Random Drawings: New Characters!
7 is kind of a busy person but I also decided his character design to look very smart and opinionated. Plus did you noticed that his outfit is symmetrical? Yep, it’s necessary XD. (Plus the glasses are so cute~) His manga form may be a perfectionist but that what makes him adorable and awesome and he still never fails to share fun to everyone ^_^. Plus he’s really nice to have a chat with. Thanks Shichi or just plain perfect 7!
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 54 comments
Props for drawing your non-blogger commenters. They’re the ones who appreciate it the most.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 207 comments
Yay! More characters 🙂 I especially like Maura-chan and The Poop – so cute :3
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 48 comments
Haha, that’s so awesome, I love it, thanks so much 😀
7 looks very appropriate, and I love all the kitties :3
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 65 comments
This is just too awesome! The glasses and the symmetrical apparel hit the spot! Me gonna make this into a portrait. Woot!
Bless you and your drawings Kanzeon!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 161 comments
Yay new drawings! Can’t say much since I’m oh so busy, but they all look great. More cute girl drawings make me smile.
Haha, I especially loved xiao_jie’s chibi. Cute how she looks so excited
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 371 comments
I love mines so much I want to print it out and hang it on my wall. Exquisite frame to go with it and everything. xD
Awwz, thank you so much! I really really love it. Haha, especially the chibi-fied version of me. “Fwah~!” Believe me, I do that alot.
So far I’ve been lucky enough not to accidentally hit anyone yetxDDWaaaiiii~! I’m so very very glad you enjoy my comments! <333 Cuz that’s the wild crazy side I can hardly show in real life so when I let it loose, I’m afraid it’d scare people away from me. ^^;
But yay~! They made ya smile~! One of my main reasons for commenting is just that so I’m very, very happy. hehe ^^
Argh, I can’t thank you enough. I wish I had something to give in return but other than my ranting, I am talentless (ranting is a talent? xD; ). T____T
But one day! One day I will. ^^
Haha, this also makes me want to just stay at commenter status instead of opening up my own blog (which I’m trying to make a banner for right now, ugh, so hard). I feel so special. xD;
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
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POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
@Baka-Raptor: I really wanna show them my gratitude too so I made ’em some ^_^
@Kitsune: Thanks 🙂 I know why you like them: Cat ears 😛
@nazarielle: Thanks ^_^. Glad you like them 🙂
@7: Aww thanks 7 ^_^. Lol thank god it hit the right spot XD
@FuyuMaiden: Thanks ^_^. Good Luck with your holiday preparations 🙂
@xiao_jie: Aww thank you so much. And a blog?! I honestly can’t wait for that ^_^!!!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 158 comments
Whos the other tall guy? Oh wait, Im too small!? Or am I the tall guy? Haha. Thats okay,. thats how you see me then. XD
Thank you for the nice drawings!
/saves the images
btw, HA! I beat the record! Im the youngest! XD
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 99 comments
Wow, a new set of manga-fied bloggers! (and there’s the frequent commenters too ^_^)
I like the chibi version of xiao_jie and 7 (megane FTW! lol), they’re so adorable X)
And last but not the least…. THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH for drawing me!!!!!!!!!! It’s so perfect! Love it! Go girl!
And a Merry Christmas to you 🙂
POWUH: iLurker with 19 comments
I’m always the last to comment lol, I’m so slow.
ARIGATOU GOZAIMASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! <— *drools over little neko’s picture, shichi’s picture, yoroshiku picture, and every other one*
Thank you Kanzeon =D
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
@Kairu: Thanks ^_^. Lol 🙂
@mikaino: Oww, thanks and a merry merry Christmas to you too ^_^.
@Maura: Welcome and thank you too ^_^ Lol *wipes the droolage*
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 34 comments
Aw… I wanted to see them, but the pictures won’t show up…. Sad