Anime’s Next Top Model 01: The Girls Go To School

For the very first episode of Anime-NTM, the 10 lucky girls get to show off their modeling-skills with poise and “class”… as their photoshoot is all about SCHOOL!





Yuuki SchoolYUUKI

PhotobucketENMA AI

Chii SchoolCHII






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15 Responses to “Anime’s Next Top Model 01: The Girls Go To School”

  1. Ikarus says:

    C.C & Enma Ai FTW!!!!

  2. loli_slayer says:

    RENA !!!

  3. harlem says:

    *pretends to be a judge*
    ENMA AI is sooo high fashion, Konata is hot with glasses, and Yuuki and Rena are boooring!

    …this is fun!

  4. CinderBird says:

    Enma Ai!!! I can’t believe a Hell Girl can model too!

  5. super rats says:

    Had you given a list with no pictures, I would have never voted for Enma Ai, but that’s the best picture of the bunch, so voted for her.

  6. miku_fan41 says:

    ^^Agree! Enma Ai has the best picture of the bunch!

  7. Shinji says:

    Lol, this ANTM thing is fun. Nice feature Metatr0n! I’m getting excited on what other ‘photoshoots’ on the next rounds… Is there lingerie? Lolz…

    …Anyway, I’m voting for CC!!!

  8. teddyrock02 says:

    Its hard to choose! Maybe I’ll go for Eve…
    …and vote for Ai tomorrow!

  9. glam.angel says:

    Enma Ai ftw!

  10. […] PLUS for those who have voted on Anime-NTM, you can still vote per day, per IP address (just in case you don’t know…) so keep your […]

  11. […] PLUS for those who have voted on Anime-NTM, you can still vote per day, per IP address (just in case you don’t know…) so keep your […]

  12. metatr0n says:

    You can vote once per day so you can vote for the same girl or different girls everyday ok?

  13. issa-sa says:

    There better be an ‘episode’ where Tyr- I mean you go emo on the girls for some random reason 😛

  14. metatr0n says:

    issa-sa: LOL… I’ll think about that… hehe..

  15. Itsikemn says:

    I vote for Haruhi, but not for the picture… just loyalty:D

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