K-ON! Character Single – Nakano Azusa


K-ON! Character Image Song Series – Nakano Azusa [CV: Taketatsu Ayana]


1. Jaja Uma Way To Go
2. Watashi wa Watashi no Michi wo Iku
3. Let’s Go (Azusa Ver.)
4. Jaja Uma Way To Go -Instrumental-
5. Watashi wa Watashi no Michi wo Iku -Instrumental-
6. Let’s Go (Azusa Ver.) -Instrumental-

[w/ scans]

I would really admit that this is the single I’m looking forward to the most. And I came buckets listening to this. Azu-nyan may not be in Mio levels when it comes to singing obviously, but I still enjoyed listening to the songs and the guitar arrangements are all awesome. Download link below. Enjoy 🙂



Like it? Buy it! cdjapan | playasia

More K-ON! Character Singles:

Yui | Mio | Sawako-sensei/Death Devil | Ritsu | Mugi

P.S. – Damn, the more I listen to all these K-ON! Character Songs, the more I miss the show ;_;.


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11 Responses to “K-ON! Character Single – Nakano Azusa”

  1. meteorhouse62 says:

    HOLY SHIZ it’s up in here already?! Thank you so much!

  2. Kevs says:

    WOOOT it’s out! Thanks! :thumb:

  3. Xx_chocokiss_xX says:

    Thank you very much for putting up all three singles. :aww: I owe you my life!

  4. nyan-nyan says:

    Arigatou for the dl links :7:

  5. JSam says:

    Thank you for sharing all 3!

  6. kirapika says:

    Gee, thanks for this! 😉

  7. Aerojohn says:

    The guitar actually sounded like a Fender Mustang (which is what she plays).

  8. GiJaws says:

    We will definitely enjoy this! If I have just the money to buy this, I would. But unluckyly I don’t have… sob… but now you are the light of our hopes…

  9. Gami says:

    Jajauma Way to Go was a really good song. Thanks for posting. (^∀^)b

  10. vonWeller says:

    this is really the only website I could rely on :dot ..and how damn happy I am!! :shakesfist
    :aww: thank you so much!
    3 more to go and my collection is complete!! 😆

  11. Nalit says:

    GAAAH! I’m so late! Is there another site these are up on? Sharebee doesn’t work! T_T

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