Kuroshitsuji Ch08 – Finally, they made it happen…


This is not a doujinshi. It’s from the actual manga… ^_^ And OMG I love the fact that they made it happen!!!!!!




Sebastian bloats up my glasses-fetish appetite XD…


Ok, that just gave me a BL vibe… Not that I’m complaining…


Trap Ciel FTW!!!!! I really can’t wait for this to be animated! Kuroshitsuji gets better and better in the manga that I can’t even hold back. It’s just… TOO HOT for words!


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16 Responses to “Kuroshitsuji Ch08 – Finally, they made it happen…”

  1. amayalee says:

    Rofl…really misleading. 😛 It looked so dirty too! XD

  2. escaru says:

    Looks like that scene will appear in this Thursday’s episode; they’re really blazing through the material.

  3. ayumikat says:

    You should check out the preview for next episode on ep.02, that scene of Ciel from the manga is shown…lol.

  4. kanzeon says:

    @amayalee: Lol I love misleading posts^_^

    @escaru: Oh I can’t wait ^_^… Too bad the subs were still on the first episode T.T

    @ayumikat: I haven’t even watched the second episode yet (until I get my hands on the subs).

  5. frog212 says:

    I’m never going to watch this anime now!!

  6. Kitsune says:

    Yeah, I was wondering about that preview shot for the episode four (it looks even more impressive than manga). I see what they did there 😛

  7. EvilDevil says:


    unseee!!! unseee! unsee!!!!!!!1
    my brain hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Shin says:


    And I almost wanted to fap to it too. What a cocktease!

  9. kanzeon says:

    @Shin: Ciel is the only one who could make both Loli and Shota pedobears fap gloriously at the same time.

  10. kashfia says:

    LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…. that was totally misleading

  11. eden says:

    :doomed: :dun: :freeze2: this is how i felt when it ended

  12. Teruki says:

    I bet sebastian liked ting ciel up in a corset like that hehe :thumb:
    but seriously when i first read, my mother was looking over my shoulder and she was like “WTF!” :huhu: but I was liek
    :nosebleeds: fap that shit

  13. Teruki says:

    I bet sebastian liked ting ciel up in a corset like that hehe :thumb:
    but seriously when i first read, my mother was looking over my shoulder-
    and she was all liek :ehh:
    but I was liek :nosebleeds:

  14. silvia says:

    :kissu :kyaa2: :kyaa: :woo :blush4

  15. silvia says:

    😉 😉

  16. Nenene says:

    :yippy :thumb: :kyaa2: :blush2: :cute: :dead :love: :nosebleeds:

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