I’ll bid farewell…

…to my days of strict, healthy dieting AGAIN:).

My Dad came back from Australia to take a short break from work. And as usual, it can’t be helped that there would be LOTS of goodies to bring home (well, excluding our monthly “goodygoody-BOXES” that he gives us…) See above? Chocolate Underground? Wahahahaha!!! He brought home TONS of chocolates (I don’t even know where to put anymore it since two of our fridges were stuffed…)

Lookie above!! My favorites (that can’t be seen ANYWHERE in our country…) Quatro and the original Tim Tams from down under!!! Good Luck to me… and I’ll pray that I won’t be tempted to eat all of them in a day XD…

And on toys, I have a cute Koala bear (no, unfortunately a stuffed doll only…) and a boxing kangaroo toy (which is fcuking ugly XD) and lots of other Aussie-things (except for a surfboard, lolz)…

I truly, badly wanna the chocos to y’all but I can’t insert my hand on my laptop then give them to you XD so just drool over ^^…

And last but not the least…

I really don’t drink COMMONER’s coffee so I always make my dad bring me grounded coffee beans XD…

And yeah… I’m a spoiled bitch.


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14 Responses to “I’ll bid farewell…”

  1. double says:

    I want some chocolate too *drools*

  2. kanzeon says:

    @double: I wanna give ’em to you too but I can’t just stretch my hand as far to your screen so gomen… Maybe staring at them would help ^^…

  3. rroknedaj says:


  4. Sagacious1 says:

    Holy crap, that diet never stood a chance, I bet.

    You really lucked out with a dad that brings back awesome swag…mine used to get me hats. =\

  5. Shin says:

    I love being a skinny bastard because I get to enjoy all the junk food I want and not get obese. Instead, I’ll probably die of diabetes.

  6. blissmo says:

    I like Picnic better than TimTams …. then again, I don’t even like chocolate lols XD

  7. issa-sa says:

    TIMTAMS ARE AWESOME. And dying of diabetes is better than being accosted by the Chocolate Police, so there.

  8. kanzeon says:

    @rroknedaj: 🙂

    @Sagacious1: OMG there’s also a time were my dad only sent home a massage chair… and hats too

    @Shin: lol. I also stay the way I am thanks to my uber-fast metabolism ^^

    @blissmo: Picnics are found here everywhere…

    @issa-sa: I’d rather be accosted than to be fat lols…

  9. Llora-chan says:

    Chocolate~ ^^ Yep~

  10. xephfyre says:

    LOL, and to think I survived on “commoners coffee” for two years. orz

  11. xxdbxx says:

    Oh your boxing kangaroo is damn ugly to death?
    And I see Cadburrry Snack! My FAVORITE!!!!

  12. biankita says:

    the top deck is making me drool… but i can’t have chocolate at the moment because of my overstuffed nose…

    offtopic: kanzeon, are you going to cosmania in october???

  13. kanzeon says:

    @biankita: It’s on October 12 right? I don’t know yet. Maybe I will if I have free time…

  14. Kitsune says:

    Unfortunately, chocolate is irresistible. Nothing is wrong with giving yourself some treat, but we must be careful not to let it take complete control over us. Everything in moderation! 🙂

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