Billboard Top 50 [4/04/09]


Credits to Billboard Goddess

Only one thing to say: Pokerface for the number 1 spot!!!  It would be really epic if Lady Gaga would get another number 1 spot again. I mean, Pokerface had been number 1 in different countries, so why not in the US? So GO GAGA!!!


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4 Responses to “Billboard Top 50 [4/04/09]”

  1. GO GO GAGA GO! :omg:

    Kairu Ishimaru’s last blog post..Conficker C Virus In April Fool’s Day

  2. Taka says:

    Wathing this pretty much confirms why I don’t follow the US music scene. There were like 5 or 6 songs that were even interesting to me; much less actually liking them.

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