07-Ghost: Character Popularity Rankings


This is quite late… But anyways~ Here are the official results of the 07-Ghost character popularity poll!!!



1st Place: Teito Klein
2nd Place: Frau
3rd Place: Mikage

4. Aya-tan
5. Castor
6. Labrador
7. Hyuuga
8. Hakuren
9. Konatsu
10. Kuroyuri
11. Haruse
12. Katsuragi

I’m not surprised again… but I am still happy at the same time!!! Teito deserves the top spot of course because he’s the main hero ^^. And kyaaa!!! :kyaa2: Frau gets runner-up while Mikage gets the bronze. Totally shows that Mikage still gets love until forever~. It’s also amusing how Aya-tan gets fourth. He’s teh smex villain xD. And I’m happy that Castor got fifth ^^. Kinda surprised that Labrador got sixth, but yeah, I guess Lab’s really so moe ^^. And Hyuuga!!! I’m freaking happy that he gets lots of love, being on seventh!!! Konatsu too ^^. And Kuroyuri and Haruse just can’t stop being right next to each other lmao. The biggest shocker is Hakuren being at the eight spot. Whoa~.

But lol at Katsuragi… I didn’t know he’s more popular than Razette, Mikhail or Burupya, and Lance which didn’t enter the top 12. Yeah… WHERE’S MY FREAKING RAZETTE?! 😥 Also, Mikhail T___T.


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14 Responses to “07-Ghost: Character Popularity Rankings”

  1. kirapika says:

    lawl, the Top 3 never change xD :ohohoho:

    YESH~ Mikage shall live on in the hearts of us fangirls~ ;D

    It’s shocking that people still love Aya-tan so much. Maybe because aside from being evil he’s still a bishie? But yeah, Hakuren at 8 only!!? :-_-:
    .-= kirapika´s last blog ..Watashi ni xx Shinasai ch. 02 + ch. 03 preview! – Steamyyyy =-.

  2. It’s the same as usual, but that makes me happy~ I’m satisfied with the results (except I need Mikhail!!!), since, as you said, Teito deserves #1 since he’s the main character. It’s always pretty sad when the main character doesn’t get first, so I’m glad Teito did. Yay Frau, Mikage!~ They totally deserve 2nd and 3rd! Aww…Hakuren is a little below what I hoped.
    .-= blossomgirl101´s last blog ..Blossom Blabber: So Limited… =-.

  3. mikan-sakura says:

    Hakuren at eight is :doomed: … But about the overall stats, I agree, not really surprising. I would have also wanted for Razette to make it through as well T.T

  4. kanzeon says:

    @kirapika: Yesh ^^ MIKAGE 4EVER!!!
    And lol Aya-tan is a lovable villain perhaps that’s why he got fourth~.

    @blossomgirl101: T___T Mikhail…
    And yeah, Teito still deserves the top spot and that’s a good thing because as the main hero, he proves that he can’t get outshone by the others ^^. Go Teito~! Yep ^^. Still the same but I’m just glad about it.

    @mikan-sakura: What happened to his fangirls?! XD.
    And too bad Razette doesn’t get enough popularity. Heck, even that Katsugari guy turned out to be more popular than her 😡

  5. XxTeitoxMikagexX says:

    :cute: I Love Teito und Mikage :blush2:

    Ah :nosebleeds: Teito,Mikage Daiski 🙂 🙂

    :kyaa2: :kyaa2: :kyaa2: :kyaa2:

    Hoffentlich passiert Teito in der nächsten Folge nichts :-_-: wäre schrecklich

  6. :ehh:

    NO MIKHAIL???? T_T

    .-= Sapphire Pyro´s last blog ..New Flavors: Ao no Exorcist =-.

  7. Llora-chan says:

    0w0 Mikage! ^^
    Teito and Frau making the top 2 isn’t much of a surprise to me. But I’m sooooo happy that Mikage is #3! :kyaa2:

  8. Xiao says:

    Vat? Katsuragi takes 12th and Razette is nowhere on the list?!

    I DEMAND a re-vote immediately! :ehh:
    .-= Xiao Jie´s last blog ..Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 90 =-.

  9. auntiebin says:

    sexy sexy sexy AYA-TAN!! :cheer: :cheer:

  10. beazel says:

    😉 😉 😉
    weeeeeee i love 07-ghost :kyaa2: :kyaa: ilove teito labrador castor frau even the bad guys so much 😉 :7: :omg: :kyaa2: :7:

  11. Kari-chan says:

    Mikage was 3rd??????? :huhu: But I like Mikage more than Frau………………Frau ‘s like 3rd place to meeeeeeee…….and Teito deserves the top seat, yeah :XD: Lab-chan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :kyaa2: :love:

    Why isn’t razette in the list?!! :baww2: She’s awesome too………………….

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  13. karin says:

    q paling suka sama teito soal.a dia paling ganteng d antara semuaaaaaaaaaaaa

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