Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~: Inspired – Ein


We all know Ein for being the cold-blooded, emotionless assassin from Phantom. But we’ll get to see a singing side of her in her character single! What would be the songs for someone as cold and dark as Ein would be? XP Download Link below the jump~.

Ein’s character CD is very gothic, dark and cold, which totally fits Ein’s personality ^^. It’s really awesome! Ayahi Takagaki really did a great job voicing her AND singing as well ^^.

“Crazy darkness” is pure awesome! It’s bliss, mod, fab, and I absolutely love the beat. OMG I would have really mistaken it for an artist’s single and have a PV for it. I also love the transitions from slow to fast to slow and fast again. This song just owns, even more than Mio’s “Hello Little Girl” (K-On!) from her character single to be really honest, on being my current favorite female character single. The second track or the B-side, “Ich beten…”, is giving total Kanon Wakeshima vibes, and Ayahi-san’s voice just sends chills down my spine. OMG Ein is just pure awesomeness! The CD also contains a monolog.


1. crazy darkness
2. Ich beten…
3. Monolog
4. crazy darkness [Instrumental]
5. Ich beten… [Instrumental]

[w/ scans, .zip format, Mediafire]

>>Download Here

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4 Responses to “Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~: Inspired – Ein”

  1. Westlo says:

    Ayahi Takagaki is managed by Music Ray’N who also handle Tomatsu Haruka and the other 2 girls in that SPHERE OP for Hatsukoi Limited. I believe hash on her blog mentioned that her preferred style was opera. Really like her singing voice as well as her VA work, have to agree that Crazy Darkness is a great track.

  2. kanzeon says:

    Good for her ^^. Love her voice and it’s really rare these days to find a seiyuu who has an interest in opera. Just gotta love her voice so much~

  3. I wasn’t able to get a copy of Ein’s cd, thanks for sharing :cheer:
    .-= Sapphire Pyro´s last blog ..Pandora Hearts – CD/DVD/Calendar/Artbook/Fanbook Releases, Seiyuu Announcements, and Extra Episodes Teasers =-.

  4. Daemon says:

    I love this. Thank you so much.

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