New banner set for April!



– Prussia/Gilbert [Hetalia Axis Powers]

New banners!!! What more can I say? (conceitedness level: increasing) nah lol it’s Prussia in this cool blue banner^^, and he’s here to occupy your vital space *yandere smile*.And he’s here saying that he’s made of awesomeness. Well, we cannot deny that it’s a fact.

So more new banners below the jumpity-jump!!!



– Various Characters Countries [Hetalia Axis Powers]

Here’s another banner from Hetalia Axis Powers with the guys from the Axis Powers and Allied Forces. All the pics came from the same scan and I just had this idea of flashing different characters, so this is the output ^^. I was really thinking if black background would be nice or it would look better if it’s white. Need your suggestions ^^. So anyhow, hope you’ll like this colorful number =).


Angel’s Feather

– Teito and Mikage [07-GHOST]

Nevermind that yaoi series title XD. So here’s the banner for one of the series airing this Spring, 07-GHOST. Of course, this is one of the series that I’m sure to follow (and might possibly blog) so this deserves a banner. I put up Teito and Mikage and put the cloud effects like what I did on the AIR banner I used before, but this time, it’s on the foreground, so it’s like clouds/snow/heaven/whatever you might call it. I love this banner, it’s refreshing and cool… so yeah, hope you’ll like this too. And oh! I’ll also make a Teito x Frau banner soon! ^^



– Welkin and Alicia [Senjou no Valkyria]

When I saw the scan, I thought that the art is genius. So this deserves a banner. And also from another anime that will be airing this Spring and is on my watch-list (and Tsui looks so much excited for this show as well). As you could also notice, it’s not a gif one, I prefered it as is because the art is just amazing.


Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

– Rima and Shiki [Vampire Knight]

Hahaha Rima x Shiki again! Can’t help it, to be honest xP. Once I found the scan, I thought, “OMG, this deserves a banner!”. So yeah, did a LOT of efforts on covering things up (and trust me hun, there’s a LOT of stuff to fix in this scan XD) I removed the annoying heart wand (sorry Valentines, but I find hearts annoying now XP); moved Rima so that she will look closer to Shiki (which takes a LOT of work again); and removing the chervu stuff that’s not needed like the huge font, and some designs. So it’s really tiring, but I guess it’s all worth it for my Shima ^^. Lots of love sprinkled (or brushes, in regular speaking), and voila, done ^^. *snapping my fingers fiercely as I finished doing this*


– Persona 4 cast

…And this is the banner made by Tsui (as he mentioned before in the 500th post special). He can’t think of the title for his “masterpiece” yet, so let’s give him time. He used a single scan, cleaned some stuff, and add a variety of fonts in each character’s top. I think being his first time, it’s really nice and the concept is alright also, so yeah, I accepted his banner to be shown in METANORN ^__^.

So that’s the newest batch of banners you’ll be seeing from now on up until whenever I like, and hope you’ll like them. There are two banners still left though, and that two banners will be from the WINNER of Anime’s Next Top Model cycle 2. So Anime-NTM post, coming right up after this ^^. ~xoxo



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16 Responses to “New banner set for April!”

  1. kirapika says:

    Oooh. Cool new banners!

    When I saw the Shiki x Rima one, I fell for it. :cute:
    I guess you needn’t ask which one’s my fave? lol. :PP

    Others are really cool too 😀

    kirapika’s last blog post..Skip Beat 24 Rants

  2. fye says:

    I agree that the 07-Ghost one was really good. And the Vampire Knight and the Prussia one was cute. Looks like you really did a good job on everything, as always ;). 😉

    • kanzeon says:

      Thanks ^^ Yeah, probably the hardest one is the Vampire Knight, which I’ve spent on lots of efforts to edit it ^^. But all’s worth it :))

  3. kanzeon says:

    Lmao. 07-Ghost is not yaoi, but there are huge hints though… Thanks for the compliment ^^

  4. FuyuMaiden says:

    I love all of the banners as usual. They’re always so great and this set is certainly no exception.

    The first Hetalia one is probably my favorite. I’m not sure what I like about it so much, but I love it. It looks cool~ I like it with the black background. It makes a good contrast with the lighter and brighter colors.

    After that I like the Rima and Shiki one. Love the colors in there.

    FuyuMaiden’s last blog post..Shugo Chara!! Doki – Episode 76

  5. Too much Hetalia.

    Kairu Ishimaru’s last blog post..“Tweet, Tweet!”

  6. Xiao says:


    Oh gawd, I love them all. They’re all so cool and animated and everything! *wants to learn how to do that* :omg: :omg:

    Ah, the Hetalia banners remind me that I have to get back to watching it cuz I really liked the first episode (Italy: PASTA~! lololol xD) and Prussia declaring his awesomeness makes me giggle. hehehe

    I like the black background for the second one cuz most of the others are pretty bright already so yea…black looks guuuud. ;3

    Oooo! I’m so happy you might be blogging 07-Ghost cuz I just got into it and it’s just too awesome for words! Aha~, and it’s just screaming to be a yaoi title. xDDD;;; …Oh noes. I can’t even recall the last time I let my tiny secret shounen-ai fangirl out of its closet…if ever. |D; Damn you, 07-Ghost! Why must you be completely filled with hawt cute guys who are so hawt for each other?! xDDDD;;;
    But that aside…kyaa! I love this banner! Teito-kun and Mikage! OMG, MIKAGE~! :orz: *already spoiled so yea…*
    But it really is beautiful. I love the clouds. They’re so wonderful and makes it feel refreshingly peaceful. <3 lol, it reminds me of hotsprings for some reason, too. xD;
    Yep, just great. I can’t wait for the TeitoxFrau one. Even though I like TeitoxMikage a little more but Frau is like the coolest, hottest bishop EVAR! Ahahaha!

    The Valkyria looks awesome, too. It yells “HURGH! *punchshootsyou* WAR!* xDD;;;

    And finally~ Rima and Shiki~! <333
    Truly gorgeous. :kyaa2: I can only imagine on how hard you worked on it because it really, really did pay off. It’s so pretty~! And shiny~! Better than the Hershey kisses foil covering (lol that’s what popped up into my mind). <D Now that’s the epitome of eyecandy. ;D

    I already gave my thoughts on Tsui-san’s banner and the Amu ones but I’ll just say that they’re awesome again. lol, Now I want a tee-shirt that flashes letters. && omg, I’m still so happy that Amu won! KYAAA! :omg: :omg:

    haha Yea. Awesome job as always. ^^

    Xiao Jie’s last blog post..Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 76

  7. warriorhope says:

    Hetalia banners are made of win particularly the Giblo one.

    I thought the main VC characters were Hungary and Prussia the first time I saw that artwork. It’s cool too.

    The VK is awesome too. Also the 07-Ghost. Can’t wait for it too start >_<

    warriorhope’s last blog post..Hetalia Axis Powers-Episode 10

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