Hetalia Axis Powers: 13 – UK’s eyebrows are magical.


Welcome to another dose of World APH News!

KITTY CORNER: Italy demonstrates how to train a cat properly…


Here is Italy teaching us on how we should treat our cats to make it more fierce XD.


You must press its paws repeatedly and squish~ sqush~ squish~


Uhh, see? The cat will love you! Be grateful that it didn’t slashed your head off.


MOVIE NEWS: Harry Potter part eight???


UK will be starring on an upcoming new movie in production, Harry Potter 8, even though there isn’t a part seven announced yet XD. Good thing I have my paparazzi around to keep you updated on the set of the film.


Here is UK casting his secret spell.


Uhh, what? The movie ain’t real? What is this America?


But even though that our specualtion for that film was a fail, we still believe in the magical mysteries of England. Yes, they unleashed a Russian head from the ground.


MORE NEWS: Russia’s hidden grudge!


Breaking news! Japan was rescued to the hospital for eating a poisoned leek. We’ve come to an investigation that it’s Russia’s fault. But it’s still hard to suspect everyone since Russia’s smile makes our knees weak~~~


But Russia’s caught without any excuse, because he really does show a grudge!


Nuuuuuuuuuuu~ He’s scary T___T. I give up, we won’t arrest you…


EPIC NEWS: Sneek Preview of the Storage Cleaning episode!!!


In this episode, we finally got a glimpse of the Storage Cleaning episode we’ve all been waiting for!!! UGH I STILL FREAKIN’ THOUGHT THAT THIS EPISODE WILL BE THIS WEEK’S DX When will you keep us waiting???!!! hijjgflhkgf but anyway…


We’ve got a glimpse on what’s inside USA’s storage and we see SHINY animation! Look at USA’s gun! Looks like DEEN is spending moneyz on CG in here XD. I’m more excited!!!


“You are so great.”


I cried a bit already with it’s Engrish epicness.. NuuU~~~ *slaps USA for making UK cry in the rain* T___T but I still love them both T___T… which is so sad… Uhhggh can’t take my emotional stress anymore… gotta go…

APH news signing off!

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2 Responses to “Hetalia Axis Powers: 13 – UK’s eyebrows are magical.”

  1. warriorhope says:

    Cleaning up the storage commerical= T.T

    Italy fails at cat training…or does he?

    UK’s eyebrows are magical. How else was he able to take over half the world? :megane:

    The Grudge-starring Russia. 😆

    warriorhope’s last blog post..The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Blogging-(4/16-4/23)

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