Kuroshitsuji Gets Second Season!!!


Fabulously awesome.

A second season of Kuroshitsuji is on the works according to Sawabe Junichi. The announcement was also declared on the event Sono Shitsuji, Shuushou ~Saigo no Bansan wo Anata to Tomo ni~” held on the 14th.

[Sources: Sawabe Junichi‘s official blogMoetron ]

Kidding aside~ I wonder how things will continue, after the last episode giving a real feeling of an ending. It would be weird if they’ll make a reset though, but whatever… More Sebastian is EPIC WIN! And besides him, I’m glad to see more of the kick-ass Phantomhive servants, Grell, the others and even Lau-sama XD. I can’t wait for the announcement of its airdate. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!




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25 Responses to “Kuroshitsuji Gets Second Season!!!”

  1. Lacri says:

    Fabulously awesome indeed. But how would a second season work?

    Oh well. I get to fangirl some more~ Kyaaa~~~ :kyaa2:

  2. Rai says:

    Second season?? yaaayy thats gonna be awesomee [>w<] I wonder what its gonna be about. hehe i cant wait!!

  3. kelakagandy says:

    As much as I would love to freak over a second season (since the first was absolutely fantastic), I’m not sure how they’re going to make it work, since like you said, the end of the first season seemed like a pretty finite ending… :/

    Maybe I’ll just stop thinking about it, and be happy!! xD

  4. kurama says:

    LOL I really wonder what would happen and how will it start XD. Maybe they’ll pull off something like Jigoku Shoujo Misuganae and just randomly start off somewhere without even explaining what happened &why XD.

  5. Auntie Heng says:

    :thumb: :thumb: :woah: :woah: :woah:
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: 😆 :3:

  6. I’m not that happy with this news, because anime had been a disappointment >_>;;;

    though I miss the cool animation, voices, and Sebastian + other cool characters.

    but I don’t miss the headaches T_T

  7. cinderbird says:

    Haha when I first heard about this news I’m like “WTF?” because the first season is a total finality already… But my inner crazy fangirl side is guilty wanting more of Sebastian so I just fangirled like crazy instead of ranting more lol :party:

    But I think that in the last episode of Kuroshitsuji anime… Show ▼

  8. kirapika says:

    Hahahaha. Good news of the season~ xD
    Though I’m still lagging on the first season.. :ohohoho:
    .-= kirapika´s last blog ..Is Kitari finally back from the dead? =-.

  9. Jamie says:

    Wow amazing great news thank you for sharing(*_) :oha:

  10. Kitsune says:

    Oh yes, I am very excited about this! Hopefully, I’ll cover the second season as well 🙂

  11. Lona says:

    Omg yay!! I can’t wait to see Ciel again :kyaa:
    Ciel! :runs:

  12. Arietta says:

    Kyaaa kyaaa kyaaaa XDD Kuroshitsuji!!!! :kyaa2: there will be a 2nd season??? I CANT WAIT!!!! OMG :kyaa:
    My dear Ciel~~, i’m gonna meet u again :runs:
    Thanks for the info! Live KuroShitsuji :oha: :cheer:

  13. FayeTann says:

    Kyaa! I can’t wait for the second season! :omg:… :7: now i can see ceil again!!! :kyaa: CEIL~~ :kyaa2: Cant wait :nosebleeds:

  14. Yaoixx says:

    :omg: The First season was soo good, and the ending was good aswell! :kyaa: but I was sad to see ceil go bye bye! Damned contract! 😡

    But now i can see more of Ceil and Sebastian! FTW :omg:

    Haha! Proud Yaoi fangirl here~ :7:

    I’ll be waiting~~~~ :runs:

  15. Kalley says:

    OMG CUUUTE~! :blush2: I do wonder if there will be “those” scene 😳 jk XD anyaways! Can’t wait!

  16. Ani_San says:

    omg just finished watching the first series like right NOW and this was JUST what I wanted to hear! but gaaaaaah, I don’t want to read any spoilers, but I can’t imagine how it’d work without Ciel?! lol. I mean, god, I love Sebastian and everyone else so much. but Ciel was such a great character too, I couldn’t imagine anyone replacing him! Either way I’ll watch the new series anyways and spazz out like a total fangirl lol. But Agggggh,, the ending of this first season was just so sad :'( And now I gotta go back to work and try not to think about it XD

  17. Hazel says:

    WHAT THE??


  18. Reine says:

    You know how manga has this…strip of paper thing that wraps around the book and the flaps? (>.< I don't know how to explain it any better…) Well, on one of the Kuroshitsuji manga volumes(VII I think?)it said "Second Season of Kuroshitsuji Anime announced" or something like that in Japanese. Then it included, in quotation marks, (I forgot the exact Japanese words but I remember the meaning xD): "Now, Young Master, open your eyes…"

    A big hint? I think…

  19. HaleySmith says:

    :kyaa2: OMGSHHHOMGSHHH!!!
    More of the undertaker and the reaper 😥
    I am in love :cute:

    Cant wait till they give an airing time :runs:
    Hehehhehehee :blush2:

    Go Kuroshitsuji!!! :cheer:

  20. Tori Gaian says:

    Oh Yay! Hopefully there will be more of Undertaker! So excited!!!X3

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