Hetalia Axis Powers: 30

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10 Responses to “Hetalia Axis Powers: 30”

  1. Michelle says:

    :kyaa: ARTHUR-SAMA!!! :kyaa:
    Taking those gifs full of win!!! :7:

    Topless Arthur is… :nosebleeds:

  2. ponyturret says:

    :nosebleeds: :nosebleeds: :nosebleeds: :nosebleeds: :nosebleeds:
    I can’t help but LOL and nosebleed at the same time on that second gif. *wishes for his hair to never get dry*

  3. Faer1edust says:

    Me loves this episode ^^. Arthur fanservice FTW. Also, UK x Japan shipper here~ 😉

  4. Kagami says:

    YAY. Arthur fanservice~ <3
    AND KIKU GOT A DECENT AMOUNT OF SCREENTIME WOOT. *Japan fangirl* Plus he finally sang the ending. 😀 Although I personally think it should have been Arthur's version though, this episode was centered more around him. :'D

    Dear goodness, your .gifs are win. <3

  5. Auntie Heng says:

    hoohooo…. great gifs 😉
    my most memorial part was when the English Flag futon showed up..

  6. Tara says:

    Yay for topless Arthur :kyaa2: *saves the pictures* ^^

  7. hetalia freak says:

    *dies* I just watched the episodes today and now you gave me those smexy Arthur’s gif!? *dies in happiness* :nosebleeds: :kyaa2:
    thanks for these gif! *saves the pictures and nosebleeding non-stop*

  8. Timcanpy says:

    can i have a request?

    can you put also France gif? please!!!! pretty pleeaase!!!

    *kneel down :aww:

  9. FranceInMyPants says:

    OH GOD YES. e_____e;;;

    Iggy in a hotspring. God Yes. Sweet God yes. GOD YES!!!!!1111

    -nosebleeds on computer-
    -hears mom coming-


  10. bLaCkxxxRoS3 says:

    I LUVE YOU!!!!!
    *dies from Arthur’s smexiness*

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