch.


Beato in her casual clothing. HAWTNESS! :kyaa2:


Lol Endless Beato ftw~


Don’t forget about the crazy Beato~

Next episode: II-III – week square



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11 Responses to “Umineko no Naku Koro ni: II-II”

  1. maya-nee says:

    I can’t help but be annoyed with Kanon’s “I’m a furniture waaah waaaaah” dorama. Come on dude, hook up with Jess already! XD.

    LOL, I agree here with you. He just tells this line to people who like and don’t like to listen to it.

    But still, he’s my fave chara :kyaa: :kyaa2:
    And together with Jessica is :kyaa2: :kyaa2: :15:

    But sadly and at the same time romantic, Show ▼

    Sorry about my ranting, but I can’t help being a fan of Kanon and Jessica :XD:

    • Faer1edust says:

      Really??? Next episode?? O___O
      Show ▼

      I also love Kanon x Jessica too!!! Just watching this show for both of them, actually~ XD

      • maya-nee says:

        LOL, sadly that will happen.
        I don’t want to spoil anymore :XD:

  2. Faer1edust says:

    Lol at all the Maria beatdown gifs!!! XD Saving each and every one of them to stare at it~ It’s so pwetty when Maria always getting beaten up like that by her mum~~~ 😉

    The Metanorn World thing was kinda cool. Lol I have no idea what’s making that place up but I still find it awesome. And do Beatrice and Battler only reside in that place? I can’t wait for how they do some commentary/ battle of wits throughout this whole thing.

    Haha~ DO WANT Kanon x Jessica moments already! All those furniture drama by him just cockblocks all the fun and shipping~ XP. I like them more than George x Shannon >.> Too much cheesiness on their part.

    Beatrice looks oh-so-fabulous in her new attire as well~ Is Jessica her fashion inspiration?? XDD

    And judging by the next episode, Show ▼

  3. Faer1edust says:

    Oh, and I also forgot to add this up! Sorry for the double (triple) comment ;_; Show ▼

  4. Prometheus says:

    It’s a great episode. What made it better was the music, in my opinion.
    Cool gifs. Saving the first Beato one =3

  5. ryks says:

    I think Rosa’s being a little too much on the Maria abuse. And I liked her less for being very bi-polar. But still, those gifs are made of win 🙂

  6. Rin says:

    Beato! In a school uniform! :cute: Just plain awesomeness!

    Your right about Kanon. You feel sorry for him as well as you want him to STFU with the furniture thing. That’s the only thing preventing him from Jessica(I love shipping anyone, okay). Shannon may be “the same” as him, but at least she isn’t preventing that for her love for George.

  7. Xiao says:

    Your blog name is not shitty, poohead. 😛 I likes it. <3

    I DEMAND more (MOAR!!!, I tell you!!! D8<) of these meta-world scenes! For Bato’s GAR and Beato-sama’s f*ckinPWNS!YOU aweshomness~ :kyaa:

    Dude, if Kanon keeps insisting that he’s furniture, then he should ornament himself in Jessica’s room. Be the best furniture you can be! *SHOTSHOTSHOT* XDDDDDDDDD;;;;;;; You know you all want it. LOLOLOL

    Too bad for Shannon. She just cemented her end before she accepted the ring. What an idiot girl indeed…and I’m all for the murder, yep! :thumb:

    Hmm, it strikes me really strange that the adults would just gather at the church and every single one of them readily agrees that Beato the witch exists. Then again, this isn’t the answer arc and I have no idea what’s really going on at the moment so I’ll just wait to see what happens. :3

    :15: :15: :15:

  8. Tara says:

    Yay for Beatrice-sama and Maria being bitch-slapped XD

    Meta World sounds like the most awesome thing, but if we were going just with this blog name I’d say Norn World is more fitting… cuz Norn means witch in icelandic XD That’s why I’ve always loved the blog name 😉

    And you are so right about Kanon, all that ‘furniture’ thing is getting boring. He should just give up and date Jessica already OwO

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