Thank you for 1000 comments!


Thank you EVERYONE for commenting!!! I’m really appreciating it to the highest ^_^ It brings up a smile on my face, whether if it’s a praise, a suggestion, a correction, or a flame (but I guess I haven’t had any serious one yet…)… You’re words really motivates me to enjoy this blogging stuff! Many thanks to my blogospheric friends/frequent commenters (I’ll keep it on alphabetical order): amayalee, Baka-Raptor, biankita, FuyuMaiden, issa-sa, Kitsune, Llora-chan, omisyth, Shin, xephfyre, and also to my newfound pals 7, foomafoo/jitensha… and BLISSMO I MISS YOU!!! Also thanks to my non-blogging frequenters: my sis CinderBird, bff Solviter and those plenty others… Thanks again everyone (sorry if I have forgotten anyone, but thank you very much from the bottom of my heart) This is such a great milestone. Hope you continue commenting and sharing your thoughts to me because I really care.


Prizes for everyone?







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28 Responses to “Thank you for 1000 comments!”

  1. EvilDevil says:

    most of the comments are made by pedobears, spammers, and yaoi fangurls… just saying… carrot on a stick, and such…

  2. kanzeon says:

    @EvilDevil: At least I have a wide selection of comment-ers ^_^

  3. biankita says:

    damnit… i think that 1000th comment was a troll XD but i’m honored and will be trolling more to achieve your 2000th comment.

    by the way… do i win a prize for being 100th??? XD

  4. kanzeon says:

    @biankita: Apparently none… but you will if you manage to type the millionth 😀 Lol j/k.. Isn’t being blog-buddies the best-est prize in the world???

  5. Shin says:

    I keep missing out on these ‘000 comment gets.

  6. hazy says:

    On the otherhand, I have way more spam in my blog than comments. Akismet is my bestfriend. xDD

    Grats on the 1000th!^^

  7. foomafoo says:

    lol, speaking of that, I have 120 folds of spam than comments XD

  8. kanzeon says:

    @Shin: Lol hope you get it soon ^_^

    @hazy and foomafoo: Lol… My spams only reach 34 so far T.T… Not that I want to get more spams on my blog though XD…

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