OTP of the Week: Shipping of the East


Artist: hazuki

Yay for a new feature ^^~ I just thought of doing this one up in case of the time where I have nothing else to post about, I can have this as an excuse XP. Nah just kidding. I really wanna share my favorite OTPs so badly ^^. I’ll be posting up my different favorite OTP’s/shippings every week and provide a short reason why I love them (or long, depends on my time), then post up an image spam, which is kinda like uh… I don’t know… proof why they rock? Lol.

My choices varies so much (you know how crazy I am XD) and can range in from yaoi and even yuri pairings sometimes ^^. And LOL hey, I might even post up my fave Pokemon/Digimon ships as well XDD. It also goes beyond from anime as well, meaning I’m gonna post some video game shippings, as well as live-action ones… OR even cross-overs, which sounds quite fun~. So yeah, what’s coming next will be a surprise~

What I’ll do though, is that I’ll prevent writing some summaries of their relationships because that’s lame and it might spoil others -__- (and I’m too lazy to do those too XP). And I’ll try my best to write up the artists in their fanarts to promote their works. Yeah, it’s quite hard to research for the artist so forgive me and feel free to kindly correct if I mentioned anything wrong in the infos ^^.

So first up in line is a shipping on a current anime, Eden of the East. It’s Saki and Akira, or what everyone calls as Sakira~!!!

OTP for Week #1: Saki x Akira [Eden of the East]


Artist: hyaku

Oh god how I love these two. From their chemistry, to their different personalities and on how the mystery of the series plays up on their relationship ^^. Their first encounter was really hilarious! Yet special at the same time~ And no matter how deep the atmosphere of the series is, it is the cute moments of these two that balances it well. Now that the series is ending next week before the movie, I’m soooo excited on what will be in store with these two.

Now it’s time for teh image spam~!!!


Artist: kamoji


Artist: psd


Artist: Konomi


Artist: fujiwara


Artist: deirn


Artist: tomohirou


Artist: sousou


~Sakira Screenshots~

Some of my favorite Saki x Akira screenshots so far~


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12 Responses to “OTP of the Week: Shipping of the East”

  1. Gargron says:

    Not much to say about it, except that I’m fully supporting this shipping. Though “Sakira” doesn’t sound very well. But yeah, am I too pedant again. :thumb:

    Lol at the rocket chasing that damned Ohsugi in fan art #2! :oha:
    .-= Gargron´s last blog ..Anime Dropdown Widget =-.

    • kanzeon says:

      Yesh ^^. I just hope that it’s a really happy ending in store for them… Then I’ll be completely happy ^^.
      :dance: :cute2: :dance:
      And there must be a fanart that shows Oosugi getting hit by a missle lolol

  2. Emiko-chan says:

    Ah~ SAKIRA!! (I just love that phrase you’ve coined.) I love this pairing to bits, and it just happens to be one of my OTPs as well.

    I like all the art you’ve gathered here, too. I haven’t seen a lot of it because I don’t look at pixiv, but so so many cute pics! Thanks for sharing. 😀

    I can’t wait to see what other pairings you’ll feature in the future.
    .-= Emiko-chan´s last blog ..Vocaloid Day – 06/12/09 =-.

    • kanzeon says:

      Yes, Sakira is soo love :love: I’m not the one who invented the term though, since I only got it from different forums like in MAL and other fandom forums ^^.

      I also don’t browse on pixiv much, but I have my sources ^^. And yeah, they’re all great pieces and they deserve an award for making pretty fanarts ^^.

  3. Ashelea says:

    OH MY GOD!!! Sakira is just like Sakura which makes the term more awesome XD!!! :party: (<—lovin' that icon so much lol). And I love all those fanarts as well~ Brilliant ^^. And out of all those screencap spam, my most favorites are the sunset scene and the kiss of course!!! :omg:

    • kanzeon says:

      YESH! :thumb:
      And lol @ you for using that party icon two times in a row~
      Yeah, the artists are all great. And of course, hun~ A kiss with a ferris wheel background is definitely WINNN!!!

  4. Llora-chan says:

    WoW~ I come back to check up on you and… you’re now FULL BLOWN A M A Z I N G!!!! XD

    Btw, I love this couple too~ :love:

  5. Minnie says:

    Kanzeon, you’re so awesome. 😛 I can’t believe you choose to use Sakira as your first pairing to talk about! Actually, a teammate and I are planning to do the same (not Sakira specifically but for shippings), but it’ll take a while to post… ^__^;;

    I coined the term~ ^__^;;; >obsessive shipper fan to the max//< :thumb:
    .-= Minnie´s last blog ..Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 23: “Should I Be Happy That People Are Maturing?” =-.

  6. Minnie says:

    Oops. Some of my comment got cut off. 🙁 I was saying how all us Sakira fans should stick together. ^__^ Sorry to double comment? ^^;;
    .-= Minnie´s last blog ..Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 23: “Should I Be Happy That People Are Maturing?” =-.

    • kanzeon says:

      Lol it’s ok ^^. Thanks for the comment, and I can’t wait for that project ^^. Will it take place after your “Favorite Characters” countdown?
      ..and woah @ you for making such a phenomenal term for this awesome couple!!!~~~ :love: All hail Sakira!!!

  7. haleySmith says:

    i cant wait till the movie,i hope like the hour it comes out in japan there will be english subs. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Muhhhhhaaahahahahaaa,i just love how it is all serious then there always saying 'jhoney' and making you crack up,then there bringing romance,and then action with all the bombs going 'bang,bang,booomb' X D

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